Sunday, August 10, 2014

"Free Palestine" is Code for "Kill the Jews"

American Power has a slew of disturbing photos this morning.  It seems that tens of thousands in London are once again protesting Israel's self defense in Gaza, carrying signs that say "Free Palestine," "Stop the American-Israeli War on the Palestinian People," and even "Support the Intifada" (the indiscriminate murder of Jews by by bombs).

Europe is a very sick puppy right now.  England, France and Italy have run up the white flag and thrown open the gates to barbarians.  Their leaders have carelessly and casually pissed away Western Civilization, by allowing millions of Muslim immigrants into their countries, and to replace the standards of higher civilization with hatred, ignorance and intolerance.  "Free Palestine" is a transparent code for "Kill the Jews."  Somewhere in Hell, Hitler is smiling.