Friday, June 22, 2007

Sir Salman Rushdie

Congratulations to Sir Salman Rushdie for his recent knighthood by the Queen of England. The Muslim fanatics are all atwitter with their usual vile bile, this time directed at the Queen. They hate Rushdie because he wrote a book about the "Satanic Verses" in the Qur'an.

If I remember correctly, the "Satanic Verses" are the part that tell of Muhammad's big faux pas before his return to Mecca. He wanted to make peace with the Meccans, so gave his blessing to two of their female gods in the Kaaba. Since both of these gods were rocks, Muhammad went against his main ideology of opposing idolatry and polytheism. He even said that people could pray to these two rocks. Later, he backtracked and recanted these concessions, claiming that he was momentarily misled by Satan. It was a very embarrassing mistake for the "prophet," and is an embarrassment to Muslims today.

Anyway, since Salman Rushdie wrote a book about these verses, Muslim leaders were chagrined and do what they usually do in such circumstances: they ordered Rushdie's death.

The fact that Rushdie was knighted this week really galls them. Political correctness dictates that the queen behead Rushdie, not honor him. Guess the Queen didn't get the memo.

If you're interested in which of the Qur'an's verses are Satanic, here's an explanation. There are 114 chapters, and 6,226 verses in the Qur'an. The Satanic ones start at verse 1 and end at verse 6,226. You can't miss 'em.