I just wanted to see how a moving gif file works in blogger.
Now if I can just figure out how to embed YouTube videos.
I'm working on it.
Apparently he's still battling the latter.Leopold says he engaged in "lying, cheating and backstabbing," is a former cocaine addict, served time for grand larceny, repeatedly tried to kill himself and has battled mental illness his whole life.
Tony Blankley of Real Clear Politics laments that the world just doesn't understand the Islamist threat. Until they do, we will be unable to mount an effective effort to defeat it. He writes:
Until the American and European publics have become convinced of the present danger to them, we will continue to stumble, take half measures and fail to adequately defend ourselves. Before action, must come belief; before belief must come understanding; before understanding must come education and debate. In the beginning was the word. It is time to begin.The conservative blogosphere understands the problem. It's why we write.
And controlling the narrative—first by bending it to fit your will, then byI drew a cartoon two years ago which lampooned Garry Trudeau for using the "Chickenhawk" argument. Here it is. Click on the image to enlarge.
repeating it until it becomes provisional “truth”—is at the heart of a
progressive “activism” that, let’s face it, has failed to win people over
using an unrigged marketplace of ideas.
Atlas Shrugs prints a letter from a Marine today who confirms the fact of World War III. He writes:He said the reluctance to put those pieces together and see one global conflict is hurting America's interests. He said people, including some in the Bush Administration, who urge a restrained response from Israel are wrong "because they haven't crossed the bridge of realizing this is a war."
"This is World War III," Gingrich said. And once that's accepted, he said calls for restraint would fall away:
"Israel wouldn't leave southern Lebanon as long as there was a single missile there. I would go in and clean them all out and I would announce that any Iranian airplane trying to bring missiles to re-supply them would be shot down. This idea that we have this one-sided war where the other team gets to plan how to kill us and we get to talk, is nuts."
I am in the infantry, we are front line Marines. Warriors. We support Israel because we have fought the same people they are fighting, Jihadists. This is a world war. It has been a world war since 11 September 2001. Hopefully now people are realizing the true scale of this conflagration. And Israel is fighting the same enemy in Gaza and Lebanon as America is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, just on another front in the same war. And we see the Israeli Soldiers as brothers in arms against a common enemy.
The will to resist is indeed the target of jihadists from India to Israel, from New York City to London. But, as Mr. Spencer would undoubtedly agree, security measures alone -- walking through metal detectors (in our socks), submitting our belongings to random searches -- don't constitute policy. They don't solve the problem of global jihad: the war of terrorism. At best, security measures thwart acts of terrorism -- and thank goodness -- but only for another day, another trip, another short hop home.If the goal of Islam is to destroy the non-Muslim world's will to resist Islamic conquest, then our counterstrategy seems clear. What we need is an attitude of survival, i.e. moral clarity, which (1) acknowledges Islam's intent to conquer us, (2) affirms our belief in the superiority of our civilization to theirs and (3) asserts our determination to defeat them. These three factors are what constitute the needed will to resist.
Besides the will to resist, then, we need the knowledge to resist -- the knowledge that there is in the religion of Islam itself the historical, inexorable and driving force behind what the entire non-Muslim world is now experiencing as jihad terror. Whether most Muslims wouldn't hurt a fly is an increasingly irrelevant footnote to the hostile aggression of other Muslims who, in a very short time, have actually transformed civilization as we used to know it.In other words, it is time to halt all Muslim immigration into the Western democracies and to begin deporting those already here.
If the will to resist allows us to manage the threat of violence, the will to connect the dots would compel us to eliminate it. How? By carefully examining and -- I would hope, reconsidering and reversing -- through foreign, domestic and immigration initiatives, what should now be seen, gimlet-eyed, as the Islamization of the non-Islamic world. Such an assessment, however, is all too vulnerable to catcall-attacks of "bigotry," even "Nazism" -- a deceptively inverted assault given the doctrinal bigotry and similarities to Nazism historically promulgated by the Islamic creed.
Iran is risking everything on this new strategy, and the only hope they have of success is the expectation that, as they bring the war closer and closer to America, we won't fight back.
But that means that we have an easy way to blow their strategy to smithereens.
