Two weeks to go. I am a little tired but not overly so. Yesterday and today, I have to go see friends who want me to do their tax returns. Yesterday, I spent the whole afternoon working on my attorney's tax return, which is fairly complicated.
When I finally got home, it was raining hard. I enjoyed a cigar and a cup of tea, and then a nap. It was glorious.
One thing I have learned from this tax season, is that I am pretty good at taxes. Clients have confidence in me and like me. I will seek better opportunities next year. Wifey recently passed the IRS Enrolled Agent's exam, so we could open our own tax practice quite easily. Wifey, though, is afraid of the legal liability and doesn't want to do so.
Two weeks to go. Hurry up!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Two Weeks To Go Til April 15
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Lawrence Auster: First Anniversary of His Death on March 29, 2013
Lawrence Auster of View From the Right died one year ago today. Since his death, some of his followers have created the Lawrence Auster Society. Here's what they say about Mr. Auster and his life:
Up until the death of Lawrence Auster on March 29, 2013, thousands of devoted fans came to this website everyday, sometimes two or three times a day. They came for Mr. Auster’s brilliant political and cultural commentary. They felt that his unique combination of insight, combativeness, erudition, wit and warmth could not be found elsewhere. He is much missed and this site continues to draw many visitors each day.
Fortunately, Mr. Auster left this abundant archive and it is a generous gift to those who wish to explore it. It includes quick, trenchant analysis of current events; lengthy essays on a variety of subjects; elegant debate and a systematic philosophy of modern decline. The articles featured in the sidebar are especially important and relevant.
Please feel free to quote from the material here. Those who wish to use longer excerpts may request permission here.
Mr. Auster was a “traditionalist” who is best known for his writings on immigration, race, Islam, Darwinism, politics and feminism. His book, “The Path to National Suicide” was a seminal work in the immigration restrictionist movement.
“The Path to National Suicide,” originally published in 1990, was his first book and is regarded, along with Peter Brimelow’s, “Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster”, as a foundational text in the modern immigration restriction movement. In “Alien Nation” Brimelow refers to Auster’s book as “perhaps the most remarkable literary product of the Restrictionist underground, a work which I think will one day be seen as a political pamphlet to rank with Tom Paine’s Common Sense.” His subsequent booklets on immigration have been “Huddled Cliches: Exposing the Fraudulent Arguments that Have Opened America’s Borders to the World,” and “Erasing America: The Politics of the Borderless Nation.”
But it was as a blogger at this website, where Mr. Auster was an indefatigable author and editor, that he found his most popular success. From the year 2000, when he took over the weblog from its founder, James Kalb, Mr. Auster posted thousands of entries, in his concise and elegant style, on “The passing scene and what it’s about viewed from the traditionalist politically incorrect Right,” as stated on its masthead. Mr. Auster also stood duty as moderator and editor for the many comments sent in by readers.
Lawrence Auster was no stranger to controversy and aimed his criticisms not only at obvious targets on the left but also at those on the right whom he saw losing one battle after another. After Pope Benedict XVI apologized for his 2006 speech in Regensburg, which criticized Islam, Auster wrote, “As long as our own principles are liberal, as long as such liberal values as pluralism and tolerance, rather than traditionalist values such as nation and civilization, are our ultimate governing values, we will not be able to oppose liberalism and the liberalism-assisted takeover of the West by the Other. Mainstream conservatism is itself largely liberal. Only a belief system that is non-liberal at its core, namely traditionalism, can save the West.”
Mr. Auster was born in Union, New Jersey in 1949 to Sean Irving Auster, an early electronics whizkid, businessman, and real estate investor, and Charlotte Auster, a homemaker. From the age of 11 he grew up in South Orange, New Jersey, where his older siblings introduced him to classical music and Bob Dylan, both lifelong passions, along with poetry. He attended Columbia University for a year and witnessed the student riots in 1968. He did not like the Ivy League university, which he found too impersonal. He also attended Bard College for a semester before deciding that he needed to educate himself on his own before completing a bachelor’s degree.
In the 1970s, he lived a bohemian life in Aspen, Colorado, playing guitar, reading great works of literature, working at a book store, and, it amused him to recount later, wearing a sandwich board through the streets of Aspen with the menu of a local restaurant. For a while, he was a professional astrologer. He then earned a bachelor’s degree in English at the University of Colorado in Boulder. For a time, he was a follower of the Indian spiritual leader Meher Baba, traveling to India to visit his center there.
He then moved to Manhattan, rented a spartan studio apartment on the Upper West Side in which he lived up until his final weeks, and began an often frustrating search for the right career. He attended law school for a year, but decided he would never make a good lawyer. He worked as an administrator at a private school, drove a cab, read lots of books and worked as a temp. He referred candidly to his “odd and eccentric life.”
“I’ve never had any mainstream “moves” in my makeup. I’ve been a solitary intellectual seeker and spiritual seeker all my life, and a misfit in mainstream society,” Mr. Auster wrote, late in life. “I’ve never had a normal career. Even if I had wanted to, I could not have had a mainstream career as a writer, because writing for money or fame or whatever was simply not part of my makeup. Everything I’ve written, I’ve written because it’s been intensely important me to say something that I had to say. I can’t write any other way.”
He discovered his main subject when he was walking through Manhattan one day and, looking at the people around him, suddenly realized that whites were on their way to becoming a minority in America. He said that since he was so firmly convinced of the essential humanity of all people, he felt suited to writing about the controversial subject of race and challenging the crippling plague of white guilt.
Mr. Auster, who never married, was raised in the Jewish religion. He was baptized as an Anglican at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in New York City in 1990 and then, in the days prior to his death, joined the Roman Catholic Church.
He died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 64, when he was still at the peak of his abilities. His experience with cancer (he survived much longer than most) is well-documented here. He continued posting entries until a few days before his death, when he entered a coma. Not long before, he commented that he sometimes thought he was too admired by some of his readers. And he often claimed that he was not courageous for saying things so politically and socially unacceptable that he would never be admitted into the conventional world of journalism or publishing. He insisted he wasn’t brave. He was just Lawrence Auster.
Up until the death of Lawrence Auster on March 29, 2013, thousands of devoted fans came to this website everyday, sometimes two or three times a day. They came for Mr. Auster’s brilliant political and cultural commentary. They felt that his unique combination of insight, combativeness, erudition, wit and warmth could not be found elsewhere. He is much missed and this site continues to draw many visitors each day.
