Sunday, August 06, 2006

Photoshopping With Al-Reuters

If you've read Little Green Footballs today, you know Charles over there caught Reuters in a photo fraud. Reuters Photoshopped (badly) a picture of Lebanon so that it showed considerably more smoke than the original. Al-Reuters is now apparently an official propaganda arm of Hezbollah.

Their terrible Photoshopped picture is to the left. People who actually know how to Photoshop are laughing their asses off today.

Charles has tentatively identified this second picture as the likely original, as it was taken from the very same vantage point and can be overlayed the original as proof.

There's a bit of smoke, but not enough to truly demonize the Israelis. So they Photoshopped it to add more smoke (top picture).

Like other Photoshoppers, I just had to try my hand at it. So I added a big column of smoke of my own to the original. I then submitted it to Reuters for their use. They liked it but thought the picture of Godzilla a little too over the top, even for them.

UPDATE: The blogosphere is all over this story. Several bloggers have found obvious Photoshopped fakes of other pictures by this same photographer. Others have found some of his photos that appear obviously staged. Moreover, this is the same photographer who took the Qana pictures of the green helmet guy with the dead children, also obviously staged and caught by the blogosphere. Go Blogs!! It's a feeding frenzy on the MSM, particularly Reuters, a very biased news outlet. We live for days like this. Thanks Reuters!

See Pajamas Media for additional links and info. Hat tip to the Squiggler and Islamic Evil.

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