Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My Telephone Conversation With Ali Akbar and Robert Stacy McCain Tonight

Ali Akbar called me tonight and I had a nice phone conversation with him and with Stacy McCain.  It was good to hear Stacy's Southern lilt again, as we haven't talked in months.

It seems my fears were misplaced.  Ali has been quite active behind the scenes to reinstate the National Bloggers Club with the Secretary of State of Texas, and that should happen fairly soon.  There is more good news, but I am not at liberty to discuss it at the current time.  In any case, my confidence in Ali Akbar was given a booster shot.

Brett Kimberlin has NOT taken over the National Bloggers Club, and has no legal standing to order anyone to do anything with regards to the NBC.

Ali says he is interested in having me be the NBC's accountant, and we will work together to bring everything current and to bring the books into shape.  I look forward to this, as a way to serve the conservative blogging community.

Expect good things.  If you are a member of the National Bloggers Club, remain so; if all goes according to plan, things are going to get a lot better.


  1. Kimberlin Unmasked3/13/2014 6:54 PM

    This is very good news indeed!

  2. Yes. Thanks KU. Then it will be payback time.
