Sunday, February 01, 2015

Superbowl Sunday, But Not For Me. Band Update.

I won't be watching much of the Super Bowl today, if any.  I must venture out to do taxes for some of my personal clients.  I don't really care much which team wins today -- they both represent very "progressive" areas.

At big band practice last Thursday, the band director was very encouraging, complimenting my bass playing and saying that "the bass is the most important instrument in the group."  Of course I always knew that.  However, I suspect he was exaggerating.  All those trumpets, trombones and saxophones count a little.  The drummer and guitar player add somewhat as well.

Of course, they were all giving me dirty looks after the director's comment.  I simply stuck my tongue out at them and turned up my volume.

Well one more cup of coffee and then I have to hit the door.  Have a great Sunday.


  1. Uh - NO! The drummer is the most important!!!! Bass us number two. Thank you very much...

  2. Sorry, I got it straight from the band leader's mouth. Nyaaa Nyaaa!