Fortunately, Mr. Auster left this abundant archive and it is a generous gift to those who wish to explore it. It includes quick, trenchant analysis of current events; lengthy essays on a variety of subjects; elegant debate and a systematic philosophy of modern decline. The articles featured in the sidebar are especially important and relevant.
Please feel free to quote from the material here. Those who wish to use longer excerpts may request permission here.
Mr. Auster was a “traditionalist” who is best known for his writings on immigration, race, Islam, Darwinism, politics and feminism. His book, “The Path to National Suicide” was a seminal work in the immigration restrictionist movement.
“The Path to National Suicide,” originally published in 1990, was his first book and is regarded, along with Peter Brimelow’s, “Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster”, as a foundational text in the modern immigration restriction movement. In “Alien Nation” Brimelow refers to Auster’s book as “perhaps the most remarkable literary product of the Restrictionist underground, a work which I think will one day be seen as a political pamphlet to rank with Tom Paine’s Common Sense.” His subsequent booklets on immigration have been “Huddled Cliches: Exposing the Fraudulent Arguments that Have Opened America’s Borders to the World,” and “Erasing America: The Politics of the Borderless Nation.”
But it was as a blogger at this website, where Mr. Auster was an indefatigable author and editor, that he found his most popular success. From the year 2000, when he took over the weblog from its founder, James Kalb, Mr. Auster posted thousands of entries, in his concise and elegant style, on “The passing scene and what it’s about viewed from the traditionalist politically incorrect Right,” as stated on its masthead. Mr. Auster also stood duty as moderator and editor for the many comments sent in by readers.
Lawrence Auster was no stranger to controversy and aimed his criticisms not only at obvious targets on the left but also at those on the right whom he saw losing one battle after another. After Pope Benedict XVI apologized for his 2006 speech in Regensburg, which criticized Islam, Auster wrote, “As long as our own principles are liberal, as long as such liberal values as pluralism and tolerance, rather than traditionalist values such as nation and civilization, are our ultimate governing values, we will not be able to oppose liberalism and the liberalism-assisted takeover of the West by the Other. Mainstream conservatism is itself largely liberal. Only a belief system that is non-liberal at its core, namely traditionalism, can save the West.”
Mr. Auster was born in Union, New Jersey in 1949 to Sean Irving Auster, an early electronics whizkid, businessman, and real estate investor, and Charlotte Auster, a homemaker. From the age of 11 he grew up in South Orange, New Jersey, where his older siblings introduced him to classical music and Bob Dylan, both lifelong passions, along with poetry. He attended Columbia University for a year and witnessed the student riots in 1968. He did not like the Ivy League university, which he found too impersonal. He also attended Bard College for a semester before deciding that he needed to educate himself on his own before completing a bachelor’s degree.
In the 1970s, he lived a bohemian life in Aspen, Colorado, playing guitar, reading great works of literature, working at a book store, and, it amused him to recount later, wearing a sandwich board through the streets of Aspen with the menu of a local restaurant. For a while, he was a professional astrologer. He then earned a bachelor’s degree in English at the University of Colorado in Boulder. For a time, he was a follower of the Indian spiritual leader Meher Baba, traveling to India to visit his center there.
He then moved to Manhattan, rented a spartan studio apartment on the Upper West Side in which he lived up until his final weeks, and began an often frustrating search for the right career. He attended law school for a year, but decided he would never make a good lawyer. He worked as an administrator at a private school, drove a cab, read lots of books and worked as a temp. He referred candidly to his “odd and eccentric life.”
“I’ve never had any mainstream “moves” in my makeup. I’ve been a solitary intellectual seeker and spiritual seeker all my life, and a misfit in mainstream society,” Mr. Auster wrote, late in life. “I’ve never had a normal career. Even if I had wanted to, I could not have had a mainstream career as a writer, because writing for money or fame or whatever was simply not part of my makeup. Everything I’ve written, I’ve written because it’s been intensely important me to say something that I had to say. I can’t write any other way.”
He discovered his main subject when he was walking through Manhattan one day and, looking at the people around him, suddenly realized that whites were on their way to becoming a minority in America. He said that since he was so firmly convinced of the essential humanity of all people, he felt suited to writing about the controversial subject of race and challenging the crippling plague of white guilt.
Mr. Auster, who never married, was raised in the Jewish religion. He was baptized as an Anglican at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in New York City in 1990 and then, in the days prior to his death, joined the Roman Catholic Church.
He died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 64, when he was still at the peak of his abilities. His experience with cancer (he survived much longer than most) is well-documented here. He continued posting entries until a few days before his death, when he entered a coma. Not long before, he commented that he sometimes thought he was too admired by some of his readers. And he often claimed that he was not courageous for saying things so politically and socially unacceptable that he would never be admitted into the conventional world of journalism or publishing. He insisted he wasn’t brave. He was just Lawrence Auster.
One year later, you are in our thoughts, Larry. We miss you.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Results of My Stress Test and My Heart
I went into the doctor's office today for the results of my stress test. The doctor said I have no blockages at all and my heart is very healthy and strong. No followup appointments are necessary.
That's good news I guess. My wife's heart is not in such great shape, and I would hate to outlive her. I'd be lost without her.
That's good news I guess. My wife's heart is not in such great shape, and I would hate to outlive her. I'd be lost without her.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
My Latest Bow Tie: a Classic Design
I am getting to where I can tie these with some skill now, and I continue my new found fascination with bow ties.
Clients seem to really like them. Bow ties are formal but friendly, and not nearly as stuffy as the usual business tie.
I recommend them!
BACKUP YOUR BLOGSPOT BLOG! Protect Your Blog From Sabotage.
Kimberlin Unmasked was a blogspot blog, but the author did not backup the blog. When Team Kimberlin lied to Google about the nature of the blog, Google terminated the blog without any confirmation of TK's false claims (i.e., that KU was a "spoof site"). The result of this was that the blog owner lost months of posts and comments.
To protect your blog content from similar malfeasance, you should back up your blog on a regular basis. I back mine up after every post I consider most important.
Here are the steps I follow to backup my blogs:
1. Create a folder on your hard drive called "Blog Backup."
2. Bring up the home page of your blogspot blog. Be sure you are signed in.
3. In the upper right hand corner of the blog page, click on "Design." The "My Blogs" page will appear.
4. To backup your blog template (the blog design, page structure, colors and such), click on "Backup/Restore." A file of your template will download into your download folder. Move this file into your "Blog Backup" folder (created in step 1 above). Note: this template does NOT include your blog content, i.e. your posts, your comments, your pictures and graphics. However, if you have customized your blog page in any way, backing up the template can save a lot of work in recreating it, should disaster strike.
