I love to draw cartoons and poke fun at Islam. I agree with Ali Sina at FaithFreedom.og: ridiculing evil is a good strategy. As Sina puts it:
Why mock Islam? Because it is therapeutic! Mocking is a very powerful way to convince those who are unwilling to think to do it. Shame is a great motivator. But opposing this evil is not all fun and games. The many bloggers who have joined this fight know that, in a few decades, the West will be mortally compromised and weakened if things do not change. Islam is not a religion as much as it is the new totalitarianism, replacing Communism and Fascism as the next challenge to freedom and peace. So what can the average citizen do? Where do you start? How can you help?
I asked all these questions a year and a half ago. I decided to start by educating myself as to what Islam is and what it teaches, and to understand, if possible, Islamic hatred and violence against the rest of mankind. I went to Amazon and searched the book titles, and bought a copy of the Quran and two books on Islam. The two books were "Sword of the Prophet" by Serge Trifkovic and "Onward Muslim Soldiers" by Robert Spencer. I read "Sword of the Prophet" first, and was disturbed and disgusted to learn how evil Muhammad actually was. I had no idea how many people he robbed, murdered, raped and enslaved. I quickly learned that Islam was just as bad as 9/11 led me to suspect.
After reading Spencer's book, I next found "Prophet of Doom," a book you can download free from the web (see my link). Craig Winn, the author, was scalding in his criticism of the religion, but backed up everything he said with references to Islamic scriptures from the Quran and the Hadith (those are the holy books of Islam - more about them another time). In fact, Winn takes the reader on a tour of the Quran and the Hadith and covers most of them. He gives a lot of history of Arabia and how religion evolved there, of Muhammad's life and deeds. Winn gives a lot of background and insight into what happened and why. An added pleasure of reading "Prophet of Doom" is that it is often hilarious - Winn seems to agree with the use of humor as a weapon, and he wields this sword with great skill.
After that, I started ordering many more books on Islam and began learning as much as I could. I am currently reading William Muir's scholarly work "Life of Mahomet," published in 1861.
I am now more informed than most Americans about Islam, its history, its teachings, its ideology. There is no doubt in my mind that Islam is evil and must be destroyed. If it is not destroyed, it will continue to kill, oppress and enslave millions of people. I am dedicated to helping in that effort however I may.
After informing yourself, the next step is to help get the word out. We have to awaken the populace at large to the danger. Next, we have to elect politicians who understand it and are willing to work for the longterm preservation of the West with its freedoms and pluralism.
Movements are forming and growing, such as the Blue Scarf revolution in Europe and Canada. People of all walks of life are joining together to educate themselves and to form coping strategies. Whether you are Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, straight or gay, man or woman, you have a major stake in the outcome of this fight.
A major obstacle that stands in our way of progress is leftist philosophies such as cultural relativism and
political correctness. Both of these errant ideologies suppress unpleasant truths and are based on the false premise that all cultures and religions are equal. They are not. At least one, Islam, is murderous and violent and oppressive in the extreme. Help us fight against it in peaceful, lawful ways. Organize, speak out, resist and defy this evil!