Sunday, November 12, 2006

Mark Steyn Honors Saber Point With a Link

Starting a web log (blog) is easy; getting noticed is not. Many times in the past eight months I have considered adding the sound of crickets to my main page to acknowledge the sparse visitors. Yesterday things changed.

Yesterday morning I sat down and knocked off a post about a book I am reading, Mark Steyn's "America Alone." Around 2 PM I checked my blog stats and noticed a huge spike in the number of visitors. I checked further and found many new visitors were being directed from Mark Steyn's website where Mark had placed a link to my review of his book (see my post of yesterday, immediately preceding this one.)

Thanks to Mark Steyn, who is, by the way, one of my favorite conservative pundits, Saber Point received the largest number of one-day hits in its eight months of existence. They are still coming today. The number of countries visiting this site are now at 100.

Mark Steyn is a very talented and humorous writer. He entertains you at the same time he is educating you. Needless to say I am honored that one of my heroes has acknowledged my existence.

Check out his website at or Either link will take you there.