I do not understand how anyone can defend the building of a Mosque on Ground Zero.
I was in NY for Games 3,4 & 5 of the 2001 World Series... I remember flying to New York with a plane 1/4 full, because people were not comfortable flying yet. I had the opportunity to look down on Ground Zero from the 17th floor of a building on the edge of the site. It was a horrific sight.
I felt the City come together, celebrating back to back 9th inning combacks in Games 4 & 5. I am not a New Yorker, nor a Yankee fan... but to this day I cannot match the feeling that I felt in the Upper Deck of Yankee Stadium. It was the beginning of healing for a city and nation in deep mourning.
We as Americans have a short memory.... in many cases it serves us well, but in this case it doesn't. The press and our leaders are outraged at the planned burning of the Koran, and are afraid of the possible ramifications. Yet, we the American people are suppose to sit idly by, while our willingness to forgive, and our promotion of freedom is being taking advantage of by a cynical force.
There is really something wrong with this picture.
Geert Wilders is a joke in Europe, where only uneducated extremists are attracted by his hate-mongering. He is however greatly feared by the miniorities he attack - often weak and marginalised in the society - and I find it greatly disturbing that he gets a stage in the US, the nation of tolerance. Listen to him, he is not merely talking about the symbolic act of a muslim centre close to Ground Zero, he condemns an entire religion, with hundreds of millions of followers in mostly moderate countries like Indonesia.
David, I see you have been drinking the kool-aid. I join with Wilders in attacking Islam, as it is a mass-murdering, genocidal and barbaric ideology. It has provided no benefit to man whatsoever. Its main contribution to mankind is millions of dead bodies.
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We must draw a line in the sand!
I do not understand how anyone can defend the building of a Mosque on Ground Zero.
I was in NY for Games 3,4 & 5 of the 2001 World Series... I remember flying to New York with a plane 1/4 full, because people were not comfortable flying yet. I had the opportunity to look down on Ground Zero from the 17th floor of a building on the edge of the site. It was a horrific sight.
I felt the City come together, celebrating back to back 9th inning combacks in Games 4 & 5. I am not a New Yorker, nor a Yankee fan... but to this day I cannot match the feeling that I felt in the Upper Deck of Yankee Stadium. It was the beginning of healing for a city and nation in deep mourning.
We as Americans have a short memory.... in many cases it serves us well, but in this case it doesn't. The press and our leaders are outraged at the planned burning of the Koran, and are afraid of the possible ramifications. Yet, we the American people are suppose to sit idly by, while our willingness to forgive, and our promotion of freedom is being taking advantage of by a cynical force.
There is really something wrong with this picture.
PJM, that's the best comment you ever posted here. Well said!
Geert Wilders is a joke in Europe, where only uneducated extremists are attracted by his hate-mongering. He is however greatly feared by the miniorities he attack - often weak and marginalised in the society - and I find it greatly disturbing that he gets a stage in the US, the nation of tolerance. Listen to him, he is not merely talking about the symbolic act of a muslim centre close to Ground Zero, he condemns an entire religion, with hundreds of millions of followers in mostly moderate countries like Indonesia.
David, I see you have been drinking the kool-aid. I join with Wilders in attacking Islam, as it is a mass-murdering, genocidal and barbaric ideology. It has provided no benefit to man whatsoever. Its main contribution to mankind is millions of dead bodies.
You are a fool.
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