Seven years after the 9/11 atrocity, the West has still not fully come to grips with the threat of radical Islam. Many in the west have preferred to simply forget it, thinking it was a one-time happening and cannot happen again. That is dangerous thinking.
Since 9/11, we have not been hit with further terrorist attacks, though a number of plots have been discovered and stopped. Muslim immigrants continue to pour into the West, particularly Europe, where they practice the quiet jihad of explosive birth rates and growing populations. Sharia continues to creep across the landscape, making small but steady inroads into eventually replacing Western democracy. The Muslims are patient and look to the long term for our eventual defeat and displacement.
The war on terror has only just begun and we have not yet won it, not by any means. This, in spite of the fact that Al-Qaeda has been decimated in Iraq and thousands of terrorists sent to collect their virgins.
Meanwhile, somnolent Westerners continue to divert their attention to grand hoaxes like Global Warming, deceiving themselves that Jihadis are just people too, and if we only show enough concern and compassion, they will leave us alone.
Although our efforts at awakening the West to the threat will involve many kinds of effort, there is one thing we can do now to further the goal of Western survival: elect Republicans. Vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin and contribute money to their campaign.
UK Green Energy Record
1 hour ago
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