I haven't written for several days. Sometimes I just don't have much to say. But if I did, here is what I would say:
Islam -- With the advent of ISIS and beheadings occurring within the United States, people seem increasingly aware of the evil and violent nature of this terrible religion. It should be banned from all western countries and its adherents deported. If we are going to allow Islam in the USA, we might as well allow cannibalism and human sacrifice. The last two items are no more shocking than the practices of Islam. Related Post at Right Truth: At War With Islam.
Obama -- His glaring incompetence has become so acute that even liberal newspapers and pundits are criticizing him. Will this spell a Republican victory in the November midterms? It's hard to say. Never bet on the intelligence of the average voter.
Rush Limbaugh -- It has come to light that Media Matters and a few fascist Democrat activists have been running a scam to scare away advertisers on Limbaugh's radio program. They are using automatic Twitter feeds to target Rush's advertisers, trying to make their suppression of alternate views seem like a grass roots movement. Typical of the left: they cannot win an honest debate, so try to silence or slime the opposition in any way possible. Truly, "politics is war by other means," and the Democrats are high practitioners of the art.
California's Drought -- Here in California, we go through droughts fairly regularly. Finally, the rain will start again and we'll get drenched. The current drought, however, is particularly long-lasting. Sunny California and all that. Yes, too much sun is not a good thing. We need the wet stuff. If we don't get it soon, water rationing will begin. Today the sky is blue and cloudless. Rain damn you!
In spite of the drought, my persimmon tree is chock full of fruit. This will be our biggest harvest yet. Persimmon trees only produce every other year. Last year we had around 8 persimmons. This year it will be ten times that much. We'll give a lot of it away. The fruit will be ripe enough to pick around November 1st.
Second Sunday of Lent
1 hour ago