Monday, December 18, 2006

Islamic Misogyny or Women As Tents

American Thinker has a nice piece on "Islam's Apartheid" today: how Muslims treat women. How do they treat women? Like shit, actually.

Islamic culture and Islamic law are insane in many ways, and their treatment of women is a glaring example. In Islam the genders have to be scrupulously segregated. No mixing of men and women in social situations. President Imadinnerplate of Iran even plans to have different sidewalks, one for men and one for women.

Islam is so unnatural and extreme. Sexual desire, which is a natural phenomenon that is designed to propagate the species, is the worse kind of sin in Islam. All sexual desire must be ruthlessly suppressed. Horrors, to think that men might accidentally be attracted to women. So to prevent it they cover women from head to foot with their ugly chadors, hijabs and burqas. No man should be allowed to view a female face lest he begin to think natural thoughts of love, romance and yes, sex.

In order to more fully suppress the possibility of consensual sex, women are "circumcised," that is, they have their clitorises cut off. It is really a form of female castration. Get rid of the sex organ that God and nature provided; it was a mistake; women are not supposed to get turned on or to enjoy sex, not even with their husbands. To ensure their virginity and chastity, their vaginas are then sewn shut like a Christmas turkey. Barbaric? Yes, but then what aspect of Islam is not? On the plus side, at least they don't stuff them with bread crumbs.
Finally, if all else fails and a woman is seduced without the benefit of marriage, they simply stone her to death. That's one of the reasons we say Muslims are still living in "the Stone Age." We mean that quite literally. Remember that old Bob Dylan tune, "Everyone Must Get Stoned"? That's now the national anthem of Iran. .
Because unapproved sex is a capital offense in Islam (at least for women), men often have to turn to desperate measures for relief. Men having sex with young boys is permissible, but men having sex with other men is not. You see, the former is non-consensual sex with an innocent party, and in Islam everything is inverted. Non-consensual sex (we call it rape) of boys is okay, but men doing it with other men is a capital offense. They hang the men for doing that. When they say Iranian men are well hung they mean it in a totally different context than what you might think. (Actually the correct term is "well-hanged.")
Okay, say an unmarried man is horny and there are no young boys available. In Islam he might pay a visit to the barn and pick out a lovely goat. Or he might practice "thighing" on an infant daughter or niece. This is also okay. Remember, sex with boys, goats and infants is okay. Just don't try it with a woman. (How unnatural! What on earth were you thinking??)
Of course, there are rules; if you get it on with your goat you can't eat the goat (i.e. as in cooking) but must sell it outside the city walls to strangers. You don't have to tell them the goat isn't a virgin, apparently. Hmm, kind of reminds me of that Gene Wilder movie where he falls in love with a sheep. There's a scene in a motel where the sheep is walking around in the bed in black net stockings and lipstick. That one must have driven Muslim men nuts. (Do order the video "barnyard critters gone wild" for your next Muslim bachelor party.) I have often heard it said that Muslim men treat their women like livestock. Apparently, the opposite is also true. Who knew?
Yes, Muslim men, if there are no goats, boys or infants available, wait until you are married. Your bride can then be taken when and where you want, following the dictums of Mohammed, even while riding a camel. Sounds less than romantic to me and perhaps even painful, but there were no motels or backseats in Mo's time. Yes, you can remove the sewed string on her vital parts and have at it. If she doesn't please you, you can beat the hell out of her. Mo says that's okay too.