5. To backup your blog content, click on "Settings" at the left of this same page. A list of subheadings appear. At the bottom of this list, click on "Other." A new page will appear.
6. At the top of the page, click on "Export Blog." A file will now download. This is your content backup. Move it from your download folder to your "Blog Backup" folder. These files designate the date of the download in the file name, so it is easy to see the date of the latest backup.
You are now backed up.
To protect your blog content from similar malfeasance, you should back up your blog on a regular basis. I back mine up after every post I consider most important.
Here are the steps I follow to backup my blogs:
1. Create a folder on your hard drive called "Blog Backup."
2. Bring up the home page of your blogspot blog. Be sure you are signed in.
3. In the upper right hand corner of the blog page, click on "Design." The "My Blogs" page will appear.
4. To backup your blog template (the blog design, page structure, colors and such), click on "Backup/Restore." A file of your template will download into your download folder. Move this file into your "Blog Backup" folder (created in step 1 above). Note: this template does NOT include your blog content, i.e. your posts, your comments, your pictures and graphics. However, if you have customized your blog page in any way, backing up the template can save a lot of work in recreating it, should disaster strike.
5. To backup your blog content, click on "Settings" at the left of this same page. A list of subheadings appear. At the bottom of this list, click on "Other." A new page will appear.
6. At the top of the page, click on "Export Blog." A file will now download. This is your content backup. Move it from your download folder to your "Blog Backup" folder. These files designate the date of the download in the file name, so it is easy to see the date of the latest backup.
You are now backed up.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Brett Kimberlin Whacks Hornets Nest, Complains About Stings
A Hogewash post today explains Kimberlin's motion for a preliminary injunction, asking the court to order various bloggers to delete all of their posts since July 7, 2013 that mention Kimberlin. So we see the essence of what Kimberlin's lawsuits are really all about: censorship of his critics. Like most liberals, Kimberlin doesn't want to be held accountable for his misdeeds, and doesn't want anyone writing about them.
As W.J.J. Hoge points out, recent discussions of Kimberlin's crimes, though occurring more than thirty years in the past, are relevant to Kimberlin's current lawfare activities. They are relevant as well to his possible involvement in related illegalities like SWATting, lying about Kimberlin Unmasked blogsite being a "spoof site" in order to shut it down, and the recent DDOS attack on the new Kimberlin Unmasked website. Kimberlin's past gives clues as to his current behavior and character. Hoge writes:
As an example consider this snippet from Kimberlin's lawsuit complaint:

The above statement is a complete falsehood, inserted into a legal filing that is supposed to be made under oath and the penalty of perjury. Out of "hundreds of blog posts" Kimberlin cannot cite a single specific example of this defamation, mainly because it does not exist.
Now Kimberlin is whining that he is being picked on for crimes thirty-five years in his past, and that he deserves to be able "to live in peace." Hoge does not disagree, but with a caveat:
Other bloggers heard about the injustice perpetrated on Aaron Walker, and began investigating and writing about his tormentor, i.e. Brett Kimberlin. Kimberlin then began attacking these other writers. When three of these writers were criminally SWATed, suspicion naturally turned towards Kimberlin. Now this was serious, as the crime of SWATing could have gotten these bloggers killed, in a "murder by cop" scenario.
Kimberlin denies he was behind the SWATing episodes. Nevertheless, since there appeared to be a link (which has been neither proved nor disproved), and with lives possibly at stake, the conservative blogosphere was right to question whether there was a link between Kimberlin and these SWATing episodes. The attention paid off, in that the SWATings stopped. Whoever was perpetrating these SWATing episodes apparently felt the heat.
Most of us in the conservative blogosphere would never have known, or cared, who Brett Kimberlin is, or what he did thirty-five years ago, had Kimberlin not launched these vicious lawfare attacks on many people, merely to force them to self-censor. These legal attacks were not merely to redress a perceived wrong, but appear calculated to do maximum damage to people's lives, reputations and livelihoods. In short, Kimberlin's activities against bloggers appear hate-filled and vengeful, a form of the "politics of personal destruction," which we see so often from the left. This is not exactly the "peaceful life" one should be leading if he wants to avoid negative publicity and pushback.
In short, Brett Kimberlin has been whacking a hornet's nest with a stick for some time now Until he stops, he shouldn't complain about the stings.
NOTE: Readers are encouraged to correct any inadvertant misstatements of fact, or offer additional facts and insights to this blog post, via the comments section. Brett Kimberlin is invited to rebut this article as well, subject to counter-rebuttal.
As W.J.J. Hoge points out, recent discussions of Kimberlin's crimes, though occurring more than thirty years in the past, are relevant to Kimberlin's current lawfare activities. They are relevant as well to his possible involvement in related illegalities like SWATting, lying about Kimberlin Unmasked blogsite being a "spoof site" in order to shut it down, and the recent DDOS attack on the new Kimberlin Unmasked website. Kimberlin's past gives clues as to his current behavior and character. Hoge writes:
Hogewash! got involved with coverage of Brett Kimberlin because of his ongoing anti-First-Amendment thuggery. Any incidental discussion of his criminal past has been to provide context concerning his character.Based on what I've seen and read, Kimberlin lies as easily as he breathes, so much so and to such an extent that I wonder if he is suffering from a form of dementia, unaware that his delusions sharply differ from reality.
As an example consider this snippet from Kimberlin's lawsuit complaint:

The above statement is a complete falsehood, inserted into a legal filing that is supposed to be made under oath and the penalty of perjury. Out of "hundreds of blog posts" Kimberlin cannot cite a single specific example of this defamation, mainly because it does not exist.
Now Kimberlin is whining that he is being picked on for crimes thirty-five years in his past, and that he deserves to be able "to live in peace." Hoge does not disagree, but with a caveat:
Let me be very specific: I believe that Brett Kimberlin has the right to live in peace. But in order to do so, he will need to live a peaceable life himself. Shutupery via lawfare isn’t peaceful.Since this latest installment of the Brett Kimberlin Saga began, Kimberlin has been anything but peaceful. He sued Seth Allen, a liberal blogger, because Allen criticized ads from one of Kimberlin's non-profits offering huge rewards for disclosures of Republican malfeasance. Allen considered the ads to be unethical and/or somewhat dishonest. Kimberlin sued him, then sued blogger and attorney Aaron Walker for trying to provide Allen with legal advice on how to handle the suit. Later, Kimberlin lied about Walker physically attacking him in the courthouse, with numerous deputies having to intervene to save Kimberlin. However, the court house camera filmed the entire scenario, which proved nothing like it happened. Without this proof, Walker might very well have gone to jail for a crime he did not commit, based on Kimberlin's perjury. Again, Kimberlin lies as easily as he breathes, and seems incapable of differentiating illusion from reality. It is not clear to me whether he is evil or possibly just demented. A psychiatric evaluation of Brett Kimberlin might help everyone concerned, including Brett Kimberlin himself.
