Sunday, July 30, 2023

Is San Francisco Becoming a Ghost Town?

What happens to a once vibrant city after it is captured by the far left?  In a nutshell, this:

1. Crime soars and goes unpunished as police services are curtailed and defunded
2.  Businesses close and move out due to massive shoplifting
3.  Homelessness and joblessness grow exponentially
4.  Streets become filled with camping tents, used drug needles, graffiti, rubbish, human excrement and the stench of urine
5.  Streets become dangerous for muggings, robbery and rape
6.  Drug dealing, drug use and prostitution become rampant

The following recent video shows the effects of progressive policies on the downtown business sector.

Progressivism is anti-human and anti-civilization.  It is more of a form of madness than a political philosophy.