James Dean was a handsome and charismatic actor in the early 1950's. After taking drama classes at UCLA, he traveled to New York, where he lived in poverty while making the difficult climb from auditions and bit parts to become a celebrated actor, eventually starring in such films as "Rebel Without a Cause," "East of Eden" and "Giant." He is probably most known as the brooding and troubled youth Jim Stark in "Rebel Without a Cause," where he starred along side Natalie Wood and Sal Mineo.
Dean was killed on September 30, 1955, when the Porsche Spyder he was driving struck another car that veered into his lane, colliding almost head on, near Cholame in central California. Dean died on the way to the hospital. He was 24 years old.
At the time of his death, Dean was driving to Salinas, California to participate in a sports car race. Salinas is only a few miles from my home here in Hollister.
The accident abruptly ended the life of a brilliant talent with all of its promise of future accomplishment.
Hulu.com has a movie about the life of James Dean here.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Stogie Wins In Court!
I won my appeal before the Employment Development Department.
Now the EDD wants to interview me to see why I did not submit my unpaid claims forms in a timely manner. The answer: because the idiots didn't send them to me. After two email requests without results, I finally sent a certified letter demanding that they send me the forms; they finally did. (I tried calling but the telephone system there was hopelessly jammed for weeks.)
Fortunately, I documented both the emails and have a copy of the certified letter and receipt. So now I have some more waiting and aggravation from the bureaucrats before I get paid, if and when I do.
Now the EDD wants to interview me to see why I did not submit my unpaid claims forms in a timely manner. The answer: because the idiots didn't send them to me. After two email requests without results, I finally sent a certified letter demanding that they send me the forms; they finally did. (I tried calling but the telephone system there was hopelessly jammed for weeks.)
Fortunately, I documented both the emails and have a copy of the certified letter and receipt. So now I have some more waiting and aggravation from the bureaucrats before I get paid, if and when I do.
General McCain's Speech to the Troops on the Eve of Battle
Stacy McCain has pointed to the example of the great General George S. Patton on the mindset needed to win the coming battle for America. He has penned an inspiring post, Lessons of Failure and Hope of Success: Reflections on the Eve of Battle. Stacy writes:
Occasional defeats are the price of success. Another great American, Teddy Roosevelt, made a speech at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France on April 23, 1910. The most memorable quote from that speech will forever be an inspiration to those who strive for something better. He said:
Victory is the choice we make when we decide that no defeat can make us stop fighting. If you are defeated today, return to the battlefield tomorrow even more determined to prevail. And no matter how often you lose, you can never be defeated so long as you continue the fight.Indeed, after our terrible electoral defeat in November 2008, I wrote a post titled: "Tomorrow we begin again." It's only content was a Photoshop graphic of the Statue of Liberty lying in ruins on a lonely beach, similar to a scene in "Planet of the Apes." On that terrible day, we could do naught but view the ruin and the wreckage and feel the depths of our defeat. But even then we knew we weren't through. We would return again to the fight. As Churchill once advised, "Never give up. Never, never, never give up."
We are now on the eve of a political battle that could determine whether America is to achieve its destiny or be doomed to deserved oblivion, having failed to live up to that ancient vision of the City on a Hill.
Occasional defeats are the price of success. Another great American, Teddy Roosevelt, made a speech at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France on April 23, 1910. The most memorable quote from that speech will forever be an inspiration to those who strive for something better. He said:
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.Stacy McCain can count himself among the "men in the arena," and never be one of the "cold and timid souls," and his efforts on our behalf are an inspiration in themselves.
Famed Actor Tony Curtis Dies at 85
Tony Curtis died yesterday at age 85. Curtis was very popular in my childhood, and I remember seeing him in movies as far back as 1956, when he starred in "Trapeze." I liked him best in "Spartacus," didn't see him in "Some Like It Hot" where he played a man in drag. I never felt comfortable with that. As a young boy, the thought of dressing up like a girl was extremely repugnant to me!
For me, Tony Curtis was representative of the very best era of Hollywood film. The thought of him fires many a memory cell in my cranium, e.g. our house in Stockton, California, where I first became aware of him. He seemed to me to be the ultimate in class, utterly handsome and suave.
Tony Curtis's film credits are listed here.
For me, Tony Curtis was representative of the very best era of Hollywood film. The thought of him fires many a memory cell in my cranium, e.g. our house in Stockton, California, where I first became aware of him. He seemed to me to be the ultimate in class, utterly handsome and suave.
Tony Curtis's film credits are listed here.
Pro-American, French Blogger Guy Milliere to Speak in Mission Viejo, CA
Guy Milliere, one of my favorite French writers and bloggers, will appear in Southern California October 4 for a conference entitled "Why Europe is dead and what it means for America."
Guy writes for the excellent French blog DRZZ. Readers in Southern California are encouraged to attend.
Details of the conference are as follows
Guy writes for the excellent French blog DRZZ. Readers in Southern California are encouraged to attend.
Details of the conference are as follows
Monday, October 4th: 7:00 p.m.
ACT! for America Mission Viejo Chapter
Orange County David Horowitz Freedom Center
presents a conference with French Professor and Author
Guy Milliere
Why Europe Is Dead and What It Means for America
Norman P. Murray Community Center,
24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo, Ca
Hat tip: Annie Berdah
Monday, September 27, 2010
Stogie in Court: Did My Best!
I just returned from a court hearing over my unemployment benefits. My last employer was just plain crazy and fired me in a fit of anger over a disagreement. Then she falsely told the EDD (Employment Development Department) that she had "disciplined" me and I quit. I read her comments in the file before the hearing and she lied her ass off.
My former employer didn't show up at the hearing but participated via telephone. She was evasive and side-stepped the judge's questions. When I cross-examined her about the facts surrounding my termination, she refused to provide any details. In other words, she just made the whole thing up.
Will I win? If I do, I will gain a healthy chunk of cash from the EDD, and perhaps can catch up some mortgage payments.
This is not my first time to represent myself in a court hearing. I once defended a lawsuit against me in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco...and won. My opponent was trying to use the court system to ruin me, so I had to take over my own case. Now that was a very scary undertaking. However, there is an old poem that goes:
My former employer didn't show up at the hearing but participated via telephone. She was evasive and side-stepped the judge's questions. When I cross-examined her about the facts surrounding my termination, she refused to provide any details. In other words, she just made the whole thing up.
Will I win? If I do, I will gain a healthy chunk of cash from the EDD, and perhaps can catch up some mortgage payments.
This is not my first time to represent myself in a court hearing. I once defended a lawsuit against me in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco...and won. My opponent was trying to use the court system to ruin me, so I had to take over my own case. Now that was a very scary undertaking. However, there is an old poem that goes:
Have you come to that Red Sea time in your lifeUPDATE: The judge's decision arrived by mail today (Thursday, 9/30/2010). I WON!!!!
When in spite of all you can do,
There is no way out, there is no way back,
There is no other way but through.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Stogie in Santa Monica and Malibu
Wifey and I are in Santa Monica tonight, tomorrow and Sunday morning. We drove the 400 miles from Hollister this morning. Tomorrow we will attend a wedding in Malibu and I will meet relatives of my wife that I have never known. They are from the Philippines and are from the father's side of my wife's family. Our son will meet them too and it should be fun. A friend and neighbor, who is armed and dangerous, is house-sitting for us until we get back.
We got a room at a lower cost motel to save money, but the room has a very fast wireless internet connection, and here I am blogging.
Now I think I will mosey down the boulevard in search of food, perhaps somewhere near the Santa Monica pier.
We got a room at a lower cost motel to save money, but the room has a very fast wireless internet connection, and here I am blogging.
Now I think I will mosey down the boulevard in search of food, perhaps somewhere near the Santa Monica pier.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Would-Be Muslim Terrorist Attempts Bombing of Wrigley Field
Another disciple of Islam arrested in Chicago bomb plot:
A 22-year-old man who allegedly spoke of wanting to assassinate Chicago’s mayor was charged by federal prosecutors with plotting to detonate a bomb near Wrigley Field, home to the Chicago Cubs baseball team.Read it all here.
