While at his friend's place, McNulty observed a man keying his car multiple times, making huge scratches in the paint to the tune of $2,400 in damages. Because of the monetary level of damages, the act was a felony under Illinois law.
Sgt McNulty confronted the vandal, who made anti-military comments to McNulty. McNulty called the police and had the vandal arrested. However, the vandal turned out to be Chicago Attorney Jay R. Grodner. Grodner refused probation for his vandalism and refused to pay for the damages to Mike's car, except for the $100 deductible not covered by Mike's insurance.
Mike has insisted on prosecuting Grodner for the vandalism, but since Grodner is an attorney, that will be difficult. Grodner is expected to file for a continuance of the trial until after Sgt. McNulty has redeployed to Iraq (he leaves January 2nd), when McNulty will be unable to appear, allowing Grodner to win by default.
Another Chicago attorney has recommended calling Groder or dropping him an email, and has provided contact information.
Law Offices of Jay R. Grodner
Phone: (312) 236-1142 Fax: (312) 236-6036
Email: jayrg8@aol.com
Web: http://www.jaygrodner.com/
However, I notice that his website does not respond, so he may have taken it down.
His contact information is publicly available. If you want to write him a letter you can get his address in any address search engine (try zabasearch.com).
DO NOT harrass or threaten Grodner nor do any damage to his property. We don't fight that way. The public humiliation of this asshat should be sufficient. That and a successful felony prosecution, if one can be arranged. Do what you can by spreading the word.
Read Black Five for further information and suggestions.