Apparently, the American Spectator has removed all articles and all mention of Brett Kimberlin from its website. Kimberlin recently released the American Spectator from his absurd RICO lawsuit against numerous conservative bloggers and pundits, and so it indeed appears that the American Spectator caved. It has acquiesced to legal extortion and lawfare, and opted for self-censorship. This is troubling and puzzling, because it appears certain the RICO lawsuit will soon fail due to res judicata, i.e., the same charges in the RICO suit were dismissed in the state civil trial, and may not be relitigated in another forum.
I don't usually read the American Spectator, and do not have it linked in my left sidebar. I have only read it when someone provided a link to an article of interest. In any case, I will now avoid it like the plague.
Ken White at Popehat has more details of this story here.
Second Sunday of Lent
1 hour ago