Tuesday, August 19, 2008

McCain's Story of the Christian Vietnamese Guard Disputed

One of the most effective and inspirational stories told by McCain at Saddleback was about "the Sandal and the Cross." McCain said:

It was Christmas day, we were allowed to stand outside of our cell for a few
minutes, and those days we were not allowed to see or communicate with each
other although we certainly did. And I was stadning outside for my few minutes,
outside my cell. He came walking up. He stood there for a minute and with
his sandal on the dirt in the courtyard he drew a cross and he stood there
and a minute later, he rubbed it out and walked away. For a minute there, there
was just two Christians worshiping together. I'll never forget that moment.

The Left has decided the story is bogus, or at least they will argue that way. A number of leftist commentators are now disputing the story (see here, here and here), even though one of McCain's cell mates has said that McCain told him the same story while they were still POWs at the Hanoi Hilton. McCain also told the story in his book, "Faith of My Fathers."

Some lefties are saying that originally McCain told the story of the guard drawing the cross with his sandal, but at Saddleback said he drew it with his "handle." I didn't hear it that way -- I clearly heard "sandal" during his talk at Saddleback.

Be prepared for the leftist onslaught. If Obama hasn't any such inspirational tales, then it becomes necessary to undermine those of John McCain.

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