Sami Samir Hassoun blamed Richard M. Daley for “weakening” the city’s security and planned to use the attack to drive him from office, according to the complaint against him. He was arrested Sept. 19 by members of the Chicago-area Joint Terrorism Task Force.
“He wanted to transform the City of Chicago. He wanted to make a statement,” Robert Grant, special agent in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Chicago office, told reporters after Hassoun appeared before a federal magistrate yesterday. He intended to “kill as many people as he could” by planting the explosive in a neighborhood full of bars, clubs and restaurants, Grant said.
Hassoun, who is identified in an FBI statement as a Lebanese citizen living legally in Chicago, is charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and with trying to destroy real property using an explosive.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
New Muslim Terrorist Attacks Expected in America and Europe
Intelligence officials are saying that there is a heightened chance of another significant terrorist attack here in the United States. The ABC report avoids the use of the word "Muslim" but it is clear that Muslim terrorists are the ones now feared. They cite recent attempted terrorist attacks here.
Europe is now on high alert for a threatened Muslim attack on transportation hubs. ADN Kronos has the story:
The Islamic threat has replaced the old Communism threat and appears even more dangerous. After all, we didn't allow millions of Communists to immigrate and conduct sedition.
Ah, the wonders of multiculturalism! Our diversity is our most important strength!
Islam is the enemy. Do we have the will to admit this truth and do something to stop the threat? Personally, I doubt it. Western civilization is in the full course of committing suicide.
The old paradigms do not work. If we are to survive Islam, more effective and even radically new strategies will have to be implemented. Gone is the notion of America "the melting pot," where any and all cultures may immigrate and seamlessly blend. We need to rid ourselves of the notion that, once here, a hostile alien culture cannot be removed.
The attacks cited included:Read it all here.
The disruption of a plot to bomb the New York City subway by Najibullah Zazi, a naturalized U.S. citizen, last September.
The attack at Ft Hood Texas by gunman Army Maj. Nidal Hassan which resulted in 13 people killed and over 30 wounded.
The attempted Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Airlines flight 253 by alleged al Qaeda operative Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
The averted May 1 bombing in Times Square by Faisal Shahzad.
Europe is now on high alert for a threatened Muslim attack on transportation hubs. ADN Kronos has the story:
The commander of French police and security services Frederic Pechenard said on radio Wednesday they had "serious evidence coming from reliable intelligence sources telling us there is a risk of a major attack."Read it all here.
Al-Qaida in North Africa was targeting France in particular, he said.
The threat included "the assassination of an important figure or an attempted mass casualty attack on a crowded public area like a metro train or department store," Pechenard said.
One of the main prospective targets for the suicide bombings is reportedly the Gare du Nord station in Paris, where trains depart for London and cities in Italy, Belgium and Switzerland.
The Islamic threat has replaced the old Communism threat and appears even more dangerous. After all, we didn't allow millions of Communists to immigrate and conduct sedition.
Ah, the wonders of multiculturalism! Our diversity is our most important strength!
Islam is the enemy. Do we have the will to admit this truth and do something to stop the threat? Personally, I doubt it. Western civilization is in the full course of committing suicide.
The old paradigms do not work. If we are to survive Islam, more effective and even radically new strategies will have to be implemented. Gone is the notion of America "the melting pot," where any and all cultures may immigrate and seamlessly blend. We need to rid ourselves of the notion that, once here, a hostile alien culture cannot be removed.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
"It's Time to Hit the Left with a Strong Right": Dale Peterson
Mark Steyn on "Mollifying Muslims and Muslifying Mollies"
Mark Steyn is right on the money (as usual) in describing our psychological need to appease Muslims. He writes in his article "Mollifying Muslims, and Muslifying Mollies":
Take this no-name pastor from an obscure church who was threatening to burn the Koran. He didn’t burn any buildings or women and children. He didn’t even burn a book. He hadn’t actually laid a finger on a Koran, and yet the mere suggestion that he might do so prompted the President of the United States to denounce him, and the Secretary of State, and the commander of US forces in Afghanistan, various G7 leaders, and golly, even Angelina Jolie. President Obama has never said a word about honor killings of Muslim women. Secretary Clinton has never said a word about female genital mutilation. General Petraeus has never said a word about the rampant buggery of pre-pubescent boys by Pushtun men in Kandahar. But let an obscure man in Florida so much as raise the possibility that he might disrespect a book – an inanimate object – and the most powerful figures in the western world feel they have to weigh in.Read it all here.
Aside from all that, this obscure church’s website has been shut down, its insurance policy has been canceled, its mortgage has been called in by its bankers. Why? As Diana West wrote, why was it necessary or even seemly to make this pastor a non-person? Another one of Obama's famous "teaching moments"? In this case teaching us that Islamic law now applies to all? Only a couple of weeks ago, the President, at his most condescendingly ineffectual, presumed to lecture his moronic subjects about the First Amendment rights of Imam Rauf. Where's the condescending lecture on Pastor Jones' First Amendment rights?
Monday, September 20, 2010
Bristol Palin's Sexy Performance on "Dancing With The Stars" (Video)
Bristol Palin shows off some curves and moves in her first appearance on "Dancing With The Stars" tonight. Her famous mom was apparently not in attendance. Seems like only yesterday Bristol was a minor child; she is now 19 years old. Eat your heart out, Levi Johnston!
Paris Threatened With Suicide Bomb Attack for Banning the Burka
The French police and interior ministry are on high alert following a threat by Muslim terrorists to bomb either a famous place (i.e. the Eiffel Tower) or public transportation, e.g. a bus or train.
The threat is from an anonymous Muslim woman who has promised to carry out the attack. French officials have asked everyone, including tourists, to keep a sharp lookout for suspicious activity.
Once again, we see that Islam is incompatible with western democracies and dangerous to its citizens. Islam cannot peacefully coexist among "infidels." The sooner we all wake up to that fact, the safer we will be.
Bare Naked Islam has the story, as well as Bivouac I.D.
The threat is from an anonymous Muslim woman who has promised to carry out the attack. French officials have asked everyone, including tourists, to keep a sharp lookout for suspicious activity.
Once again, we see that Islam is incompatible with western democracies and dangerous to its citizens. Islam cannot peacefully coexist among "infidels." The sooner we all wake up to that fact, the safer we will be.
Bare Naked Islam has the story, as well as Bivouac I.D.
France Deports Illegal Immigrants, is Compared to Third Reich by EU Justice Commissioner
For the past few months France has seen an incursion of gypsies across its borders. The gypsies, or Roma, are nomadic people from Romania who have set up camps in France. Per a report in the Associated Press:
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has predictably drawn substantial criticism from liberal European politicians, inferring that the deportations are "racist." Once again we see the leftist brain hard-wired to act against its own self interests:
In recent weeks, French authorities have cleared out some 100 illegal immigrant camps, most inhabited by Gypsies — also known as Roma, a nomadic ethnic group believed to have roots in the Indian subcontinent.The gypsies, or Roma, have been given some money by the French government and returned to Romania via commercial airlines.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has predictably drawn substantial criticism from liberal European politicians, inferring that the deportations are "racist." Once again we see the leftist brain hard-wired to act against its own self interests:
Earlier this week, EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding sharply criticized France's deportations of Roma and linked them to France's mass deportations of Jews during World War II. She later expressed regret over the wartime comparison, but maintained her threat to take France to court for targeting an ethnic group in the expulsions.French conservatives have voiced disgust and outrage over Reding's slander and threats. La Pensee Neoconservatrice had a post "Vivian Reding Should Shut Her Trap." The article charges Reding with ignorance of history. They write:
Perhaps Reding doesn't know that the Third Reich did not deport gypsies by [commercial] aircraft, nor give them a sum of money so they wouldn't be broke, nor coordinate the deportations with the country of origin.Another writer at La Pensee Conservatrice criticizes the liberal notion, as voiced by Danielle Mitterand, wife of the former French president, that "we are not the earth's owners, but only its stewards" and therefore people should be allowed to go wherever they want, regardless of national borders.
