Friday, July 04, 2008

Obama's Birth Certificate - a Forgery After All?

Atlas Shrugs is peddling a new theory that Obama's birth certificate was indeed forged, and that a leftwing blogger has admitted it. Oh sure. First this Geller character says the certificate released by the Daily Kos didn't have a state seal of Hawaii to prove its authenticity. So we contacted the Daily Kos and they said there was a digital error in the original release, and they have issued a corrected version, the true and authentic version, of Barack Obama's birth certificate proving that he was indeed born in the State of Hawaii and therefore eligible to run for President of the United States.

The truly authentic and real birth certificate is published below, showing it does indeed have a seal of Hawaii in the lower right hand corner. Will this ridiculous right-wing skepticism ever cease?

Click on image to see it full size.

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