In my immediately prior post, I posted last night's Tiger Woods skit on Saturday Night Live. The scene where Tiger has a golf club bent over his head looks very similar to my Photoshop sight gag of November 28.
Here are the two graphics for your comparison. Refer to my immediate prior post for the SNL video.
New York Greenlights Quarantine Camps
Photo Credit:
The highest court in New York State, the Court of Appeals, has unbelievably
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When the Yankees Come…
Paul Graham discusses his book on the slave narratives that described
Yankee atrocities during the late stages of the War in 1865 during our
March 2026 Zoo...
1 day ago
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I create a lot of original graphics that I post on this site and anyone is free to use them. Links and attribution are appreciated. The graphics I create are signed "Stogie."
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