I have often said that the Democrats are very Machiavellian, i.e. they are utterly ruthless in pushing their agendas and goals while attacking Republicans. The past couple of weeks have really demonstrated how dishonest the Left really is. You can believe nothing they say. Rush Limbaugh nailed it when he said "Liberals lie. They just flat-out, freaking lie."
Big Fat Democrat Lies now making the scene:
Rush Limbaugh was accused of calling soldiers who criticize the war "phony soldiers." 41 Democrats signed a letter by Harry Reid to Rush's employer. The letter asked that Rush be made to apologize for the "slur" against these "soldiers." However, the Democrats were grossly misrepresenting what happened.
Rush was criticizing Leftists who masquerade as soldiers for the purpose of anti-war propaganda, like Jesse MacBeth, a Leftist who posed as a soldier protesting the war. However, MacBeth never served and was never in Iraq. MacBeth was literally and truthfully a "phony soldier." The Dems disingenuously sought to undermine Rush's credibility and popularity by passing off his remark as a slur against
actual soldiers who oppose the war (neither of whom could be reached for comment).
Liberals nationwide joined in pushing the massive lie, on the Senate floor, on Chris Matthews show, even on the MSNBC website home page. (I sent email to the latter excoriating them for propagating a brazen lie.)
Meanwhile, Rush has the Harry Reid letter up for auction on e-Bay and the current bid is $65,100. Rush plans to donate the proceeds to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides scholarships to children whose parents die in the line of duty.
Randi Rhodes (see picture above right), a liberal radio host on Air America, is largely unknown outside of her tiny circle of radio show listeners. I had never even heard of her before this week. However, she apparently was walking her dog one night and fell on her face, breaking teeth and giving herself a black eye. Leftist commentators on Air America and moonbat websites like Daily KOS and Moveon.org immediately announced that Rhodes had been mugged by a right wing fanatic and beaten up because the Right just can't stand to have competing opinions on the air. One commentator at Air America was crying like a little sissy-girl as he regurgitated accusations against us on the "hate-filled" right.
Within a day or so, it was revealed that Randi Rhodes beat up herself by slipping and falling on her face, in perhaps an unconscious parody of her radio show's ratings.
The incident again reveals how dishonest, irrational and paranoid are the wailing sissy-girls of the Left. Before any facts about the incident were known, masses of liberal nutroots had jumped to conclusions without any evidence whatsoever.
State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) - This is a medical aid program that was authored by Senator Ted Kennedy and Senator Hillary Clinton. It is supposed to provide federal dollars to states to assist families who make too much money to qualify for medicare, but still can't afford private health insurance. In other words, it's socialism. Currently the act provides $5 billion annually to states for this purpose. Recently, Congress passed a bill to expand the funding from $5 billion to $35 billion annually. President Bush vetoed the bill because he believed the bill would federalize health care, expanding the scope of SCHIP much farther than its original intent. Bush said “I don’t like plans that encourage people to move from private plans to the public. And that’s what that bill would do.”
Democrats and their house organs in the mainstream media are now slurring Bush and non-socialist members of Congress as being anti-children. One Scott Thill at Alternet asked "
Does Bush hate kids?" Nancy Pelosi blamed the veto on "Hate Radio," Paul Simon, the singer, called the veto "a heartless act." One of the most extreme examples of Leftist slander came from Newsweek who described Michelle Malkin this way: "Heartless right-wing blogger attacks 12 year old brain injury victim over insurance. Sick."
The only thing sick about it is the gross misrepresentation by Newsweak. Slander is their byword. The boy's family had been used by Democrats as an example of why funding should be increased sevenfold. Malkin did not attack anyone. She merely pointed out that the family of this boy was already on SCHIP coverage and the Democrats' desired increase would have no effect on his coverage. How is that "attacking" the boy? Newsweek grossly misrepresented the facts.
The Democrats are going to try and override the SCHIP veto on October 18. They hope to persuade some of our squishy soft Republicans to support them in this regard, and all of the slanderous publicity is geared in that direction. Vote with the Dems or be slandered as "anti-child."