I see Barack as dangerously naive. His recent series of gaffes and crazy statements scare me, e.g., that Americans should please the rest of the world by not air conditioning our homes, not driving SUV's or eating our fill. He remarked that since we are only 3% of the population we should not be using 25% of the world's energy supply.
It was an incredibly stupid remark - we are far more productive on a per citizen basis than any other country, so we use more energy. We pay for that energy through our productivity. In order to reduce our energy usage to 3% (to match our population) we would essentially become a third world backwater and be living in poverty. The rest of the world would suffer for it too, since we export a lot of goods, services and food to other countries.
I don't care about the color of Obama's skin, I care about the color of his politics, and they are a flaming socialist red. His friendships and associations with radicals and extremists, his membership in a racist church, his obvious lack of affection for the country he wants to lead (the flag pin and refusal to salute the flag), his brazen ignorance of the most basic economics, all indicate a stealth radical.
He is far from a mainstream candidate. With Obama in the White House you can expect the following:
1. Higher taxes and a damaged economy.
2. Lower defense spending, demoralization and a weakening of the armed forces by shifting defense appropriations to new entitlement programs.
3. Higher energy prices as new oil refineries will not be built, new oil drilling will not be allowed -- instead, oil companies will be greatly taxed, more closely regulated and their productivity reduced.
4. A further weakening and defunding of our intelligence agencies, i.e. the FBI and the CIA.
5. Recognition of and granting prestige to radical and terrorist leaders worldwide, e.g. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez and Kim Jong Il.
6. A precipitous pull out of all troops from Iraq, emboldening terrorists to continue attacking our interests around the world.
7. Increased attacks on Israel and greater Israeli deaths, as terrorists know that Obama will do nothing to stop them.
8. Proliferation of North Korean nuclear arms to terrorist states.
9. A plethora of new government laws regulating private personal behavior, including what we eat, drink, drive and wear, "for our own good."
10. Increased flows of illegal immigrants into the United States, further draining public resources.
Normally, Republicans could mobilize to thwart Obama's initiatives, but Republicans will most likely be in the minority and unable to override Obama's vetoes. A lot of damage will be done before a disgruntled populace awakens to turn the Dems out.
There is a chance that McCain can defeat Obama, especially since Obama's radicalism and inexperience are beginning to alarm more and more people. That would be a victory for the country but would also have unpleasant side effects. A thousand new conspiracy theories will emerge to explain the loss; many people will imagine racists pulling secret levers and repressing votes and stealing the election. Will race riots follow? Considering how polarized this country has become, it is entirely possible.
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