Other bloggers heard about the injustice perpetrated on Aaron Walker, and began investigating and writing about his tormentor, i.e. Brett Kimberlin. Kimberlin then began attacking these other writers. When three of these writers were criminally SWATed, suspicion naturally turned towards Kimberlin. Now this was serious, as the crime of SWATing could have gotten these bloggers killed, in a "murder by cop" scenario.
Kimberlin denies he was behind the SWATing episodes. Nevertheless, since there appeared to be a link (which has been neither proved nor disproved), and with lives possibly at stake, the conservative blogosphere was right to question whether there was a link between Kimberlin and these SWATing episodes. The attention paid off, in that the SWATings stopped. Whoever was perpetrating these SWATing episodes apparently felt the heat.
Most of us in the conservative blogosphere would never have known, or cared, who Brett Kimberlin is, or what he did thirty-five years ago, had Kimberlin not launched these vicious lawfare attacks on many people, merely to force them to self-censor. These legal attacks were not merely to redress a perceived wrong, but appear calculated to do maximum damage to people's lives, reputations and livelihoods. In short, Kimberlin's activities against bloggers appear hate-filled and vengeful, a form of the "politics of personal destruction," which we see so often from the left. This is not exactly the "peaceful life" one should be leading if he wants to avoid negative publicity and pushback.
In short, Brett Kimberlin has been whacking a hornet's nest with a stick for some time now Until he stops, he shouldn't complain about the stings.
NOTE: Readers are encouraged to correct any inadvertant misstatements of fact, or offer additional facts and insights to this blog post, via the comments section. Brett Kimberlin is invited to rebut this article as well, subject to counter-rebuttal.
The Stogiemeister Felled by Flu
I started feeling ill last Thursday at work; went home and soon found myself overwhelmed by flu symptoms, evacuating all bodily fluids and toxins from my body via the usual routes. The worst symptom of the flu, for me, is the vomiting. I hate that. For some reason food doesn't taste as good coming up as it did going down. I imagine it is similar to what Obama voters are feeling today. It felt much better to vote for the well-dressed, hip, progressive black guy than it does to actually live under his policies.
For some reason, one of my symptoms was a shooting pain at the base of my spine, which later moved around to my right hip. This phenomenon is also reminiscent of the Obama experience, i.e. a severe pain in the ass. So not only did I have to exit my bed every quarter hour for a bathroom trip, I got to do it in excruciating pain.
All this after having had an extra-strength flu shot back in October. I won't complain: flu shots have kept me flu-free since my last awful bout with the illness, back in November 2000. Perhaps I was infected by a different strain this time.
On Friday I was better, but slept most of the day, repeating this regimen on Saturday. Those stick on self-heating pads greatly reduced the pain in my hip. This morning I can declare myself fully recovered. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for Obama's America.
For some reason, one of my symptoms was a shooting pain at the base of my spine, which later moved around to my right hip. This phenomenon is also reminiscent of the Obama experience, i.e. a severe pain in the ass. So not only did I have to exit my bed every quarter hour for a bathroom trip, I got to do it in excruciating pain.
All this after having had an extra-strength flu shot back in October. I won't complain: flu shots have kept me flu-free since my last awful bout with the illness, back in November 2000. Perhaps I was infected by a different strain this time.
On Friday I was better, but slept most of the day, repeating this regimen on Saturday. Those stick on self-heating pads greatly reduced the pain in my hip. This morning I can declare myself fully recovered. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for Obama's America.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Note to Brett Kimberlin: Pro Se Litigation Works Both Ways
Hogewash is reporting this morning that the federal copyright lawsuit against Kimberlin Unmasked will go forward. Judge Titus of the federal court accepted Kimberlin's amended complaint, which allegedly identifies the person or persons blogging as Kimberlin Unmasked. As a result, Judge Titus has ordered the issuance of summons to the defendants.
It's amazing how much a vengeful litigant, acting as his own attorney, can disrupt lives and cost his targets lots of time, money and mental anguish. Lawsuits are often nothing more than legal extortion, but you have to go through the process of the litigation. Knowing that the system is grossly flawed won't protect you from the system. To defend yourself, you need to learn how to use the system. You must go through the process, no matter how repugnant or fearful it seems to you. When I was being sued by a ruthless POS plaintiff, I kept this little piece of verse in mind:
Face the lawsuit with determination to win it.
To escape financial ruin, you may need to learn how to become a pro-se litigant, to defend yourself from lawsuits and to file your own lawsuits -- perhaps for malicious prosecution against those plaintiffs who abused the system and lost their lawsuit against you. (You can also file a counter lawsuit against the plaintiff for wrongs he may have done to you. Kimberlin Unmasked may have some great reasons to countersue.)
Google "pro se litigants" and you will find numerous resources on how to be a pro se plaintiff or defendant, how to deal with pro se lawsuits against you, and the knowledge and skills you need to carry it all off. For instance, check here.
I have been a pro se defendant in the federal court system (Ninth Circuit), and won. My opponent intended to use the court system to ruin me financially, but by firing my attorney and taking over my own case, I denied him that weapon (if you can afford an attorney, use one -- I fired mine because I couldn't meet her demands for up front fees). The suit cost me time and money, but it cost the plaintiff even more. Once all their appeals were exhausted, my opponent and his attorney began suing each other, to my sublime delight.
I will begin researching the literature and available resources that are available to those who wish to represent themselves in lawsuits, either as a plaintiff or a defendant. I will prepare myself to become a pro-se litigant, merely as a defensive measure, if nothing else.
I'll report back on what I find.
It's amazing how much a vengeful litigant, acting as his own attorney, can disrupt lives and cost his targets lots of time, money and mental anguish. Lawsuits are often nothing more than legal extortion, but you have to go through the process of the litigation. Knowing that the system is grossly flawed won't protect you from the system. To defend yourself, you need to learn how to use the system. You must go through the process, no matter how repugnant or fearful it seems to you. When I was being sued by a ruthless POS plaintiff, I kept this little piece of verse in mind:
Have you come to that Red Sea time in your life,
When in spite of all you can do,
There is no way out, there is no way back,
There is no other way but through.