All we have to do is to start fighting back.
The essence of Islam revealed
In a letter to the Lansing State Journal published on July 5, 2006, a Muslim living in East Lansing, Michigan states in clear, matter-of-fact language what he and other Muslims believe,—that the penalty for converting from Islam to another religion is death—and why they believe it. It is not because they personally choose to believe it. It is not because they are personally “extreme” or “fanatical.” It not because they are “alienated” by the experience of living as Muslims in the West. It is not because they have been goaded into anger by anti-Muslim bigotry. It is not because they have been seduced into extremism by extremist imams or Wahhabi mosques. It is not because they have an inferiority complex about Muslims’ having being “left behind” by Western progress since the seventeenth century. It is not because of Israel’s “oppression” of the Palestinians or American support for Israel. It not because of American involvement in the Mideast or the American occupation of Iraq. And it not because of inadequate Western aid efforts to poor Muslim countries. They believe what they believe because it is what Islam requires them to believe. Once we realize this simple fact, any question of “extreme” versus “moderate” Islam comes to an end. All Muslims by virtue of being Muslims are members of an extremist, totalitarian religion. From this it follows that no believing Muslims (outside small numbers for diplomacy, trade, etc.) should be allowed to live in non-Muslim countries, let alone in a country founded on religious freedom.
Some may call my conclusion extreme. I call it a no-brainer.
Islam and LiberalismThanks Larry! That's the situation in a nutshell.
Part I. Islam
Islam: You infidels must accept Allah and his Prophet and become Muslims.
Infidels: But we don’t believe in Islam. We believe in Christianity / Judaism / Zoroastrianism / Hinduism.
Islam: Then you are wicked haters of Allah and you deserve to be crushed and destroyed.
Part II. Liberalism
Liberalism: You Westerners must accept the takeover of your society by non-Westerners and its transformation into a Third-World society.
Westerners: But we are Westerners. We want to continue being Westerners.
Liberalism: Then you are vile race haters and you deserve to be crushed and destroyed.
Leftist extremists are feeling threatened. Their campus strongholds are under attack by conservatives who refuse to concede culturally vital institutions to people who hate America, hate traditional religious values, and hate virtually all of Western civilization. Unable to defend bankrupt ideas on the merits, campus radicals respond to conservatives with vitriol, abuse, and, increasingly, threats. While they may find this strategy emotionally satisfying, it will only further alienate them from mainstream American discourse and (ultimately) further diminish their power and influence.
Ah, the Religion of Peace strikes again! Of course Al-Reuters makes no mention of the motivations or religion of the conspirators. One was arrested in Lebanon and others are being sought throughout the world. According to the New York Daily News, the plot was discovered by monitoring Islamist chat rooms on the internet. If only the New York Times had been on the ball, the terrorists might have been warned in time to avoid detection and capture! You just know the reporters there are getting an ass-chewing this morning.WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A plot to bomb New York's Holland Tunnel in an effort to flood the Wall Street financial district has been uncovered by the FBI, with a suspect arrested in Lebanon, New York's Daily News reported on Friday.
The newspaper, quoting unidentified counterterrorism sources, said the investigation involved what officials considered a "serious plot" to detonate enough explosives inside the landmark tunnel to destroy it and send devastating floodwaters through lower Manhattan.
Stogie Puts It All In Perspective - How To Start Your Own ReligionIslam or death
I read Le Roy Barnett’s letter (“Muslims, speak up,” June 26) about Muslims’ opinion on Abdul Rahman’s conversion to Christianity.
Islam is not only a religion, it is a complete way of life. Islam guides Muslims from birth to grave. The Quran and prophet Muhammad’s words and practical application of Quran in life cannot be changed.
Islam is a guide for humanity, for all times, until the day of judgment. It is forbidden in Islam to convert to any other religion. The penalty is death. There is no disagreement about it.
Islam is being embraced by people of other faiths all the time. They should know they can embrace Islam, but cannot get out. This rule is not made by Muslims; it is the supreme law of God.
Please do not ask us Muslims to pick some rules and disregard other rules. Muslims are supposed to embrace Islam in its totality.
Nazra Quraishi
East Lansing