Happy Easter, Adrienne. I think I'll make it but plan on extreme laziness following April 15. I get my second cataract surgery on April 28, and have opted to have two good eyes instead of that uni-vision (or whatever you call it).
Jefferson on Executive Action
Jefferson was ever committed to tripartite governmental powers, comprising
an executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. Each branch, he asserts
to Geo...
1 day ago
Commenting and Graphics Policy
I create a lot of original graphics that I post on this site and anyone is free to use them. Links and attribution are appreciated. The graphics I create are signed "Stogie."
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If you have any comments, suggestions or news, please contact me at stogiechomper "at" gmail.com.
Happy and Blessed Easter to you Stogie. Are you going to make it through tax season?
Happy Easter, Adrienne. I think I'll make it but plan on extreme laziness following April 15. I get my second cataract surgery on April 28, and have opted to have two good eyes instead of that uni-vision (or whatever you call it).
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