This is scary. Obama is doing so badly that even prominent liberal newspapers are panning him. The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune have written gag-me editorials over Captain Zero in the past few days. The Tribune mentioned that Ronald Reagan's slogan for the 1984 election was "It's morning in America." They then suggested that Obama's slogan should be "It's midnight in a coal mine."
There's a growing push among Democrats for Obama to drop out of the presidential race for 2012. This would allow a better Democrat to run, one who might have a better chance of winning.
Obama will have a very rough time getting reelected, barring a political miracle. Hillary or some other Democrat could run without Obama's disastrous policy failures to account for. We could get stuck with a Democrat president for another eight years.
I don't know about you, but I'm rooting for Obama to win re-nomination. I would really miss the opportunity to vote against him one more time.
UN Is Upset
1 hour ago
And the 'real' people are rooting for Bachmann/Santorum.
Run Bachmann run.
You have said you were not going to run against Mr Obama, who do you endorse?
Ema Nymton
I'm not confident that the Dems are going to run Obama in 2012. His numbers keep tanking, tanking, tanking.
Having slept on it, it is better that Parah Salin be the RepublicanT Party candidate for President and Bichele Machmann for Vice. What a ticket!!
Imagine the potential for PMS out-breaks.
No matter how much you suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome keep in mind, the voters in USA are sane. The GOP money bags in NY and LA are not going to open up except for Romney.
Mr Obama is a shoe-in for four more years.
Ema Nymton
Ema, the only shoe that Obama will soon see is the collective shoe of the American people, the one that kicks his butt out of the Oval Office. The American people are often insane -- that's why they voted for this job destroying leftist in the first place. However, several years of deep recession has a way of changing minds.
Do you ever read any polls or news? You seem to base your perspectives only on radical left sound-bites. Try reading, for an example, as it provides many links to commentary and articles from both conservative and liberal sources. The Drudge Report also offers many links to news stories from all over.
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