Face the lawsuit with determination to win it.
To escape financial ruin, you may need to learn how to become a pro-se litigant, to defend yourself from lawsuits and to file your own lawsuits -- perhaps for malicious prosecution against those plaintiffs who abused the system and lost their lawsuit against you. (You can also file a counter lawsuit against the plaintiff for wrongs he may have done to you. Kimberlin Unmasked may have some great reasons to countersue.)
Google "pro se litigants" and you will find numerous resources on how to be a pro se plaintiff or defendant, how to deal with pro se lawsuits against you, and the knowledge and skills you need to carry it all off. For instance, check here.
I have been a pro se defendant in the federal court system (Ninth Circuit), and won. My opponent intended to use the court system to ruin me financially, but by firing my attorney and taking over my own case, I denied him that weapon (if you can afford an attorney, use one -- I fired mine because I couldn't meet her demands for up front fees). The suit cost me time and money, but it cost the plaintiff even more. Once all their appeals were exhausted, my opponent and his attorney began suing each other, to my sublime delight.
I will begin researching the literature and available resources that are available to those who wish to represent themselves in lawsuits, either as a plaintiff or a defendant. I will prepare myself to become a pro-se litigant, merely as a defensive measure, if nothing else.
I'll report back on what I find.
Brett Kimberlin,
Frivolous Lawsuits,
Kimberlin Unmasked,
Pro Se Litigants
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
My Treadmill Stress Test
I had my first ever stress test on a treadmill today. The doctor is checking my heart to be sure it is made of cold flint lest I be cast out of the Tea Party. I'm hoping it's okay. It feels right.
Well five minutes into the treadmill I threw up all over the treadmill then fainted. Outside of that, though, I think I did pretty well.
Results will be discussed with the doctor on Friday.
P.S. I was kidding about throwing up and fainting.
Well five minutes into the treadmill I threw up all over the treadmill then fainted. Outside of that, though, I think I did pretty well.
Results will be discussed with the doctor on Friday.
P.S. I was kidding about throwing up and fainting.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Stogie the Tax Meister
Last night there was a meeting of the employees at the tax firm, and the manager informed the crew that my comments from clients were "rave reviews," were the best ones received, and that I was THE "tax professional of the office."
Needless to say, this was an ego boost for me. It is gratifying to know one is doing his job well.
The truth is, I enjoy doing taxes. I relate very well to the clients, from the lowliest bus boy to the high tech guy making six figures. I treat everyone with respect, because I consider their trust in me to be an honor. I fight for every dollar they have coming, and I know the angles. Or most of them, anyway.
I don't, however, help anyone to cheat. I resent cheaters.
I particularly enjoy writing opposition letters to the IRS or California Franchise Tax Board, when those bodies have exceeded their authority or wrongly assessed additional taxes from the client. I have a very good record of getting these bodies to reverse their assessments.
The tax season ends in 30 more days. It's been fun, but I'm looking forward to the off season.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Brett Kimberlin's Persecution of Kimberlin Unmasked
W.J.J. Hoge has posted Brett Kimberlin's amended complaint for copyright violation against Kimberlin Unmasked ("KU"). See it here.
What has the terrible copyright violator, Kimberlin Unmasked, done to damage Kimberlin? She or he published screen grabs of Kimberlin's face from his "Justice Through Music" videos that are published on YouTube.
So now you know. According to Kimberlin, someone's face is copyrighted, no matter how infamous, and no depiction of it can be published without permission lest he be accused of copyright violation. However, I doubt that this is true in most cases. Use of a celebrity's face without permission to promote a product would obviously be a copyright violation, but use of an ex-felon's face for purposes of criticism is another thing altogether, particularly when the YouTube videos are political in nature and advocating a cause or political position.
Of course, the YouTube videos of Brett Kimberlin's face in the "Justice Through Music" videos are all linkable and embeddable on any blog that chooses to display them. I know, because I just checked. Obviously, Kimberlin wants these images disseminated far and wide, or the videos would not be linkable or embeddable. What he doesn't want, obviously, is for them to be disseminated for purposes of criticism.
Also, there is no fee to view Kimberlin's mug on YouTube. It's all free. So what did Kimberlin lose by KU posting screen grabs of his face? Nothing financial. The screen grabs were fair use for purposes of criticism, education or satire, and therefore not a copyright violation. Kimberlin's beef, as usual, was to damage anyone who criticizes him, to suppress criticism and free speech, to deny First Amendment rights to anyone he doesn't like, through the abuse and misuse of the court system.
In the process of shutting up KU, Kimberlin, or one of his minions acting on his behalf, lied to Blogger that the Kimberlin Unmasked's Blogger blogsite was a "spoof site," which is against Blogger's terms of use. A spoof site is one where the author pretends to be someone else, i.e. by impersonating them. The KU Blogger blogsite was most certainly not a "spoof site," but was taken down anyway by the bad-faith misrepresentation of Team Kimberlin. Sounds both fraudulent and actionable to me, but I am no attorney. So when Kimberlin claims in his court filings that KU was taken down by Blogger due to "violation of its terms of service," naturally he doesn't mention that it was taken down due to his own possibly fraudulent misrepresentations. In a similar way, Team Kimberlin got two of KU's twitter accounts shut down by equally bad faith misrepresentations.
After KU replaced its Blogsite blog with another one hosted elsewhere, persons unknown but undoubtedly loyal to Brett Kimberlin, launched an illegal DDOS attack on the site, shutting it down for several hours. Of course, there's the possibility that Brett Kimberlin had nothing to do with this felonious act, but I personally find that very hard to believe. DDOS attacks are a specialty of the illegal hacker group "Anonymous." Neal Rauhauser, a top Kimberlin associate, has been linked to "Anonymous":
Corrections as to any errors in facts in this post are welcome. Brett Kimberlin is invited to rebut the above, subject to counter-rebuttals, should he wish to do so.
What has the terrible copyright violator, Kimberlin Unmasked, done to damage Kimberlin? She or he published screen grabs of Kimberlin's face from his "Justice Through Music" videos that are published on YouTube.
