Jonathan Chait has written a controversial essay for New York magazine on the subject of "political correctness": Not a Very P.C. Thing to Say hat tip American Power. Chait's explanation of this phenomenon is that it is a form of censure, thought control, permanent control of public discussion so that only certain memes and themes may be advanced, with any opposing views silenced and ostracized. Political correctness is a new form of Stalinism (my description, not Chait's).
The goal of political correctness is to shut down debate on subjects beloved by the left. Criticism, opposing ideas are forbidden. The result is that in leftist venues like the college campus, a hostile culture and work environment holds sway over the populace. A hyper-sensitivity to any imagined race or gender bias exists, and those who inadvertently trigger it are to be publicly humiliated, excoriated and socially and professionally ostracized. This is the P.C, environment, which Chait has described as a "kind of virtual mental prison."
Political correctness is tyranny. That's why I have been determined to say what I think in this blog, regardless of who it may offend.
If you have recently been enrolled in college courses, you probably noticed the strange culture that exists on campuses. Attitudes about race, sex, gender and economics seem bizarre, odd and alien. That is because of the intellectual bubble in which the left lives, the false reality they have constructed for themselves. Their values are warped and unnatural. You find yourself tip-toeing around crowds of weirdos to avoid giving offense and bringing down the anger of the strange alien masses. Take a good look, for this is what America will look like if they have their way.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Sunday, January 25, 2015
2014 Was the Hottest Year on Record! Yeah, Right. #climatechange
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"2014 was the hottest year on record!" |
In my life experience, 2014 was one of the coldest years since my parents moved to California sixty-one years ago this month. Arctic ice is at record levels. Snow is falling all over the globe [see coming New York storm for instance]. Yet you can ignore all of that. The "climate scientists" have decreed otherwise. Ignore the icicles, the storms, the snow flurries: the warmists have spoken.
Anyone who believes in catastrophic man-made "climate change" will never get my vote. Mitt Romney is therefore out of the question.
UPDATE: Powerline reports that 2014 was one of the coldest years in the last 10,000 years, based on ice core data. Also, Powerline shows how leftist governments have "adjusted" the data of prior decades to give a fake warming effect. Read it here.
A Courageous Voice: Vanderbilt Professor Warns Against the Islamic Threat, is Attacked by Campus Leftists #Islam
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Professor Carol M Swain |
“What would it take to make us admit we were wrong about Islam?” the professor began. “What horrendous attack would finally convince us that Islam is not like other religions in the United States, that it poses an absolute danger to us and our children unless it is monitored better than it has been under the Obama administration?”Professor Swain was immediately attacked by campus "progressives" for puncturing another of their illusions. You see, it doesn't matter how many Fort Hoods, Boston Marathons or Charlie Hedbos we must suffer, or how high the body count may reach: the illusion of "peaceful" Islam must be maintained.
Professor Swain teaches political science and law at Vanderbilt. My only criticism of her comment is that it doesn't go far enough. Islam should be banned, not merely monitored.
Read more here.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
American Sniper: Why Do Leftists Hate It?
The movie "American Sniper" is a true story, based on the life of Chris Kyle. Here's how it is described:
Of course, "progressives" (Democrats, leftists and other crawly things) hate the film. Michael Moore, leftist film maker and professional America-hater, denounced snipers as "cowards."
Why do "progressives" hate the film? Simple. "Progressives" hate the military, hate patriotism, hate white people, hate war against evil people with whom those progressives identify. In fact, any time there is a struggle between good and evil in this world, the "progressives" will support and defend the latter with their dying breath.
U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper) takes his sole mission -- protect his comrades -- to heart and becomes one of the most lethal snipers in American history. His pinpoint accuracy not only saves countless lives but also makes him a prime target of insurgents. Despite grave danger and his struggle to be a good husband and father to his family back in the States, Kyle serves four tours of duty in Iraq. However, when he finally returns home, he finds that he cannot leave the war behind.The movie is smashing attendance records and appears to be the most popular film in a decade. People who saw it say it is very moving. It apparently also reawakens American patriotism.
Of course, "progressives" (Democrats, leftists and other crawly things) hate the film. Michael Moore, leftist film maker and professional America-hater, denounced snipers as "cowards."
Why do "progressives" hate the film? Simple. "Progressives" hate the military, hate patriotism, hate white people, hate war against evil people with whom those progressives identify. In fact, any time there is a struggle between good and evil in this world, the "progressives" will support and defend the latter with their dying breath.
The Legal Saga of an Abject Scoundrel #BrettKimberlin
Brett Kimberlin's RICO lawsuit is plodding along towards eventual resolution, hopefully in our lifetimes. This is his "racketerring" suit in federal court against numerous conservative bloggers. Kimberlin argues that these bloggers formed a massive conspiracy among themselves to get rich by "defaming" him. They "defamed" him by publishing the truth about Kimberlin's criminal past, which included setting off bombs in and around Speedway, Indiana back in 1978. Two people were injured by one of the bombs, one quite severely. That victim later committed suicide rather than deal with the pain.
