Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dan Rather In Denial: Sues for $70 Million

This is the week of the Weird. Dan Rather tried to sway a Presidential election in 2004 through a CBS segment that claimed Bush had received preferential treatment as a member of the Air National Guard. To prove it, Rather published documents purporting to be from Bush's former commanders in the Guard, disdaining pressure for them to provide such treatment.

Unfortunately for Dan Rather, the whole thing blew up in his face when the Blogsphere proved dramatically that the documents were forgeries that had been typed with Microsoft Word, not on a 1970's typewriter. Bush was reelected and Rather forced to publicly apologize. He later lost his job with CBS. Good riddance to bad journalism.

Incredibly, this week he filed suit against CBS for ruining his reputation, claiming that the "facts" in his presentation were true and that the documents had never been proven to be forgeries.

If this goes to trial, it will provide the defense with the opportunity to show just how transparently fraudulent the documents actually were.

But Dan Rather isn't crazy - he's just in deep denial.

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