Below is my reply to the article.
Pamela, yes it's true Jews have been treated abominably down through the centuries, but the bitterness shouldn't be taken too far. There are many, many Christians who support Israel today, and it is the most fundamental of Christians who support it the most. American troops did liberate Buchenwald and Dachau, and my Uncle Fred was among those troops who liberated the latter. The American troops were so outraged at what they found at Dachau that they lined the German guards up against a wall and promptly shot them.
Israel exists today because Christian nations established it, funded it and supported it both morally and with arms. Although Europe has its head way up its nether regions, most people in the USA support Israel, as recent polls indicate.
My two older sons both served with the US Army in the Sinai, the peacekeeping force that Carter put there to keep Egypt and Israel at peace. Both of them went to Israel when they had leave; both of them were astounded at how beautiful, modern and prosperous Israel was compared to the barren and impoverished landscape of Egypt. Stogie Jr. told me that it was like walking from a barren destert into an oasis.
Both my sons were befriended by Israeli soldiers and my younger son spent a weekend in the home of an IDF soldier as his guest. Clearly, the IDF soldiers saw my sons as comrades in arms.
Yesterday my eldest son called me and told me he would love to join the IDF and fight on the front lines for Israel. I told him I had a similar fantasy, but we are both too long in the tooth for that. I doubt my old Civil War muzzle loader would be effective against those Chinese made rockets.
My son told me, "Pop, if I weren't a Christian, I'd be a Jew."
I replied, "Me too!"
I think you know where our hearts are.
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