Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Black Conservative Heroes

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There has been a lot of anger generated over racist pastor Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama's rationalizations for their association. However, we must never forget that there are many black people who are not angry, white-hating, America-despising neurotics. In fact, some of the most intelligent and accomplished among conservatives are black scholars. Take a look at the honors and degrees and accomplishments of these men in the picture above -- they are truly impressive.

These conservative icons are the epitome of personal courage and conviction, often suffering social ostracism and character assassination by liberal blacks, the mainstream media, the Democratic Party and various liberals in academia and other pulpits. The easy thing is just to "go along" with the left, take the path of least resistance, be feted and celebrated by the majority of one's peers and the liberal establishment. These men, however, chose a more difficult path, based on their own personal principles and notions of right and wrong.

At this time I believe it is important that we remember these great men and to express our admiration and support.

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