A number of excellent articles have appeared on the net this past week, making it absolutely, irrefutably clear that the Democratic Party caused the mortgage crisis and the financial crash that followed. Ann Coulter has a good piece on the topic today. Check it out here.
While the Democrats' crazy scheme was being propagated, Republicans warned of the dangers and tried to enact regulatory legislation over Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to try to prevent a financial crisis. They were successfully opposed by the Democrats who prevented any corrective legislation from being passed.
What is true, of course, isn't important. The great majority of Americans don't know the truth and don't want to do the work to find out. They will simply display a knee-jerk reaction and punish the party in power -- even though the other party is the guilty one.
Now that the financial crisis has come, Democrats are lying their asses off about who is responsible. Nancy Pelosi, the biggest airhead and most shallow member of Congress in 200 years, gave a nasty speech to Congress yesterday blaming the crisis on the Bush administation. Say what you will about Bush, he did try to prevent the crisis early on in his term. Pelosi is a disgrace to Congress, a shameless liar.
The polls show Obama increasing his lead over John McCain, and without a doubt the current crisis is the reason. The American people, learning that there is a chicken crisis, have opted to buy foxes to guard the hen houses.
Get ready for another Jimmy Carter style Presidency in Barack Obama. Unless something radical happens to change public perception, we Republicans are toast. John McCain needs to stop posturing as a fine gentleman and start telling the truth about the Democrats and how they caused this mess. Sarah Palin debates Joe Biden on Thursday and she needs to hit a home run. If she does, it may help. But don't count on it.
UK Green Energy Record
1 hour ago
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