Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"The battle over the Confederate Flag is on and Republicans are betraying their base." Jesse Lee Peterson (Video)

Another black Southerner is making sense.  Jesse Lee Peterson explains why the liberals and the GOP are trying to destroy Southern history.  He says: "The battle over the Confederate Flag is on and Republicans are betraying their base." and "Confederate Flag Haters Are Like ISIS Destroying Christian Artifacts."


  1. "Republicans are betraying their base"

    The Stupid Party operates on the assumption that we have nowhere else to go, that they can dump on us all day long and one and we'll still go out and vote for them because they can dog whistle that the Democrats are worse.

    So far, we haven't proven them wrong.

    Which is why they keep on doing it.

  2. Like you, Countenance, I am supporting Trump! Enough with the RINOs.
