Aw shucks! (Blush)
For some time now, I have been reading, linking and referring to the Spanish language blog
El Opinador Compulsivo. I learned of their existence from
The Other McCain, and since I have been learning Spanish, I was immediately interested. I visited El Opinador Compulsivo and found the blog to be intriguing, funny, interesting and of a like mind with me politically. They run very interesting photographs of movie scenes and movie sets, as well as a bit of cheesecake, all of which adds to the visual beauty of the site.
And it's almost all in Spanish. As I noted before, the Spanish on this blog is deep, written by educated writers, and a challenge for a novice (like me) to interpret.
El Opinador Compulsivo has 18 writers from Buenos Aires (15), Quebec (1), Madrid (1) and Claremont, California (1).
Today the hombres there noticed me noticing them, and we have officially become friends. They posted this tribute to me
here -- see graphic above. The Spanish reads: "Recommended", "The blog of our new friend, Stogie." and at the bottom, "Give him a visit, he is already in our sidebar (in the Great Satan links)."
As for their English description of me, wow, these guys know me well already!