Dave writes:
It's been a long time since we've heard from the bigamist President's wife. A long time since we've heard her far left positions, her politically correct garbage, and to be honest, no one was the worse for it. She, wife of the French president who found Fidel Castro a formidable ally in the fight for freedom, now has declared that "we are not the owners of the earth, but only its stewards."It's interesting to note that illegal or unwanted immigration is not only a problem for the United States; it is felt also in Europe, with the same results: liberals want to erase national borders and scream "racism" (or some variant thereof) against all who disagree.
Ecological expert? Not at all, the old battle ax was referring to the unacceptable policy of the government against the gypsies, a "nomadic people whom they want to prevent from crossing borders."
So for Danielle Mitterand, eternal Care Bear, anyone can move anywhere because the Earth does not belong to us.
I therefore advise the Romas who live in fear of being returned to Romania with their little government-alloted nest egg, to make their camp at the home of Mrs. Mitterand: her property is not her own and she will be overjoyed to welcome them, right?
I suspect that she won't really do it, but if all the people of good conscience who criticize the government [over these deportations], gave lodging to only one family in their homes, the problem would be quickly solved!
"Far Right" Anti-Immigration Party Wins Seats In Swedish Parliament
A conservative political party in Sweden has won seats in Parliament for the first time. The U.K. Telegraph whines:
In short, Akesson has merely observed the same results as other European nations who have opened the doors to Muslim immigration. For being straight and direct about the problem, he and his party have been labeled as "Far Right" and "extremist." However Muslims, practitioners of a hostile and violent ideology, are treated as a sacred tribe of Dalai Lamas, to whom are owed great deference and respect, and for whom any hint of criticism or disapproval is strictly forbidden. Never, never, never criticize, ban or oppose "the other," even if that "other" wants to subvert your laws, culture and physical safety.
The liberal brain is hard-wired for self destruction. Liberals always insist that any survival instinct among the populace be immediately and ruthlessly stamped out. The problem, however is not intolerance of the merely different, but the rejection of an unassimilable and antagonistic alien culture. 21st century western mores and 7th century Bedouin mores cannot live peacefully side by side; they are fundamentally opposed to one another. Therefore, halting or severely limiting Muslim immigration into western democracies is not an act of "extremism" or bigotry, but one of legitimate self interest.
Read the article at this link.
Hat tip: View From the Right
Update: Found this video at Blogmocracy about the Swedish Democrats:
Also see Blogmocracy's post on the Swedish Democrats and whether or not they are "Neo-Nazis."
When Swedes vote on Sunday Mr Ã…kesson's anti-immigrant party will almost certainly win its first seats at a general election - and has even been predicted to come third with 7.5 per cent of the vote, according to one poll.The Sweden Democrat Party is opposed to Islamic immigration into Sweden. The party's leader, one Jimmie Akesson, has called Islam "the biggest threat to Sweden since the Second World War." Akesson has also charged that immigrant Muslims are responsible for an increase in rapes in Sweden, and for draining public benefits away from Swedish pensioners.
That would be enough to give them 28 seats out of a total of 349 in the Riksdag, Stockholm's parliament, ahead of five more established parties, and hold the balance of power.
It is the sort of far Right success that has been seen several times across Europe this year, and a prospect has struck fear in the hearts of Sweden's usually moderate voters who never thought they would see extremists get anywhere near power.
In short, Akesson has merely observed the same results as other European nations who have opened the doors to Muslim immigration. For being straight and direct about the problem, he and his party have been labeled as "Far Right" and "extremist." However Muslims, practitioners of a hostile and violent ideology, are treated as a sacred tribe of Dalai Lamas, to whom are owed great deference and respect, and for whom any hint of criticism or disapproval is strictly forbidden. Never, never, never criticize, ban or oppose "the other," even if that "other" wants to subvert your laws, culture and physical safety.
The liberal brain is hard-wired for self destruction. Liberals always insist that any survival instinct among the populace be immediately and ruthlessly stamped out. The problem, however is not intolerance of the merely different, but the rejection of an unassimilable and antagonistic alien culture. 21st century western mores and 7th century Bedouin mores cannot live peacefully side by side; they are fundamentally opposed to one another. Therefore, halting or severely limiting Muslim immigration into western democracies is not an act of "extremism" or bigotry, but one of legitimate self interest.
Read the article at this link.
Hat tip: View From the Right
Update: Found this video at Blogmocracy about the Swedish Democrats:
Also see Blogmocracy's post on the Swedish Democrats and whether or not they are "Neo-Nazis."
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Islam's Violent Oppression of Women (Video)
This important video documenting Muslim violence against women should be seen by everyone, especially those who make excuses for Islam. Hat tip: The Blog Prof.
This important video documenting Muslim violence against women should be seen by everyone, especially those who make excuses for Islam. Hat tip: The Blog Prof.
Powerline Rates Christine O'Donnell's Political Career as "R.I.P."
John Hinderaker of Powerline says Christine O'Donnell's political career is dead on arrival following revelations that she "once dabbled in witchcraft." The revelation was made by television talk show host Bill Maher. Powerline writes:
Nevertheless, her comments will be used against her with great effect, complete with Maher's video used in attack ads.
Personally, I'd vote for a high-flying, cackling witch on a broomstick, complete with black cat, before I would vote for a "bearded Marxist," as O'Donnell's opponent has described himself.
It is obvious that if O'Donnell is to have a chance at winning this election, she will need to go negative early on, pounding Coons with his leftist, high taxes, job-destroying record.
Bill Maher announced that he has previously-unseen clips of O'Donnell from the late 1990s when she appeared several times on his show. In one clip, she says that she once "dabbled into witchcraft."Maher showed a video clip of O'Donnell when she appeared on his show in the late 1990's, where she said this:
I dabbled into witchcraft -- I never joined a coven. But I did, I did. ... I dabbled into witchcraft. I hung around people who were doing these things. I'm not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do....It appears to me that O'Donnell was speaking in a light-hearted way, trying to be entertaining and funny while on Maher's comedy show. However, what one might say as an entertainer is considerably different from what they might say as a candidate.
One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn't know it. I mean, there's little blood there and stuff like that. ... We went to a movie and then had a midnight picnic on a satanic altar.
Nevertheless, her comments will be used against her with great effect, complete with Maher's video used in attack ads.
Personally, I'd vote for a high-flying, cackling witch on a broomstick, complete with black cat, before I would vote for a "bearded Marxist," as O'Donnell's opponent has described himself.
It is obvious that if O'Donnell is to have a chance at winning this election, she will need to go negative early on, pounding Coons with his leftist, high taxes, job-destroying record.
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Skeptic's Dictionary Labels Saber Point "The Dumbest Website Ever"
The militant atheists at The Skeptics' Dictionary have labeled Saber Point as "The Dumbest Website Ever."
I take that as a compliment, coming from such rigid leftist ideologues. These folks are atheists who are just dripping with scorn and sarcasm for religious people. They assume that because they are blind, color does not exist, and they hoot and howl over those who see what they do not.
Hey "atheists," try reading my post on "The Devil's Delusion." It tells why your philosophy is so superficial and shallow. I do indeed "ride roughshod over the asinine and idiotic," and that description fits your atheist site quite well.
The militant atheists at The Skeptics' Dictionary have labeled Saber Point as "The Dumbest Website Ever."
I take that as a compliment, coming from such rigid leftist ideologues. These folks are atheists who are just dripping with scorn and sarcasm for religious people. They assume that because they are blind, color does not exist, and they hoot and howl over those who see what they do not.
Hey "atheists," try reading my post on "The Devil's Delusion." It tells why your philosophy is so superficial and shallow. I do indeed "ride roughshod over the asinine and idiotic," and that description fits your atheist site quite well.
Security Experts Warn: Shariah Law Is A Danger to US
From the Washington Times, via Blazing Cat Fur:
A panel of national security experts who worked under Republican and Democratic presidents is urging the Obama administration to abandon its stance that Islam is not linked to terrorism, arguing that radical Muslims are using Islamic law to subvert the United States.Blazing Cat Fur has more links here.
