Yes, easy access to abortions seems to be their major issue, surpassing all others. At the last Democratic convention, there were women wearing T shirts that said "I Had An Abortion" as if they were proud of it, as if it were a badge of honor. They are very sick people indeed.
Jefferson on Executive Action
Jefferson was ever committed to tripartite governmental powers, comprising
an executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. Each branch, he asserts
to Geo...
1 day ago
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That makes a point. It shows how much this country has changed in terms of standards and patriotism.
Yes, easy access to abortions seems to be their major issue, surpassing all others. At the last Democratic convention, there were women wearing T shirts that said "I Had An Abortion" as if they were proud of it, as if it were a badge of honor. They are very sick people indeed.
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