Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Moonbattery: Dukes of Hazzard and the War of Obliteration Against the South

David Blount comes through again with the perfect description of the latest anti-Southern cultural atrocity.
Oppression does not need to be inflicted directly by the government for a society to be totalitarian. On the contrary, in a truly totalitarian society, the oppression is so ubiquitous, the government hardly needs to get involved. An example would be the USA in 2015, where a television standard that has been part of our culture for decades is going down the memory hole because the flag on the roof of a car is now regarded as a thought crime. Good-bye Dukes of Hazzard; you were just a little too Southern to be permitted...
Read it all here.

Blount is a true friend of the South.  His readers and commenters are pretty great, too.  Read Blount often at


  1. DonaldDouglas7/01/2015 9:11 PM

    Is a "true friend of the South" someone who gives the KKK a pass?

    Still waiting for your blog post on that, Stogie.

  2. Donald, if you don't stop trying to connect the South (and me) with the Klan, I will ban your ass from commenting here. Are you so desperate to make points that have to resort to this kind of slander?

  3. DonaldDouglas7/02/2015 4:25 PM

    Not desperate, Stogie. Just interested in what you have to say about it. Is that unreasonable?

    In any case, I've got a new post up at my place:
