Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another Slimy Slander of Sarah Palin: Joe McGinniss's Book Finally Released

Ugh, it must be tough to be Sarah Palin.  The left hates her with an intensity that is completely irrational.  She's not even running for president, but the left has chosen her as the chief target of their vitriol.  Like other conservative women before her, Palin must be personally destroyed, defamed, slandered and ruined.  She must pay for her opposition to the liberal religion, made an example of, as a warning to future conservative politicians of the feminine variety.

Now Joe McGinniss, the so-called journalist who moved in next door to the Palins in Wasilla, Alaska so he could "spy" on them (the stunt was probably more to irritate the Palins and stoke publicity for McGinniss's hit piece than anything else), has released his book.  It's called "The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin."  McGinniss, however, isn't searching for the "real" Sarah Palin, he's searching for rumors and gossip that he presents as fact.  This is "the politics of personal destruction," raised to a high art form by the Democratic Party and its Bolshevik base.

McGinniss claims (1) that Sarah Palin doesn't feel comfortable in the presence of dark-skinned people and (2) that she had a one-night stand with a black basketball player in the 1980's.  Well now, that seems rather contradictory, doesn't it?

Has-been cartoonist Garry Trudeau quotes the book in the latest installment of "Doonebury" for the dwindling audience who still reads his sophomoric twaddle, and Powerline takes him and McGinniss to task here.

Even more revealing is Rob Port's exposé of McGinniss as a slime ball. Port authors the "Say Anything" blog and McGinniss approached him for some dirt for the book.  Port describes an event that McGinniss sought to distort for his book, and how Port refused to assist him. It is revealing as to both McGinniss's bias and his goal of manufacturing scandal. Read it here.