So now you know. According to Kimberlin, someone's face is copyrighted, no matter how infamous, and no depiction of it can be published without permission lest he be accused of copyright violation. However, I doubt that this is true in most cases. Use of a celebrity's face without permission to promote a product would obviously be a copyright violation, but use of an ex-felon's face for purposes of criticism is another thing altogether, particularly when the YouTube videos are political in nature and advocating a cause or political position.
Of course, the YouTube videos of Brett Kimberlin's face in the "Justice Through Music" videos are all linkable and embeddable on any blog that chooses to display them. I know, because I just checked. Obviously, Kimberlin wants these images disseminated far and wide, or the videos would not be linkable or embeddable. What he doesn't want, obviously, is for them to be disseminated for purposes of criticism.
Also, there is no fee to view Kimberlin's mug on YouTube. It's all free. So what did Kimberlin lose by KU posting screen grabs of his face? Nothing financial. The screen grabs were fair use for purposes of criticism, education or satire, and therefore not a copyright violation. Kimberlin's beef, as usual, was to damage anyone who criticizes him, to suppress criticism and free speech, to deny First Amendment rights to anyone he doesn't like, through the abuse and misuse of the court system.
In the process of shutting up KU, Kimberlin, or one of his minions acting on his behalf, lied to Blogger that the Kimberlin Unmasked's Blogger blogsite was a "spoof site," which is against Blogger's terms of use. A spoof site is one where the author pretends to be someone else, i.e. by impersonating them. The KU Blogger blogsite was most certainly not a "spoof site," but was taken down anyway by the bad-faith misrepresentation of Team Kimberlin. Sounds both fraudulent and actionable to me, but I am no attorney. So when Kimberlin claims in his court filings that KU was taken down by Blogger due to "violation of its terms of service," naturally he doesn't mention that it was taken down due to his own possibly fraudulent misrepresentations. In a similar way, Team Kimberlin got two of KU's twitter accounts shut down by equally bad faith misrepresentations.
After KU replaced its Blogsite blog with another one hosted elsewhere, persons unknown but undoubtedly loyal to Brett Kimberlin, launched an illegal DDOS attack on the site, shutting it down for several hours. Of course, there's the possibility that Brett Kimberlin had nothing to do with this felonious act, but I personally find that very hard to believe. DDOS attacks are a specialty of the illegal hacker group "Anonymous." Neal Rauhauser, a top Kimberlin associate, has been linked to "Anonymous":
Neal Rauhauser is a far-left activist who has engaged in violent rhetoric, contacts members from the hacking group Anonymous, and is an admitted associate of Brett Kimberlin’s. He has written how-to guides regarding methods to use phony identities and hide one’s Internet activities from law enforcement.The truth is this: Kimberlin Unmasked has violated no laws, federal or otherwise, against Brett Kimberlin. However, there is substantial evidence that Kimberlin and/or his associates have committed torts or crimes against Kimberlin Unmasked. If the ill-advised copyright suit against Kimberlin Unmasked is allowed to proceed, I would expect a countersuit and counterclaims against Kimberlin, and my money is on Kimberlin Unmasked as to the outcome.
Corrections as to any errors in facts in this post are welcome. Brett Kimberlin is invited to rebut the above, subject to counter-rebuttals, should he wish to do so.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
My Telephone Conversation With Ali Akbar and Robert Stacy McCain Tonight
Ali Akbar called me tonight and I had a nice phone conversation with him and with Stacy McCain. It was good to hear Stacy's Southern lilt again, as we haven't talked in months.
It seems my fears were misplaced. Ali has been quite active behind the scenes to reinstate the National Bloggers Club with the Secretary of State of Texas, and that should happen fairly soon. There is more good news, but I am not at liberty to discuss it at the current time. In any case, my confidence in Ali Akbar was given a booster shot.
Brett Kimberlin has NOT taken over the National Bloggers Club, and has no legal standing to order anyone to do anything with regards to the NBC.
Ali says he is interested in having me be the NBC's accountant, and we will work together to bring everything current and to bring the books into shape. I look forward to this, as a way to serve the conservative blogging community.
Expect good things. If you are a member of the National Bloggers Club, remain so; if all goes according to plan, things are going to get a lot better.
It seems my fears were misplaced. Ali has been quite active behind the scenes to reinstate the National Bloggers Club with the Secretary of State of Texas, and that should happen fairly soon. There is more good news, but I am not at liberty to discuss it at the current time. In any case, my confidence in Ali Akbar was given a booster shot.
Brett Kimberlin has NOT taken over the National Bloggers Club, and has no legal standing to order anyone to do anything with regards to the NBC.
Ali says he is interested in having me be the NBC's accountant, and we will work together to bring everything current and to bring the books into shape. I look forward to this, as a way to serve the conservative blogging community.
Expect good things. If you are a member of the National Bloggers Club, remain so; if all goes according to plan, things are going to get a lot better.
Update on Kimberlin the Corporate Raider
![]() |
Ali Akbar |
I have read recent responses to Kimberlin's motions in the RICO lawsuit, and ones from Michelle Malkin's attorney seem particularly devastating to Kimberlin's claims and case. My understanding of the facts is that Kimberlin may be in legal trouble for presenting a forged summons to the court. The summons was a cut and paste job of another summons sent to a different defendant. The judge in the case has asked for an order to show cause as to why Kimberlin should not be sanctioned for this.
The buzz in various comments sections says that Kimberlin may have forged a summons to Seth Allen, the first blogger he sued, which resulted in Allen losing the lawsuit by default, for alleged failure to timely respond to a summons that he never actually received. I don't know if this is true, but it seems plausible in light of the above.
Anyone who has additional facts or corrections to the above, please supply it in the comments section.
UPDATE: Hogewash is reporting that Brett Kimberlin has admitted to the forgery of a summons he mailed to Twitchy, a company originally owned by Michelle Malkin.
Ali Akbar,
Brett Kimberlin,
Seth Allen
Monday, March 10, 2014
National Bloggers Club Update: I Will Work With Ali Akbar to Bring Tax Status to Current
I have offered my assistance as a CPA to Ali Akbar and the National Bloggers Club, to bring all tax filings up to date and apply for 501(c)3 status. Akbar seems interested in working with me to accomplish this.
Since Ali is taking steps to correct the situation, I hereby withdraw my call for him to resign as President of the National Bloggers Club.
I will provide this assistance free of charge.
Since Ali is taking steps to correct the situation, I hereby withdraw my call for him to resign as President of the National Bloggers Club.
I will provide this assistance free of charge.