The study group, sponsored by the conservative-oriented Center for Security Policy, says in its report that proponents of advancing Islamic law mark the "crucial fault line" in Islam's internal divisions separating truly moderate Muslims, like the late Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid, from the large portion of the world's 1 billion Muslims who advocate imposing what they call Shariah law throughout the world.
According to the report, proponents of Shariah are "Muslim supremacists" waging "civilization jihad" along with the Islamist terrorists engaged in violent jihad, like al Qaeda.
Chris Matthews Joins the Tea Party?
Gates of Vienna ran the video of a "Hardball" segment in which Chris Matthews seems to support the Tea Party movement. It is a surprising video clip, to say the least. For once in my life, I have to say it: Chris Matthews was spot on!
Peter Beinhart Makes a Fool of Himself: Calls Anti-Islam Sentiment "Bigotry"

"McCarthyism" refers to Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin, who in the 1950's sought to discover and oust Communists from the State Department and other agencies of government. Then, as now, the Democrats supported and protected the seditious among us. Then, as now, Democrats sought to protect their anti-American allies by sliming those concerned with a very real danger.
Beinhart writes:
With each new attack on a mosque, each new anti-Muslim slur by a prominent politician or pundit, each new poll showing that large swaths of Americans think President Obama is lying about his faith, it becomes clearer that we are in the midst of a national psychosis: the worst spasm of paranoia and bigotry of the post-Cold War age. The interesting question is: Why now?The "why now" is simple: more and more people are becoming informed about the nature, practices and history of Islam, and they don't like what they see.
The "why now" is that more and more people have recognized that "Islam is a religion of peace that has been hijacked by fanatics" is nothing more than a polite fiction. Islam is not now, nor has it ever been, a religion of peace. It has always been a religion of perpetual war on all of mankind.
The reason "why now" is because of the extreme violence, treason and sedition that the Islamic faith imparts to its host countries. It is because Muslims, by and large, want to replace our democratic system with a barbaric form of governance known as "Sharia" law, a legal system invented by a violent, illiterate Bedouin in the 7th century. I won't go into the details of it, but believe me, you don't want it.
The "why now" is because the "religion" of Islam isn't just a religion (and this is so basic that I must refer to Beinhart as a gross ignoramus); it is a barbaric, totalitarian political system.
As such, Islam puts both our freedoms and our safety at risk. 9/11 was a dramatic introduction to the aggressive violence of Islam, where 3,000 Americans were murdered for Islamic religious reasons. Essentially, those victims were human sacrifices to this murderous "religion." That atrocity, and others that have followed, make it clear that Islam is a dangerous and lethal ideology. Indeed, if Islam were a man instead of a religion, that man would be a homicidal maniac. Since 9/11 Muslims have carried out crimes against humanity in London, Madrid, Beslan and Mumbai, as well as various other places across the globe.
In the United States we have seen numerous honor killings, "sudden jihad syndrome" where some disgruntled Muslim decides to start killing "infidels." A Muslim murdered a complete stranger at Los Angeles Airport, who was waiting at the ticket counter for Israeli Airlines. Muslims murdered an army recruiter in Oregon and a Jewish woman in Seattle. A Muslim U.S. Army Major shot and killed 13 people at Fort Hood, most of them soldiers. A Muslim college student rented a car and tried run over non-Muslim students on his college campus. A Muslim soldier fragged and killed his lieutenant while his unit was preparing to deploy to Iraq. Even the Beltway Sniper, who killed 10 complete strangers, was a Muslim convert who claimed he killed for Allah.
Then there were the various plots to launch terrorist attacks that were broken up by the FBI. It is clear that Islam is not our friend. Mass murder has been a longtime Islamic tradition and its documented history backs me up.
Other barbaric Islamic practices include the veil for women, second class status for women and non-Muslims, beating of wives, child brides and polygamy. I don't want this hateful ideology to take root in America. I want it gone. Islam is incompatible with democracy, pluralism, tolerance and modernity.
Beinhart is the typical dense liberal, unable to differentiate between that which is good and that which is evil. So for Beinhart, Islam is just another religion, like Mormonism, Buddhism or Catholicism. Communism is just another political party like Republicans and Democrats. No doubt, for Beinhart and his ilk, cannibalism is just another dietary choice, like vegetarianism.
It isn't Islamophobia, Peter, when they really are trying to kill you. Get a clue.
Update: London Police break up a Muslim plot to assassinate the Pope. Yep, must be some more of that "spasm of paranoia and bigotry" hey, Peter?
Update: Raymond Ibrahim of Pajamas Media describes how Muslims in America are Muslims first and Americans second. See his essay, "The Specter of Muslim Disloyalty in America."
Daily Beast,
Liberal Idiocy,
Peter Beinhart
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Democrats' New Logo, Stogified Version
The Democrats have come out with a new logo. It's totally inane, but I did fix it up a bit so now it conveys a better message.
Here's the Stogified version:
Here's the Stogified version:
Molly Norris Goes Into Hiding: Not Safe From Muslim Murder In Her Own Country
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Dorky Imam al-Awlaki: Issued a Fatwa on Molly Norris |
The Washington Post reports:
Several months ago, FBI officials alerted Norris to what they were treating as a "very serious threat," according to a report. At that time, Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki said that Norris was a "prime target" for execution and that her "proper abode is hellfire."Read the whole thing here.
Awlaki, a New Mexico-born 39-year-old, has been called arguably the highest-profile English-speaking supporter of violent jihad. He has been linked to the recent Times Square bombing attempt and reportedly inspired Texas's Fort Hood massacre.
Norris drew her "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!" cartoon in April in response to Comedy Central's editing of its program "South Park" and the animated show's attempts to depict Muhammad -- and to satirize reactions to any effort to ridicule Muhammad.
Anyone who doesn't believe Islam is incompatible with American freedom and democracy needs to think again. I would also warn Muslims in America: any assassination of critics of Islam in America could result in a backlash that you don't even want to contemplate.
As for the dorky Yemini Imam Al-Awlaki, he is on the predator drone hit list. With any luck we'll kill him before he kills one of us.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Whiffenpoof Song and Yale University Traditions
Back in the fall of 1962, when I was a freshman in college, I bought a vinyl L.P. by the Lettermen. The Lettermen was a group of four harmony singers. The L.P. was of them singing various college songs. My favorite was a haunting and sad melody called "The Whiffenpoof Song." I didn't know the origins of the song, but it was obvious from the words that the singers were supposed to be college students from, I guessed, the 1920's. To me, the song conveyed long-time traditions, the passing of time and past generations. Young students, vibrant with life, would also grow old and someday "pass and be forgotten with the rest."
Recently I saw a reference to "Yale" and the "Whiffenpoofs," did a Google search and found that the Whiffenpoofs are a Yale a capella choir. They have been around since 1909 and are a Yale tradition. Their most famous song is "The Whiffenpoof Song." A 48 year mystery solved! I just had to wait until they invented the internet.
I found the Lettermen singing "The Whiffenpoof Song" on YouTube. It's embedded below.
The Lettermen's lyrics were changed just a tad to remove any reference to bars and drinking, i.e. "Temple Bar was changed to "Temple Square" and "glasses raised on high" was changed to "voices raised on high." Here are the original lyrics:
To the tables down at Mory's
To the place where Louie dwells
To the dear old Temple Bar we love so well
Sing the Whiffenpoofs assembled with their glasses raised on high
And the magic of their singing casts its spell
Yes, the magic of their singing of the songs we love so well
"Shall I Wasting" and "Mavourneen" and the rest
We will serenade our Louie while life and voice shall last
Then we'll pass and be forgotten with the rest
We're poor little lambs who have lost our way
Baa, baa, baa
We're little black sheep who have gone astray
Baa, baa, baa
Gentleman songsters off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity
Lord have mercy on such as we
Baa, baa, baa
Some History: Mory, whose real name was Frank Moriarty, was the original owner of the ale house, which he founded in 1861. Yale students discovered the bar when returning from rowing practice, and it soon became a student hangout.
