Fox News interviewed him a few days ago on his views about Islam and it is an interesting video to say the least. Watch it here.
In the past few days I have been having a conversation with a former political/cultural enemy, only now we are not attacking each other, just explaining our views, knowing full well that we will never agree on everything, but seeking to make ourselves understood.
His name is Ed, and he is under the impression, like so many people these days, that Islam is just another religion. Yes, it has its violent fanatics, but all religions have violent fanatics. This view is true, but it is superficial. There are hundreds of thousands, and perhaps several million Muslims who believe in violence to further their religion. That's because Islam's holiest of books and scriptures command violence against unbelievers, as well as against adulterers, gays, people who change from Islam to another religion, Jews (just for being Jews) and authors who "insult" Islam (by telling the truth about it) like the Danish cartoonists or Salmond Rushdie, author of the Satanic Verses, or filmmakers like Theo Van Gogh.
Islam is evil, not because it is different from Christianity or Judaism or Hinduism or Buddhism; it is evil BECAUSE IT KILLS PEOPLE, lots of people, all the time and for fourteen centuries now. It is an evil ideology that is completely incompatible with western style democracies and pluralistic, tolerant societies. Are we, in the name of tolerance, to give succor to intolerance? Or to commit political and actual suicide? I think not.
But is it good fo "fan the flames," knowing that Wilder's new film will cause mouth-foaming outrage in the Islamic world? Yes, it is good. It is time to stop self-censoring because of political correctness or because we fear being murdered by jihadists. It is time to hold Islam accountable for its violence and intolerance. It is time to let Muslims everywhere know that "killing for God" IS NOT OKAY.