Sunday, March 09, 2014
Brett Kimberlin's Alleged Highjacking of The National Bloggers Club: I Have Serious Doubts That It Is True
I have been doing some research on Brett Kimberlin's alleged takeover of the National Bloggers Club, Inc, a Texas corporation.
HOWEVER, I stand by my call for Ali Akbar's resignation. Failure to file and pay franchise taxes timely does more than cause a corporation to lose its active standing. It also removes the corporate shield for liability, exposing its directors to personal liability in the event of a lawsuit. That is serious enough to call for Akbar's removal.
I have grave doubts about the veracity of Kimberlin's claims.
There are two issues in this case. One is the Texas Franchise tax; if it is not paid, a corporation can lose its active status and be denied the right to transact business in Texas. The other issue is the organization's name. I have seen no indication that the corporation loses the right to its corporate name if it fails to pay the state franchise tax. Therefore, I doubt that Brett Kimberlin has obtained the legal right to use the name of the National Bloggers Club in Texas.
What forms did Kimberlin file and what fees did he pay to obtain the right to the Texas corporate name, "National Bloggers Club?" I'd really like to know.
In order to do business as a Texas corporation, you have to jump through some hoops. You have to submit Articles of Incorporation, issue stock, and elect a Board of Directors. Did Kimberlin do that? I doubt it.
Further, you can apply for a corporate name, but a preliminary approval of such a name isn't final. The Texas Secretary of State website says this about corporate names:
Until such time as Brett Kimberlin supplies documentation of Texas's approval of his use of the name "National Bloggers Club, Inc" I shall have grave doubts that he is telling the truth. It seems to me that Brett Kimberlin and Bill Schmalfeldt may be in violation of copyright or trademark law, i.e. using someone else's trademark without permission, in a clear effort to disrupt existing business relationships. I am no attorney, but that surely sounds actionable to me.
How do I determine whether the name I have chosen for my entity will be accepted for filing by the secretary of state?
Under section 5.053 of the BOC, a filing entity cannot have a name that is the same as or deceptively similar to a filing entity, foreign filing entity, name reservation, or name registration filed with the secretary of state. Furthermore, a filing entity cannot have a name that is similar to an existing name on file with the secretary of state unless the existing entity consents in writing to the use of the similar name.
Texas Administrative Code, title 1, part 4, chapter 79, subchapter C sets out the rules for determining whether names are the same, deceptively similar, or similar. If you wish the secretary of state to provide a preliminary determination on name availability, you may call (512) 463-5555, dial 7-1-1 for relay services, or e-mail your name inquiry to Corporations Section. A final determination cannot be made until the document is received and processed by the secretary of state. Do not make financial expenditures or execute documents based on a preliminary clearance. Also note that the preclearance of a name or the issuance of a certificate of formation under a name does not authorize the use of a name in violation of another person’s rights to the name. See Trademark FAQs for more information.
HOWEVER, I stand by my call for Ali Akbar's resignation. Failure to file and pay franchise taxes timely does more than cause a corporation to lose its active standing. It also removes the corporate shield for liability, exposing its directors to personal liability in the event of a lawsuit. That is serious enough to call for Akbar's removal.
The National Bloggers Club: Ali Akbar Should Resign as President
National Bloggers Club per Team Kimberlin |
Apparently, Akbar did not file tax returns with the State of Texas for two years, and the State revoked the NBC's ability to do business as a Texas corporation. It also released the name "National Bloggers Club" for anyone else to grab, and notorious ex-felon, vexatious litigant and righty-hater Brett Kimberlin did so. Now Kimberlin's favorite toady, Bill Schmalfeldt, is tweeting from the "NBC" claiming to be the National Bloggers Club. Brett Kimberlin has put up a notice on the "New National Bloggers Club" website, ordering Ali Akbar to remove all references to the name "National Bloggers Club":
To: ali@blogbash.orgAnother controversy surrounding Akbar's leadership of the National Bloggers Club is the organization's non-profit status. Initially, the Club advertised itself as a 501(c)3 organization (to which donations are deductible for tax purposes), but there is no proof that the NBC ever filed papers with the IRS to become such an organization. So what is the status of the 501(c)3 application, Ali?
Sent: Friday, March 7, 2014 8:13:13 PM
Subject: Official Notification re National Bloggers Club Inc.
To whom it may concern:
Please take this as formal notice that the State of Texas has forfeited your rights to the National Bloggers Club as of February 21, 2014, after revoking your right to transact business on October 16, 2013. I have assumed those rights through proper legal processes.
You are hereby notified that you may not use the National Bloggers Club name for any purpose, including on any website, for any fundraising, or for marketing or promotion. You must immediately remove any and all references to the National Bloggers Club on any website and from any bank accounts. If you opened any bank accounts or set up any fundraising tools or sites using the National Bloggers Club name or any corporate papers issued by the State of Texas, you must shut those down immediately.
Please note that within four days, I will be meeting or talking with officials from the State of Texas in the Attorney General’s Office, other departments, the FBI and the IRS regarding your use of the National Bloggers Club to raise funds based on fraudulent misrepresentations regarding the validity and 501c3 status of the National Bloggers Club.
Brett Kimberlin
As an aside, I do not believe that the NBC ever deliberately tried to misrepresent their status as a non-profit organization. I believe they intended to become one, but just dropped the ball. I have only seen one such representation, and no more. This appears to have been an honest mistake rather than an intent to mislead anyone. Of course, Kimberlin and his toadies have jumped on it and blew it all out of proportion. They were apparently able to do so due to Akbar's negligence in the matter.
MY CONCLUSIONS to all of this is that Kimberlin has used Akbar's administrative incompetence to harrass and embarrass the National Bloggers Club. This happened due to Ali Akbar's failure to take care of business. This is especially surprising because Kimberlin has has had an extreme grudge against Akbar and the NBC for at least two years, and Akbar should have known better than to be so sloppy and allow Kimberlin a clear shot.
Ali Akbar should resign as president of the National Bloggers Club. I am not a member, and will not become one unless the Club installs a leadership that I can trust for competence and professionalism to protect my interests as a conservative blogger.
Saturday, March 08, 2014
Brett Kimberlin's Continuing Assault on Truth and Justice: How About a Lie Detector Test, Brett?
Brett Kimberlin has continued his assault on truth and justice with a second amended complaint in his lawsuit against various bloggers, pundits and companies. I didn't read it all, as I have read the first two and do not wish to wade though all of that manure again. It appears to be 90% innuendo, long on ambiguous accusations and very short on specifics.
However, if you wish to read it, you can read it at Hogewash here.