The song reference "the place where Louie dwells" refers to Louis Linder, the fourth owner of Mory's, who owned the restaurant and bar from 1899 to 1912. It was during Louis's reign that the student singing group "The Whiffenpoofs" was formed, named after a mythical creature from a popular play. They performed at Mory's every Monday night and stilldo to this day did, until Mory's was finally closed in 2009, one hundred years after the Whiffenpoofs singing group was formed.
When Louis Linder retired, Mory's fans formed a nonprofit organization to own and run Mory's as a private club. Mory's had been in continuous existence for 140+ years when it was finally closed in 2009. I do not know the reason for the closing -- perhaps it could no longer turn a profit. [Update: Mory's was reopened in 2010. Read about it here.]
Related articles:
You can read about the history of Mory's and the Temple Bar here.
The Whiffenpoofs have their own website here.
Recently I saw a reference to "Yale" and the "Whiffenpoofs," did a Google search and found that the Whiffenpoofs are a Yale a capella choir. They have been around since 1909 and are a Yale tradition. Their most famous song is "The Whiffenpoof Song." A 48 year mystery solved! I just had to wait until they invented the internet.
I found the Lettermen singing "The Whiffenpoof Song" on YouTube. It's embedded below.
The Lettermen's lyrics were changed just a tad to remove any reference to bars and drinking, i.e. "Temple Bar was changed to "Temple Square" and "glasses raised on high" was changed to "voices raised on high." Here are the original lyrics:
To the tables down at Mory's
To the place where Louie dwells
To the dear old Temple Bar we love so well
Sing the Whiffenpoofs assembled with their glasses raised on high
And the magic of their singing casts its spell
Yes, the magic of their singing of the songs we love so well
"Shall I Wasting" and "Mavourneen" and the rest
We will serenade our Louie while life and voice shall last
Then we'll pass and be forgotten with the rest
We're poor little lambs who have lost our way
Baa, baa, baa
We're little black sheep who have gone astray
Baa, baa, baa
Gentleman songsters off on a spree
Doomed from here to eternity
Lord have mercy on such as we
Baa, baa, baa
Some History: Mory, whose real name was Frank Moriarty, was the original owner of the ale house, which he founded in 1861. Yale students discovered the bar when returning from rowing practice, and it soon became a student hangout.
The song reference "the place where Louie dwells" refers to Louis Linder, the fourth owner of Mory's, who owned the restaurant and bar from 1899 to 1912. It was during Louis's reign that the student singing group "The Whiffenpoofs" was formed, named after a mythical creature from a popular play. They performed at Mory's every Monday night and still
When Louis Linder retired, Mory's fans formed a nonprofit organization to own and run Mory's as a private club. Mory's had been in continuous existence for 140+ years when it was finally closed in 2009. I do not know the reason for the closing -- perhaps it could no longer turn a profit. [Update: Mory's was reopened in 2010. Read about it here.]
Related articles:
You can read about the history of Mory's and the Temple Bar here.
The Whiffenpoofs have their own website here.
The Limbaugh Rule: Vote For Most Conservative Candidate in the Primary
In days of yore, William F. Buckley invented a rule for primary elections: vote for the most conservative candidate who can win.
Rush Limbaugh has come up with a new rule: "In an election year when voters are fed up with liberalism, you vote for the most conservative Republican in the primary -- period."
I agree with Rush, and that was the point of my previous post on Christine O'Donnell: let's support real conservatives in the primaries and take our chances in the general election. We will no longer support RINOs, period.
Right now the nation is thoroughly disgusted with socialist-liberalism and are ready for a change, perhaps a large, sweeping change. The door has been opened for a strong move to the right in American politics, and we must make the most of a historical opportunity.
Let's stop our slow retreat in the face of statism and counterattack.
Christine O'Donnell and the Republican Establishment
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Christine O'Donnell, Republican Senatorial Candidate for Delaware |
For years we Republicans have had to endure one RINO candidate after another, put up by the Republican establishment. The GOP's promise has not been to roll back Democrat big government statism; it has been to more efficiently manage that statism. That isn't good enough for conservatives. We want to reverse the Democrats' incursion into the private sector, reduce taxes and the size of government. Our goal is not to slow the socialist advance, it is to stop it and reverse it.
Those who argue for support of RINO candidates are still in "limit the damage" mode. I believe that this mindset is on the wane. Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh wondered why on earth we would want to vote for O'Donnell's opponent, Mike Castle. What's the difference between a socialist with an R after his name and a socialist with a D after his name?
The recent "fight on the right" over O'Donnell vs Castle ruffled some Republican feathers, but it was a debate worth having. For me, it brought increased moral clarity: to eschew RINO candidates and support real conservatives.
Our goal is to defeat and roll back liberalism. Let's nominate real conservative candidates and take our chances in November.
Note: See McCain's related post at American Spectator: "This Changes Everything."
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Ground Zero Koran Burner is Fired from His Job
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Via Powerline |
The Dhimmi Enforcers of Sharia have spoken: No one shall show disrespect for the ideology that killed 3,000 people nine years ago. C'mon, that's just so 2001!
The burner was one Derek Fenton, who had worked at New Jersey Transit for eleven years, is now unemployed. I posted about Fenton before I knew his identity here. In my post I admired his courage, considering the hostile PC environment that is New York.
Thanks Derek, for what you did. A curse on the bosses at New Jersey Transit, for their dhimmitude and cowardice.
Dhimmi Dimwits: Are You Enforcing Sharia Law in the United States?
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Cartoon Hat Tip: Sultan Knish |
Turn on the news and hear any newscaster discussing the spate of recent Koran burnings. The newscaster will be speaking in his "Oh-ain't-it-awful" voice, as if he or she can barely suppress his outrage. They will proudly intone that their station REFUSES to show any Koran burnings on camera, as if their high-mindedness was a badge of honor. Actually, it's a badge of cowardice, indicating they are terrified of being killed by Muslim Jihadis for showing it.
The Dhimmitude associated with Islamization has already begun in the United States. Meanwhile, we have media types, politicians, priests and even conservative bloggers running interference for Islam.
They may not know it, but they have become similar to the Jewish Kapos of the concentration camps: they identify with the enemy and enforce his rules against the others, in the hope of being spared the gas chambers.
That analogy isn't completely accurate in the here and now. Our modern Kapos aren't afraid of the gas chamber; they may be somewhat afraid of being targeted by violent Muslims, but there are greater reasons for their attitudes. Our modern Dhimmi Enforcers of Sharia constantly defend Islam for these reasons:
- They are ignorant of the nature, history, teachings and practices of Islam, i.e. that the religion is violent and totalitarian with a desire to rule the world.
- They are hoping to escape the usual smears of the Democratic Party, e.g., that they are "racists" for opposing tyranny, or bigots for opposing "just another" religion, no matter how violent.
- They are looking for public approval and admiration for being broad-minded, tolerant and enlightened (i.e., moral posturing).
- They believe such demonstrations are necessary to get their candidates elected.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Notes on Commenting: I Am Back to the Blogger System, But There Are Some Quirks
I deleted the ECHO commenting system to return to the blogger system. However, some weird quirks have arisen in the process.
The names of people commenting were not transferred from ECHO. So if you didn't comment through the blogger system, my name "Stogie" will appear over your comment. This makes it look like I am having a discussion with myself, or in many cases, arguing with myself. I have emailed ECHO about it, but I don't see a fix on their website.
Many other comments apparently just disappeared. Thanks ECHO! For nothing.
Let me know if you see any other quirks.
The names of people commenting were not transferred from ECHO. So if you didn't comment through the blogger system, my name "Stogie" will appear over your comment. This makes it look like I am having a discussion with myself, or in many cases, arguing with myself. I have emailed ECHO about it, but I don't see a fix on their website.
Many other comments apparently just disappeared. Thanks ECHO! For nothing.
Let me know if you see any other quirks.
Getting Rid of ECHO (Formerly Haloscan) -- Any Advice?
My ECHO (Haloscan) commenting system account is running out and I probably will not renew my subscription. The price has jumped from $9 a year to $10 a month, and ECHO is proving problematic. Sometimes ECHO doesn't run and some readers have posted comments on the Blogger comment system; however when ECHO does run, those comments are hidden from view.
