It's obvious that my blog is not one of the many that simply summarize and repeat the news of the day. For one thing, that takes work, and there are many other blogs who do it a lot better, e.g. Little Green Footballs, Michelle Malkin, Infidel Bloggers Alliance, Islamic Evil and (especially) Atlas Shrugs. (Another often overlooked gem is The Squiggler blog. Check it out.)
Nevertheless, here's one of my rare takes on the news of the day:
1. Pat Buchanan, that transparent old Bigot, has written another article criticizing Israel. He sounds just like any Leftist pacifist appeaser when it comes to Israel's efforts at self-defense. His diatribe mentions no atrocity thrown at Israel and one might get the impression that the Israelis are whack jobs who spontaneously attack Arabs and target kids without cause or provocation. Buchanan ought to start writing for the Daily KOS where more people share his views.
2. Fidel Castro appears ready to croak and Cubans in Miami are celebrating in the streets. This is indeed significant news for the West. Do you realize what this means? We may finally be able to get Cuban cigars again!!
3. Bloggers have once again done the work that the mainstream media should be doing but isn't, doing research and uncovering the truth amidst Muslim lies. The Qana controversy, in which a building bombed by Israel collapsed and allegedly killed a number of children, has been shown to be largely fraudulent. A Hezbollah operative uses dead children for props for its willing accomplices in the MSM, who report the Muslim propaganda like the dutiful little lapdogs they are. Greatest domestic media enemy is CNN, who seems to be trying to compete with Al Jazeera for militant Muslim viewers.
4. That old goat Jimmy Carter wrote an article in the Washington Post blaming the Israeli-Muslim conflict on Israel. He and Pat Buchanan ought to run for President and Vice President...of Syria!
In spite of the self-delusion, ignorance, appeasement and antisemitism of the Left, let us hope Israel will ignore their stupidity and continue its war on Hezbollah. In spite of everything, Israel should concentrate on one thing: FINISHING THE JOB.
It's interesting to note that Israel goes out of its way to avoid killing civilians, dropping leaflets for example, warning of coming attacks. Hezbollah goes out of its way to use civilians (including children) as human shields, physically preventing them from leaving the targeted area, knowing full well that Israel is far more decent and humane than they are. Then, once its human shields have been killed by air strikes, Hezbollah further profanes the bodies by using them as propaganda tools.
Good and Evil cannot be more clearly demonstrated in this war. Buchanan and Carter, the mainstream media and the Left have proudly garbed themselves in the robes of the latter, and deserve the contempt of decent people everywhere.
UK Green Energy Record
1 hour ago
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