Kimberlin complains about "false narratives" directed at him by the multitude of defendants, for implying that he had anything to do with the criminal SWATtings of conservative bloggers who, just coincidentally, had concluded court disputes with him or had written critical things about him.
I know that lie detector tests are not allowed as evidence in courts of law anymore -- it is too easy to get a false read. However, I would be happy to accept the results of such a test, voluntarily taken by Kimberlin, that tend to exonerate Brett Kimberlin in the following areas:
1. Whether or not Brett Kimberlin was in any way connected to the murder of Julia Scyphers, either as one ordering or acquiescing in the hit, or as one concealing the identity of the murderer, or in any other capacity as an accomplice before or after the fact.
2. Whether or not Brett Kimberlin ordered the Swattings of various conservative bloggers or pundits, or if he knows who did, or is in any other capacity an accomplice before or after the fact.
3. Whether or not Brett Kimberlin ordered the recent DDOS attack on Kimberlin Unmasked website, or if he knows who did, or is in any other capacity an accomplice before or after the fact.
4. Whether or not he lied about being physically attacked and injured by Aaron Walker as claimed in his Second Amended Complaint.
The author of the book "Citizen K: The Deeply Weird American Journey of Brett Kimberlin" wrote that when given a lie detector test about the Speedway bombings, Kimberlin's heart figuratively exploded, which tends to indicate Kimberlin is sensitive to questions in a lie detector test, and that such a test would prove reliable.
I also acknowledge that no one is obligated to disprove allegations or suspicions against himself, but in Kimberlin's case, suspicion is reasonable and inevitable in the above issues, given Kimberlin's criminal past and ruthless behavior. That suspicion will continue until Kimberlin takes susbstantive steps to remove it.
However, if you wish to read it, you can read it at Hogewash here.
Kimberlin complains about "false narratives" directed at him by the multitude of defendants, for implying that he had anything to do with the criminal SWATtings of conservative bloggers who, just coincidentally, had concluded court disputes with him or had written critical things about him.
I know that lie detector tests are not allowed as evidence in courts of law anymore -- it is too easy to get a false read. However, I would be happy to accept the results of such a test, voluntarily taken by Kimberlin, that tend to exonerate Brett Kimberlin in the following areas:
1. Whether or not Brett Kimberlin was in any way connected to the murder of Julia Scyphers, either as one ordering or acquiescing in the hit, or as one concealing the identity of the murderer, or in any other capacity as an accomplice before or after the fact.
2. Whether or not Brett Kimberlin ordered the Swattings of various conservative bloggers or pundits, or if he knows who did, or is in any other capacity an accomplice before or after the fact.
3. Whether or not Brett Kimberlin ordered the recent DDOS attack on Kimberlin Unmasked website, or if he knows who did, or is in any other capacity an accomplice before or after the fact.
4. Whether or not he lied about being physically attacked and injured by Aaron Walker as claimed in his Second Amended Complaint.
The author of the book "Citizen K: The Deeply Weird American Journey of Brett Kimberlin" wrote that when given a lie detector test about the Speedway bombings, Kimberlin's heart figuratively exploded, which tends to indicate Kimberlin is sensitive to questions in a lie detector test, and that such a test would prove reliable.
I also acknowledge that no one is obligated to disprove allegations or suspicions against himself, but in Kimberlin's case, suspicion is reasonable and inevitable in the above issues, given Kimberlin's criminal past and ruthless behavior. That suspicion will continue until Kimberlin takes susbstantive steps to remove it.
Sunday, March 02, 2014
The Innocence of Muslims Film
I should have downloaded it before the 9th Circuit banned it. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of this film?
I would like to archive all films banned by the world's most hateful and murderous "religion."
Update: Reader Horatio directed me to Liveleak where I was able to download a poor quality copy of the video, with the controversial actress removed. It is a video of the film while playing on a television screen. It's better than nothing, but I would still like to find a quality copy of this film if anyone knows where I can get one.
I would like to archive all films banned by the world's most hateful and murderous "religion."
Update: Reader Horatio directed me to Liveleak where I was able to download a poor quality copy of the video, with the controversial actress removed. It is a video of the film while playing on a television screen. It's better than nothing, but I would still like to find a quality copy of this film if anyone knows where I can get one.
Putin the Bully: or What Should We Do About Russian Invasion of the Ukraine? Answer: Nothing.
I am somewhat conflicted about Putin's invasion of the Ukraine. I think it is wanton piracy, the stealing of another nation's sovereignty through armed conquest, and it is immoral and evil.
So what do we do about it?
The wisest answer: nothing. Well, except for denouncing Russia in the United Nations and in speeches and in print, all the usual political and diplomatic channels that accomplish nothing much. However, we should not commit troops, or invade the Ukraine, or fight Russia with arms.
Why? Because the Ukraine and Russia have a shared history, though not an honorable one, and the Ukraine is within the Russian sphere of influence. We have nothing to gain by intervening in the Russian-Ukrainian war. We have no strategic interest in doing so, and we should not do so.
So what do we do about it?
The wisest answer: nothing. Well, except for denouncing Russia in the United Nations and in speeches and in print, all the usual political and diplomatic channels that accomplish nothing much. However, we should not commit troops, or invade the Ukraine, or fight Russia with arms.
Why? Because the Ukraine and Russia have a shared history, though not an honorable one, and the Ukraine is within the Russian sphere of influence. We have nothing to gain by intervening in the Russian-Ukrainian war. We have no strategic interest in doing so, and we should not do so.
Foreign Enemies,
U.S. Foreign Policy,
Vladimir Putin
Dixon Diaz: Funny Man of FaceBook is a Conservative!
Dixon Diaz is a conservative Hispanic with a great skill for satire, humor and outraging liberals. I think he is an undiscovered talent, because Dixon is truly FUNNY, all while making salient points about the hypocrisy and stupidity of liberalism. He expresses his biting satire on FaceBook, most often as a short article, but sometimes as a cartoon. One of his best cartoons is below. It describes the Massive Jewish Conspiracy, which every leftist knows penetrates into every crack and crevice of American life.
You can see more of Dixon's work at this link, and do "Like" him on FaceBook to get his latest creations. The Conservative Blogosphere would do well to disseminate Dixon's work far and wide.
Republished with permission.
You can see more of Dixon's work at this link, and do "Like" him on FaceBook to get his latest creations. The Conservative Blogosphere would do well to disseminate Dixon's work far and wide.
Republished with permission.
Dixon Diaz,
Political Satire,
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