I would like to transfer reader ECHO comments to the Blogger comments system if that is possible, then remove ECHO from my blog.
If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know.
UPDATE: I figured it out. I am back to using the Blogger Commenting System and it should be easier to use for readers.
PLEASE NOTE: I do not recommend ECHO as a commenting system, since it is buggy and transferring back to blogger is fraught with errors and difficulty.
I would like to transfer reader ECHO comments to the Blogger comments system if that is possible, then remove ECHO from my blog.
If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know.
UPDATE: I figured it out. I am back to using the Blogger Commenting System and it should be easier to use for readers.
PLEASE NOTE: I do not recommend ECHO as a commenting system, since it is buggy and transferring back to blogger is fraught with errors and difficulty.
Fight on the Right: Mark Levin Bad Mouths Paul Mirengoff of Powerline
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Mark Levin Feeling Nasty |
O'Donnell is said to be more conservative than RINO Mike Castle. Paul Mirengoff of Powerline felt that O'Donnell couldn't win, as she has been less than accurate in some of her public statements (Mirengoff says she was untruthful, not just wrong). He said:
Finally, though, we get to Delaware. There, in one of America's bluest states, the Tea Party Express and other activists are backing arch-conservative Christine O'Donnell. But there's no good case to made that O'Donnell is electable. She was trounced by Joe Biden, 65-35, last time out and she trails the Democrat running this time by about 10 percentage points.Meanwhile, conservative lion Mark Levin endorsed O'Donnell for the seat, and did not appreciate Mirengoff's critical remarks. Levin responded:
Moreover, questions surround O'Donnell's finances. As I wrote here, I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt until I see concrete evidence of wrongdoing. But that won't stop O'Donnell from being hammered and ridiculed if she is nominated.
In addition, O'Donnell lately has displayed poor judgment and a lack of regard for the truth. She claimed in a radio interview that she had carried two of three Delaware counties in her race against Biden. Actually, she carried none. And, when asked about the Rasmussen poll showing her well behind the Democrat, she suggested that Rasmussen was fudging his results to favor the Republican establishment.
It's one thing to be strongly conservative; it's another to be paranoid.
Must be nice to sit on your ass in some law office in Washington lecturing tea party activists and others with such dripping arrogance and ignorance. We're confronting the most radical administration certainly in my lifetime, and Mirengoff blows off the grassroots movement that is doing more to bring constitutional government back to this nation than any other. No, all candidates are not perfect. That's not the nature of politics. And spewing the opposition research found on other sites, leaked in part by a party to a lawsuit involving the conservative candidate, is lazy and unfair. In fact, I notice nowhere in his superficial post does Mirengoff point out any establishment Republicans with defects, with temper issues, with Keating Five issues, etc., etc. Apparently there's one test for conservative candidates and another for establishment Republican candidates.Mirengoff responded to Levin's attack, saying that Levin misrepresented his remarks, assigns positions to Mirengoff that the latter never voiced, and that Levin's comments were inaccurate or dishonest. Mirengoff writes:
Levin's response consists mostly of a series of misstatements about me and misrepresentations of what I argued. The misstatements undermine his ad hominem arguments. The use of straw men undermines his more substantive ones.I agree with Mirengoff that Levin was dishonest and unfair in his rebuttal. Furthermore, Levin was no gentleman, resorting to ad hominem attacks. Frankly, Levin comes across as a mean-spirited blowhard in this disagreement.
Patterico's Pontifications read the posts I describe above and came to the same conclusion that I did: that Mark Levin is behaving like an ass. Patterico said:
UPDATE: You know, I finally read through Levin’s Facebook post, and Paul Mirengoff’s post that Levin distorts. I am ready to jump into the war.Levin replied to Patterico's post by calling him "an idiot and an ass."
Levin’s post is packed with mischaracterizations. Just chock full of them. Expressed with the dripping arrogance of someone who apparently feels that, because he is better known than Mirengoff, he is entitled to say whatever he feels like about him — and the facts be damned.
I suppose caring about the facts probably makes me an inauthentic conservative in Mark Levin’s eyes. I don’t care. I’ll go with the facts, every time. Every time.
Meanwhile, PPP polling shows the race between O'Donnell and Castle a dead heat. I am not enthused about either candidate after reading the strange background of O'Donnell (she sued a conservative organization, claiming gender bias, and later dropped the suit) and Castle's less-than-conservative voting record.
However, I think I would go with O'Donnell and take my chances. I've had it with RINOs. Sarah Palin has endorsed O'Donnell, and even more important, Robert Stacy McCain has endorsed O'Donnell, and that counts a lot with me.
However, Mark Levin is still a prize ass for his thuggish behavior in this dispute.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Lawrence Auster: Why People Burn Korans
Lawrence Auster describes why people burn Korans. He writes:
What is the message of the Koran burners? It is, very simply: “We reject the vicious and evil ideology of Islam.” This is a very positive development. Once people recognize that the Koran is the problem, they have gone beyond the “moderate Islam” / “radical Islam” distinction which paralyzes true thought on the subject. They are recognizing that Islam itself is the problem.I couldn't have said it better myself.
Auster also linked to this blog that shows numerous Koran burnings for the 9/11 anniversary. Note the first graphic that comes up -- it's a graphic I created a couple of years ago. Good to see that some people find it useful.
Sultan Knish: Burn the Koran or the Constitution?
Sultan Knish |
The media's coverage of the 9th anniversary of the Muslim murder of 3,000 people was overshadowed by their panicked coverage of the possibility that Terry Jones, the pastor of a tiny Florida church, might actually burn the Koran. Last week Newsweek ran Fareed Zakaria's piece insisting that Americans overreacted to 9/11. So instead the media showed us where their priorities lie, by shortchanging the dead, ignoring their killers and instead turning the pastor of a small Florida church into a villain for even talking about the possibility of torching a book, whose contents helped inspire 9/11. It's as if on Holocaust Memorial Day, the key topic of discussion was not the murder of 6,000,000 Jews, but a protester who wanted to get his Bic lighter close to Mein Kampf.Read it all here.
Fictitious Islam vs. Real Islam: Time to Stop Kidding Ourselves
Ever so often we have a break-through moment when we see things in a new light. Understanding floods our brains and we replace a faulty paradigm with a better one. I think this article does that for me. It's time to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Our "nation-building" missions there are a fool's errand. After all the blood and treasure invested, we will be left with what we started with: a barbarian society ruled by sharia law.
We must devise better strategies for dealing with the Islamic threat. Ending Islamic immigration into the U.S. would be a first step; isolating the Islamic nations would be a second step; and making a concerted effort to become energy independent would be an important third step.
Andrew McCarthy on "Imagining Islam":
We must devise better strategies for dealing with the Islamic threat. Ending Islamic immigration into the U.S. would be a first step; isolating the Islamic nations would be a second step; and making a concerted effort to become energy independent would be an important third step.
Andrew McCarthy on "Imagining Islam":
If only the fantasy were true: If only there actually were a dominant, pro-American, echt [genuine] moderate Islam, an ideology so dedicated to human rights, so sternly set against savagery, that acts of terrorism were, by definition, “un-Islamic activity.” Imagine an Islam that, far from a liability, proved an asset (indeed, an indispensable asset) in combating the threat against us. Imagine that we could accurately call the threat mere “extremism” — no “Islamic” (or even “Islamist”) modifier being necessary because the “extremists” truly were a tiny, aberrant band, fraudulently “hijacking” a great religion.
Such an Islam, over nine long years, would have risen up and made itself heard. It would have identified by name and condemned with moral outrage the imposters purporting to act in its name. It would have honored America’s sacrifice of blood and treasure in the liberation of oppressed Muslim peoples. It would have said “thank you” to our troops. It would have joined America, without ambiguity or hesitation, in crushing terror networks and dismantling the regimes that abet them. It would not have needed trillion-dollar American investments to forge democracies; it would naturally have adopted democracy on its own.
What excruciating truths have we yet failed to grasp on this ninth anniversary of 9/11? The first is that such an Islam does not exist. The second is that, despite this fact, American foreign and domestic policy continues to proceed as though it does exist — and as though it were the only real Islam. That is, nine years after Islamists made their commitment to our destruction as unmistakable as possible...our national-security strategy is still steeped in fiction.
