An article in the New York Times has revealed that Officer Wilson reasonably feared for his life when he shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri two months ago. Wilson said that Brown had pinned him in his police car and reached for Wilson's gun. The gun was fired twice in the car (by whom is not clear), hitting Brown in the arm and the second shot missed. Brown's blood on the gun and on the door panel of Wilson's car corroborates this.
The Times article made a big point out of saying that Wilson's version of events were different from those of Brown's partner-in-crime, Dorian Johnson, a thug with a record of lying to the police, and Brown's accomplice in the robbing of a convenience store just before Brown was shot. The Times refers to Johnson as "Mr. Johnson," and treats his dubious version of events as credible.
Now the Black underclass in Ferguson are promising that "the whole country will burn" if Wilson is not indicted. Of course, that's just a lot of bravado and braggadocio from ghetto trash. For their sake, I do hope they are wrong. I personally am quite fed up with the Black population's crime rate, anti-white racism, and extortionate threats of violence unless justice is perverted to favor their hatreds and delusions.
And I am armed.
In This House We Believe In Science
1 hour ago