Knox's lawyer refuted in court today the Massei report from the first trial of Amanda Knox. That report wrongly stated that food eaten might not exit the duodenum for five hours, and that Kercher's death could have happened as late at 11:30 at night. Medical professionals have since strongly rejected this conclusion as being impossible. They state that Kercher's stomach contents, from her last meal at 6 pm, indicate the time of her death was between 9 and 9:30 pm. (See explanation of Doug Bremner, M.D., here). The only person known to be at the murder scene at that time was Rudy Guede, as learned from his cell phone records.
Guede had falsely testified that he came out of Kercher's bathroom to find Sollecito standing over the body at around 9:15 or 9:20 pm. However, it has been reliably established that Sollecito was somewhere else at the time of Kercher's death. This evidence should exonerate Sollecito, and by implication, Knox, since it proves Guede is a liar and the person solely responsible for the crime. [Update: it also exonerates Knox, since it has been established that she was at Sollecito's apartment at 9:30 pm.]
At this point, I have grave doubts about the ability or the willingness of the Perugian jurors to fairly assess the evidence. However, this gives a bit more hope that Knox and Sollecito will be acquitted in their appeals trial.
UN Is Upset
1 hour ago
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