People Who Object to Islamic Mass Murder Are Merely Ignorant or Bigoted
For the past day or so I have been corresponding with an American Muslim woman, Fleur, who wanted to know why I am so opposed to Islam. I told her and then she began to tell me how "ignorant" and "bigoted" I am. Yes, I really oppose Islam only because Muslims are different. Fourteen centuries of Islamic mass murder throughout the world has nothing to do with it. I should ignore my own lying eyes and the countless dead bodies and believe Fleur instead.
The problem for Fleur is that I am not ignorant. I am very well read on Islam, its doctrines, history and practices. Fleur, like so many Muslims, simply close their eyes to the elephant in the room, i.e. Islamic violence. They pretend that it does not exist and are quite perturbed when you point it out. It's so impolite, like pointing out a huge wart on the end of someone's nose.
I will agree with Fleur that I am quite biased against Islam. I am not too crazy about Jew-gassing Nazis or Ukranian-starving communists either. Nor do I particularly like cannibals, head hunters and practitioners of human sacrifice. (I'm SO ASHAMED!) As Thomas Mann said, "Tolerance, when applied to evil, becomes a crime."
William Teach at Pirate's Cove has an excellent post along these same lines today. His post is about a Muslim professor who, like Fleur, says that people concerned about Islam are merely "ignorant." Teach replies:
Read it all here.
The problem for Fleur is that I am not ignorant. I am very well read on Islam, its doctrines, history and practices. Fleur, like so many Muslims, simply close their eyes to the elephant in the room, i.e. Islamic violence. They pretend that it does not exist and are quite perturbed when you point it out. It's so impolite, like pointing out a huge wart on the end of someone's nose.
I will agree with Fleur that I am quite biased against Islam. I am not too crazy about Jew-gassing Nazis or Ukranian-starving communists either. Nor do I particularly like cannibals, head hunters and practitioners of human sacrifice. (I'm SO ASHAMED!) As Thomas Mann said, "Tolerance, when applied to evil, becomes a crime."
William Teach at Pirate's Cove has an excellent post along these same lines today. His post is about a Muslim professor who, like Fleur, says that people concerned about Islam are merely "ignorant." Teach replies:
Got that? It’s not because you are a hater of people who stone women, whip women, hang gays, want to exterminate Jews and Israel, among others, and, oh, yeah, let’s not forget fly hijack planes into buildings to kill civilians. No, it’s because you are just too stupid to understand Islam.He later adds:
See? You’re stupid. If only you truly knew about Islam, you’d submit. Which, of course, is what Islam means. Submission to Allah. Submission to Sharia law. To women being second class citizens, whipped for being seen in public with a man other than their father or husband. To being married off as a young teen. To killing the unbeliever. To…..well, actually, you know what Islam stands for. And when we call the hardcores “extremists,” really, they aren’t. The ones we call moderates are actually the extremists, for failing to follow the full word of Mohammed.That last sentence is exactly what I told Fleur last night. If she is a moderate Muslim, fine, but she should realize that she is partly apostasized for failing to fully follow the commandments of her pirate prophet. The terrorists are the true Muslims, carrying out the dictates of Muhammad to the letter.
Read it all here.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Christian Tea-Party Members Rip Pages From Koran in Front of White House
Hot dog, more and more Americans are speaking out against Islam. Six Christians protested Islam in front of the White House today and tore out pages from the Koran that calls for hatred against Christians and Jews.
Read it all here.
Update: I'm sorry to see that Left Coast Rebel is sinking into Islam apologia and dhimmitude. LCR calls this demonstration "a stunt" and attacks Beacham for demonstrating the truth about Islam and the Koran, i.e. that they are violent and hateful, not peaceful as so many falsely claim. I wonder if Geert Wilders' production of the film "Fitna" was also a stunt for accomplishing the same thing. Wilders also recommended tearing the hateful and violent pages out of the Koran.
It is amazing to me how many conservative bloggers are so easily managed by PC and liberal fictions.
Update 2: To be fair to LCR, he does have a video posted of Beacham at a Tea Party rally where Beacham is shouting at the passers-by about the evils of abortion, and making himself look like a fanatic. So perhaps Beacham is indeed an embarrassment to the Tea Party movement. However, that fact does not in any way negate Beacham's legitimate protest of the Koran. Debby Schlussel is sometimes irrational and nutty, but she is also often right. Any specific argument one makes should stand on its own merits, without reference to an unrelated issue where he may have been wrong.
WASHINGTON (AFP) – A small group of conservative Christians tore some pages from a Koran in a protest outside the White House Saturday to denounce what they called the "charade of Islam" on the anniversary of 9/11.Beacham nailed it. The Koran is the reason why the Twin Towers were taken down.
"Part of why we're doing that, please hear me: the charade that Islam is a peaceful religion must end," said Randall Terry, a leading anti-abortion campaigner, and one of six people who took part in the protest.
Another activist, Andrew Beacham, read out a few Koran passages calling for hatred towards Christians and Jews, and then ripped those pages from an English paperback edition of the Islamic holy book.
He carefully put the torn pieces into a plastic bag, in order not to litter, and said: "The only reason I will not burn it at the White House is because to burn anything on the Capitol grounds is a felony."
Beacham, who describes himself as a leader of the rightwing conservative Tea Party from Indiana, added: "The Twin Towers were taken down because of the Koran and other religious teachings."
Read it all here.
Update: I'm sorry to see that Left Coast Rebel is sinking into Islam apologia and dhimmitude. LCR calls this demonstration "a stunt" and attacks Beacham for demonstrating the truth about Islam and the Koran, i.e. that they are violent and hateful, not peaceful as so many falsely claim. I wonder if Geert Wilders' production of the film "Fitna" was also a stunt for accomplishing the same thing. Wilders also recommended tearing the hateful and violent pages out of the Koran.
It is amazing to me how many conservative bloggers are so easily managed by PC and liberal fictions.
Update 2: To be fair to LCR, he does have a video posted of Beacham at a Tea Party rally where Beacham is shouting at the passers-by about the evils of abortion, and making himself look like a fanatic. So perhaps Beacham is indeed an embarrassment to the Tea Party movement. However, that fact does not in any way negate Beacham's legitimate protest of the Koran. Debby Schlussel is sometimes irrational and nutty, but she is also often right. Any specific argument one makes should stand on its own merits, without reference to an unrelated issue where he may have been wrong.
Geert Wilders' Speech at Ground Zero Today (Video)
Geert Wilders spoke at Ground Zero today and made some excellent points, e.g. "A tolerant society is not a suicidal society."
Hat tip: Gates of Vienna
Hat tip: Gates of Vienna
Freedom Rally at Ground Zero Today (Photo)
Freedom Rally,
Ground Zero,
Pamela Geller,
Remembering 9/11
Stogie Burns a Koran (Video)
Not to overstate the point, but I did make a YouTube video of the event and may as well post it.
My son filmed it with his new IPhone. The newest model takes excellent videos.
Oh, and I thought of another reason to burn a Koran: it is terribly cathartic for those of us who resent what was done to us on 9/11.
My son filmed it with his new IPhone. The newest model takes excellent videos.
Oh, and I thought of another reason to burn a Koran: it is terribly cathartic for those of us who resent what was done to us on 9/11.
Man Burns Koran at Ground Zero Today (Video)
This man tore out pages from the Koran and burned them at Ground Zero today. The New York Gestapo escorted him from the scene, probably to avoid upsetting Muslims and liberals, both of whom can be violent. Several reporters and/or bystanders shouted taunts at the man, in an effort get him to reveal his name. All they got was a smiling silence as the man departed the scene.
Reader Courtney sent me the link to this video and said:
Thanks Courtney, but I am not in the same class with this guy. Now that guy has balls of steel!
Reader Courtney sent me the link to this video and said:
All I can say is.....YOU'VE GOT BALLS OF STEEL! (For putting it online anyway)
Here's someone else who joined you today:
http://www.breitbart.tv/protester-burns-koran-at- ground-zero-mosque/
Thanks Courtney, but I am not in the same class with this guy. Now that guy has balls of steel!
