Anwar al-Awlaki, practitioner of a mass-murdering cult known as Islam, has left this mortal coil for the sacred rivers of Heaven, where milk and wine flow like water, where the faithful martyrs sit on green satin cushions, play with beautiful burqua-less babes while eating pizza and watching football. Well, I'm not really too sure about those last two items. I need to recheck my copy of the Koran. The unburned one, I mean.
In any case, Anwar is just another dead terrorist. Sayonara, Anwara. We hardly knew ye. And thank God for that.
UN Is Upset
1 hour ago
Just to make this crystal clear. You are cheering the fact the Obama Administration has killed an unarmed and defenseless citizen of USA.
You find it laudable that the Obama Administration acted against the Constitution.
The victim (USA citizen) had no trial. Is simply being accused by the Obama Administration enough for you to cancel the Constitution?
Ema Nymton
Yep. Too bad they can't resurrect the bastard and kill him again.
Other American citizens killed without a trial:
Bonne and Clyde
Billy the Kid
John Dillinger
Ma and Fred Barker
And many more. If you make war on the USA, your citizenship is irrelevant. In your strange way of thinking, people like this asshat should be allowed to continue killing Americans through terrorism because he is out of the reach of our court system. Absurd.
Ema, though I know nothing short of electric shock therapy would straighten out your screwy way of thinking, I thought I would give you one more chance to allow some small pinpoint of light to penetrate your darkened brain.
Read the discussion here, about the legality of killing Anwar al-Asshat:
Just to make this crystal clear.
When it comes to the killing unarmed and defenseless citizens of USA (Constitution be damned!), you support Barrack HUSSEIN Obama. Rah, rah sis boom bah.
When it comes to helping the poor, the working class, and the needy of USA by increasing access to health care and increasing government spending on social welfare/Social Security/Medicare you vilify Mr Obama and want to impeach the President because he does not follow the Constitution?
This makes sense to you how?
Ema Nymton
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