Saturday, October 04, 2008

McCain Promises a Fiercer Fight

McCain has promised a "fiercer fight" against Obama in the remaining debates. With a month to go before the election, it is still possible to turn this election around. However, the tides of public opinion are now against him and it will be an uphill battle.

McCain can enhance his chances by focusing, finally, on the following:
1. Obama's radical associations with admitted Communist terrorists, i.e. William Ayers and Benardine Dohrn;
2. The culpability of the Democratic Party in the subprime mortgage mess and Obama's opposition to Bush and McCain's attempts to head off the crisis as much as two years ago;
3. Obama's socialist agenda that will raise taxes, suppress economic activity and deepen the recession, and
4. Obama's plans to downsize the military budget and his naivite in the face of totalitarian threats around the world.

McCain has to lose the nice guy approach and come out swinging. If he doesn't, he can kiss this election goodbye.