Stogie Burns a Koran (Photos)
For all you Jihadis, this is for you. I burn lifeless paper and ink. You burn human beings, 3,000 of them, nine years ago today. Which of us is evil?
I didn't even have to clean up the mess. Once the fire had burned itself out, the wind blew away all of the ashes.
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This Is My Selection For a Barbeque |
I didn't even have to clean up the mess. Once the fire had burned itself out, the wind blew away all of the ashes.
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Alihu Akbar! Houston, We Have Ignition |
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Picking Up Steam |
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Now We're Cooking |
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Whee! That Was Fun! |
Kumbaya Conservatives: Parroting the PC Propaganda Line on 9/11
Nine years ago today, 19 Muslims hijacked commercial aircraft and flew them into planned targets. Two destroyed the Twin Towers in Manhattan and another plowed into the Pentagon. A fourth plane plowed into a field in Pennsylvania after the passengers revolted, causing the terrorists to abort. It is believed that the fourth plane was to crash into either the White House or the Capitol Building.
The force behind these atrocities was a violent and hateful ideology, i.e., Islam. The dictates of this evil "religion" are documented in its chief "holy" book, the Koran. The goals of Islam are clear: to forcibly convert the entire world to Islam and install Sharia law throughout. To further that goal, no atrocity against the "infidel" is off the table. Three hundred school children are murdered in Beslan, Russia; bombs are set off in London and Madrid, killing many; and a four man cadre of Muslims attacks Mumbai, India with AK47 rifles, killing around three hundred innocent souls.
Now we have a lone Christian pastor, of a small church in Florida, who has the strength of character to place the blame for these atrocities where it belongs: on Islam and its evil book, the Koran. So when he plans to burn the contemptible tome, he soon finds himself the pariah of the entire world. Liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans alike are outraged, and the lone pastor is soon smothered with epithets and ad hominem attacks, and intimidated into backing down. For trying to exercise his First Amendment rights, he is visited by the FBI, has his website suspended, the loan on his church property called, and his church's insurance policy cancelled. Then there are the numerous death threats he has received from domestic members of this alien ideology.
I don't care what liberals or Democrats say, they are insane and it is expected that they will always side with evil. But to hear conservatives doing it is truly disgusting. Many conservative bloggers have felt the need to describe the pastor as some kind of lunatic for wanting to symbolically reject Islam by burning their holy book. They do not refer to him as "the pastor," but "the moron pastor" or "this sad figure" or "whack job" or some other derogatory description. A herd mentality can be seen throughout the right wing blogosphere, with all the me-too bloggers piling on in an attempt to make themselves appear righteous and enlightened. So on the eve of the ninth anniversary of Islam's attack on America, we have countless conservative bloggers rushing to protect the Koran and show respect and deference to the ideology that brought down the Twin Towers and murdered 3,000 Americans.
Few conservative bloggers have discussed the content of the Koran, the violent dogmas of Islam, or the reason to burn or not to burn the Koran. They have simply declared it "wrong" without saying why, or by mouthing some inane observation that book burning is "lame" or "ignorant." Apparently, whenever a vile dogma is written down and published in a book, that vile dogma becomes somehow sacrosanct and untouchable. Who made up that rule?
Yesterday I bought a cheap paperback copy of the Koran. Today I will put it in my fire pit and apply a lighted match to the rotten little book, the source of millions of deaths and countless crimes against humanity. And if you think that is wrong then you are the one who is willfully ignorant.
The force behind these atrocities was a violent and hateful ideology, i.e., Islam. The dictates of this evil "religion" are documented in its chief "holy" book, the Koran. The goals of Islam are clear: to forcibly convert the entire world to Islam and install Sharia law throughout. To further that goal, no atrocity against the "infidel" is off the table. Three hundred school children are murdered in Beslan, Russia; bombs are set off in London and Madrid, killing many; and a four man cadre of Muslims attacks Mumbai, India with AK47 rifles, killing around three hundred innocent souls.
Now we have a lone Christian pastor, of a small church in Florida, who has the strength of character to place the blame for these atrocities where it belongs: on Islam and its evil book, the Koran. So when he plans to burn the contemptible tome, he soon finds himself the pariah of the entire world. Liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans alike are outraged, and the lone pastor is soon smothered with epithets and ad hominem attacks, and intimidated into backing down. For trying to exercise his First Amendment rights, he is visited by the FBI, has his website suspended, the loan on his church property called, and his church's insurance policy cancelled. Then there are the numerous death threats he has received from domestic members of this alien ideology.
I don't care what liberals or Democrats say, they are insane and it is expected that they will always side with evil. But to hear conservatives doing it is truly disgusting. Many conservative bloggers have felt the need to describe the pastor as some kind of lunatic for wanting to symbolically reject Islam by burning their holy book. They do not refer to him as "the pastor," but "the moron pastor" or "this sad figure" or "whack job" or some other derogatory description. A herd mentality can be seen throughout the right wing blogosphere, with all the me-too bloggers piling on in an attempt to make themselves appear righteous and enlightened. So on the eve of the ninth anniversary of Islam's attack on America, we have countless conservative bloggers rushing to protect the Koran and show respect and deference to the ideology that brought down the Twin Towers and murdered 3,000 Americans.
Few conservative bloggers have discussed the content of the Koran, the violent dogmas of Islam, or the reason to burn or not to burn the Koran. They have simply declared it "wrong" without saying why, or by mouthing some inane observation that book burning is "lame" or "ignorant." Apparently, whenever a vile dogma is written down and published in a book, that vile dogma becomes somehow sacrosanct and untouchable. Who made up that rule?
Yesterday I bought a cheap paperback copy of the Koran. Today I will put it in my fire pit and apply a lighted match to the rotten little book, the source of millions of deaths and countless crimes against humanity. And if you think that is wrong then you are the one who is willfully ignorant.
Friday, September 10, 2010
John Quincy Adams on the Violent Nature of Islam

John Quincy Adams, was the 6th President of the United States. He is not to be confused with his father, John Adams, who was one of the Founding Fathers and the 2nd President of the United States.
I am quite impressed with John Quncy Adam's grasp of the true nature of Islam. Even in the early 19th century John Quincy Adams knew more about Islam's tyranny than most people know in the 21st. Adams wrote a series of essays on government and foreign policy, and one of the subjects he wrote about was Islam. The following was quoted in Robert Spencer's book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades.
“In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar [i.e., Muhammad], the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent genius, with the preternatural energy of a fanatic, and the fraudulent spirit of an impostor, proclaimed himself as a messenger from Heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. Adopting from the sublime conception of the Mosaic law, the doctrine of one omnipotent God; he [Muhammad] connected indissolubly with it, the audacious falsehood, that he was himself his prophet and apostle. Adopting from the new Revelation of Jesus, the faith and hope of immortal life, and of future retribution, he humbled it to the dust by adapting all the rewards and sanctions of his religion to the gratification of the sexual passion. He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. THE ESSENCE OF HIS DOCTRINE WAS VIOLENCE AND LUST: TO EXALT THE BRUTAL OVER THE SPIRITUAL PART OF HUMAN NATURE (Adam's capital letters)….Between these two religions, thus contrasted in their characters, a war of twelve hundred years has already raged. The war is yet flagrant…While the merciless and dissolute dogmas of the false prophet shall furnish motives to human action, there can never be peace upon earth, and good will towards men.”In another essay Adams wrote:
“…he [Muhammad] declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind…The precept of the Koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God.” [From Frontpage Magazine]-----------------
I like the way John Quincy Adams "tells it like it is": that Muhammad was an audacious imposter, a FALSE PROPHET. The essence of Islam is violence and lust, continuing warfare against all mankind, the exaltation of the brutal part of man's nature over the spiritual.
If ever there were an anti-Christ, it was Muhammad. If Jesus was "God made flesh," clearly Muhammad was Satan made flesh, the embodiment of evil. His religion and his God are nothing more than a disgusting lie.
Note: This is a reprint of a post first made on May 13, 2006
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