Monday, January 21, 2013

Scientific Plot to Create More Democrats: Bringing Neanderthal Back to Life

Neanderthals:  New Democrat Constituency?
First leftwing scientists attempt to install fascism using a bogus environmental threat (man-made global warming).  That didn't work, so now they are attempting to create yet another Democrat constituency, Neanderthal Man.  Not only will this swell Democratic ranks, but will add to their long-prized state of diversity.

A Harvard professor thinks he can recreate the Neanderthal DNA from ancient bones, and use that to clone a Neanderthal.  However, he  needs an "adventurous woman" to act as a surrogate mother.  No doubt he will find one, as leftwing girls do not place much value on marriage before creating new hatchlings.

What's next, cloning wooly mammoths to act as a food source?  Vote Democrat, Neanderthals, or the government will stop cloning prehistoric food.

Read the whole nasty conspiracy here.