Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Joys of Reading the Qur'an

I received this message from Guy, a conservative farmer in Oregon. It's good enough to post as an article in itself!
Hey Stogie, I too took a shot at reading the Koh-ran, as we say in southern Oregon. I had hoped there might be even a grain or two of mystic revelation, understanding of human nature or thoughtful reflection on the mind of god. Imagine my disappointment. Now I know what those moslems mean when their eyes go all flat and they say "you westerners just don't understand the holy teachings!" Of course we don't understand, that is the whole point, there is nothing to understand. Just unflagging robot like adherence. A sort of death impelled spiritual automaton wherein all choice and semblence of consciousness is squeezed out of us. Reading the koh-ran was a beneficial experience, much like getting chicken pox. I won't have to go through that again.


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