Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014

Today is the anniversary of the 9-11 Muslim attack on America, in which 2,996 Americans and others died.  They died because of Islam.  Islam is all about murdering non-believers.  It is a barbaric ideology that should have died with the dark ages.  Now, however, it is back in full bloom, seeking to spread its poisonous "religion" all over the globe by sheer force and terror.

While we honor and remember the 2,996 who died thirteen years ago today, we must remember what Thomas Jefferson once said, that "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."  Today we have a greatly weakened military and a President with little or no resolve to protect Americans from external threats, except to make empty speeches and blame everything on his predecessor.  Perhaps Obama will finally be motivated to use his secret weapon, the Twitter hashtag:  #warisbad, #dontdodat.

Now Obama has announced war on the Islamic State (ISIS), but it will be a war by committee.  Most other Muslim countries will be invited to participate.  The US will not put boots on the ground, but will instead supply weaponry to Muslim countries who are under attack by ISIS.  Meanwhile, Obama will make brave speeches and little else.

The main reason for Obama's "war by committee" is to diffuse blame in case the project fails, to spread responsibility among many, to protect himself from accountability.  It is the coward's way to fight a war.

ISIS will continue attacking and conquering other Muslim states, who will fold in short order.  ISIS will then appropriate all that American weaponry to continue its expansion across Arabia.

What can we do to protect ourselves?  Lacking a responsible and decisive administration, the answer is "not much."  Vote for conservatives in the November midterms, and try to hold on for two more years of Milquetoast Barack Obama.


  1. Thank you for not including the terrorists in the death toll
    of 9/11.

    I will be voting a strong conservative ticket this November.
    Voting is more

    important then ever.

  2. Always On Watch9/13/2014 5:26 AM

    I totally concur: ISIS will continue attacking and conquering other Muslim states, who
    will fold in short order. ISIS will then appropriate all that American
    weaponry to continue its expansion across Arabia.

    Obama has been making nice-nice with Islam ever since he took office. Islamomaniacs detected weakness. So now we've arrived to this sorry point with ISIS.

    November 2014 will be the National IQ Test!

  3. You are so right, SarahSue. I will vote the same as you.

  4. AOW, the more Obama makes nice-nice with Muslims, the more violent and aggressive they become. Yes, ISIS knows Obama won't do much to stop them. Talk about an empty suit!

  5. DonaldDouglas9/13/2014 11:26 AM

    "What can we do to protect ourselves? Lacking a responsible and decisive administration, the answer is "not much." Vote for conservatives in the November midterms, and try to hold on for two more years of Milquetoast Barack Obama."

    This is exactly right. We've got to ride it out until 2017, and with luck the voters will have elected a half decent candidate to start digging us out of the mess we've been in this last few years.

  6. Thanks Donald! It will be a rough ride for two more years. I just hope China and/or Russia doesn't get aggressive in the meantime. If ever they were going to commit aggression, this would be the time to do it.
