Little Green Footballs has posted a Google video of the
UK Channel 4 documentary, "The Global Warming Swindle." It's an hour and 16 minutes long, but worth every minute. This documentary thoroughly debunks the man-made global warming theory and explains the political and economic forces behind it. It also shows why the Global Warming movement is highly destructive to the developing world (like Africa), sentencing millions to miserable poverty and shorter lives.
Global Warming (GW) has become a quasi-religion of the Left, and they are impatient and intolerant of differing views (gee, who would've thought that?). GW is the new
Luddite philosophy, the great Leftist belief in the idylic life of peasants living next to nature. They hate modernity and development and capitalism, especially the great bastion of these things, the United States.
The GW movement claims that CO2 is the green house gas most responsible for man-made climate change. They believe that CO2 levels are rising due to man-made industrialization and the use of fossile fuels, causing rapid warming of the earth. For this reason the movement seeks to impose on Africa and other developing regions limits on electricity and power produced by conventional means. Africa, which is rich in both coal and oil, cannot use these resources. Its poor peasants are only to be allowed solar and wind energy to produce their power, which costs three times as much as conventional means and is far less reliable and productive. For that reason, African moms will continue to burn firewood and dried animal dung on the floor of their huts to cook meals. With no electricity, they have few alternatives.
The man-made global warming theory featured in Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth" is that that this increase in Carbon Dioxide is causing earth's temperature to rise and it will eventually lead to environmental disasters like the melting of the polar ice caps, rapid rises in sea levels, tidal waves and flooding of civilization. Starvation and disease will quickly follow. Gore's film showed a scary graph of global warming and cooling cycles over several millenia, with another graph of CO2 levels just beneath it. The peaks and valleys of the two graphs closely resemble one another, showing that there is indeed a connection between global warming and CO2 in the atmosphere. However, Mr. Gore has put two and two together and gotten five.
The belief that CO2 produces global warming is the reverse of the truth: global warming produces carbon dioxide, not the other way around. Gases more readily dissolve in cold liquids than in warm ones. As the atmosphere warms, carbon dioxide dissolved in the sea escapes into the atmosphere. The sea contains the greatest concentration of carbon dioxide and is the greatest source of it (about 70% of all CO2 on earth is in the sea). Samples of ice cores from the antarctic show that carbon dioxide levels follow global warming by a period of about 800 years. So Al Bore's graphs do not prove what he thinks they do.
Even if CO2 did cause warming (which it does not), man's production of CO2 is miniscule compared to that produced by volcanos, animals and the sea itself. Further, in the period between 1940 and 1980, there was a great period of industrialization that, by global warming theory, should have produced warming. But that 40 year period was one of cooling, not warming. Because of this, some scientists in the 1970's feared that a new ice age was coming.
The scientists interviewed by Channel 4 state that earth's climate change is most heavily impacted by two factors: solar activity and cloud formation. Solar activity is what warms the earth and cloud formations help to keep it cool. The clouds bounce the solar rays back into space. Cloud formation depends on cosmic rays from outer space, which have an effect on water vapor in the atmosphere. However, in periods of high solar activity (sun spots and other phenomena), the solar wind blocks the cosmic rays from entering earth's atmosphere. Fewer clouds are formed as a result and the temperature rises. Human beings have no impact on these natural forces.
Historically, climate warming trends occur every 1,500 years, and they have never proved to be catastrophic. Indeed, a warmer earth has allowed more land in northern regions to be cultivated and farmed, as Greenland was during the last warming cycle. Hundreds of years ago, cold and foggy England was warm enough to produce vineyards and a flourishing wine industry. Indeed, the polar ice caps did not melt and the sea levels did not rise precipitously. How these past periods of warming were bad for the earth or for humanity is not obvious.
The forces pushing the man-made global warming hoax are both political and economic. With so many people fooled by its flawed science, politicians have to at least give lip service to it to avoid alienating constituencies. With 4 billion dollars in US grant money given each year for global warming research, GW theorists have a vested interest in keeping the theory alive.
But it's a crock, and a damaging and dangerous crock at that. If the theory is allowed to proliferate, the losers will be the human race. The good news is that more and more scientists are stepping forward to rebut the theory and provide information on its false assumptions and premises. Ann Coulter once said that the Left has been wrong about everything for the past fifty years. It seems they are wrong about global warming as well.