Kimberlin doesn't like people telling the truth about him, as it has significantly impacted his efforts to acquire donations for his two leftist non-profit organizations, i.e. "Justice Through Music" and "Velvet Revolution." Maybe the well-heeled leftists who once donated hundreds of thousands of dollars were unaware of bomber-boy's past. They are aware now, largely from Kimberlin's lawfare activities and the massive negative publicity he has generated himself. Now, faced with a choice between poverty and having to get a real job, Kimberlin opted to instead sue everyone in sight, hoping, no doubt, that some of his legal targets would settle out of court. Few have done so.
I have read almost all of Kimberlin's self-represented legal briefs and arguments, and they are truly off-the-wall and pathetic, in my layman's opinion. His arguments are insulting to the intelligence. For example, he is claiming, among many other crimes, invidious discrimination under the Ku Klux Klan Act, alleging that the defendants' "conspiracy" was persecution motivated by bigotry. However, Kimberlin is white, and convicted felons are not a protected class envisioned by the Klan Act. Nevertheless, Kimberlin continues making such absurd arguments, undeterred by shame or embarrassment.
Most of the defendants have now filed motions to dismiss the suit, because it is overly vague. Kimberlin's claims generally do not specify who did what, when, how this harmed him, and how or why the deed was illegal, defamatory or false. It is fairly clear that presenting actual deeds and damages is not Kimberlin's point; his point is using the legal process to silence and financially damage or extort the defendants. Since he represents himself, Kimberlin does not incur the same expenses as the defendants who are represented by counsel.
In my opinion, Brett Kimberlin is fueled by an unrelenting hatred of all who oppose him, criticize him, or frustrate his personal goals, e.g. of getting large cash donations from the public to pursue leftwing political goals. He has no remorse, no human empathy, no kindness, no charity, no care whatsoever for anyone on the planet but himself.
In other words, Brett Kimberlin is a Rat with a capital R. It is for that reason that so many of us continue to follow his frivolous lawsuit in federal court, no matter how slow and plodding it is. We look forward to a just resolution. We hope for legal redress for his lawfare victims. And we hope for adequate punishment for the outrageously bad faith of an abject scoundrel.
Kimberlin doesn't like people telling the truth about him, as it has significantly impacted his efforts to acquire donations for his two leftist non-profit organizations, i.e. "Justice Through Music" and "Velvet Revolution." Maybe the well-heeled leftists who once donated hundreds of thousands of dollars were unaware of bomber-boy's past. They are aware now, largely from Kimberlin's lawfare activities and the massive negative publicity he has generated himself. Now, faced with a choice between poverty and having to get a real job, Kimberlin opted to instead sue everyone in sight, hoping, no doubt, that some of his legal targets would settle out of court. Few have done so.
I have read almost all of Kimberlin's self-represented legal briefs and arguments, and they are truly off-the-wall and pathetic, in my layman's opinion. His arguments are insulting to the intelligence. For example, he is claiming, among many other crimes, invidious discrimination under the Ku Klux Klan Act, alleging that the defendants' "conspiracy" was persecution motivated by bigotry. However, Kimberlin is white, and convicted felons are not a protected class envisioned by the Klan Act. Nevertheless, Kimberlin continues making such absurd arguments, undeterred by shame or embarrassment.
Most of the defendants have now filed motions to dismiss the suit, because it is overly vague. Kimberlin's claims generally do not specify who did what, when, how this harmed him, and how or why the deed was illegal, defamatory or false. It is fairly clear that presenting actual deeds and damages is not Kimberlin's point; his point is using the legal process to silence and financially damage or extort the defendants. Since he represents himself, Kimberlin does not incur the same expenses as the defendants who are represented by counsel.
In my opinion, Brett Kimberlin is fueled by an unrelenting hatred of all who oppose him, criticize him, or frustrate his personal goals, e.g. of getting large cash donations from the public to pursue leftwing political goals. He has no remorse, no human empathy, no kindness, no charity, no care whatsoever for anyone on the planet but himself.
In other words, Brett Kimberlin is a Rat with a capital R. It is for that reason that so many of us continue to follow his frivolous lawsuit in federal court, no matter how slow and plodding it is. We look forward to a just resolution. We hope for legal redress for his lawfare victims. And we hope for adequate punishment for the outrageously bad faith of an abject scoundrel.
Seeing Stars: My New Surgically Enhanced Vision
On Thursday evening, I returned from band practice. The sky was black with night, and as I exited the car, I looked upward and saw stars. With my blurry, cataract-burdened eyesight, I hadn't seen stars in a night sky for some time. They were lovely.
I had a checkup yesterday to see how my cataract surgery is healing. The doctor said it looks great, and my visual acuity is greater than expected - 20-15? The doctor said "Wow" when he measured it. Not bad for an eye that I previously considered to be nearly useless.
The surgery on my left eye is scheduled for April 28. Now I need to make a decision. Should the left eye be fitted with a lens that will leave it somewhat nearsighted? The doctor recommends this, as I will then be able to read without reading glasses. My left eye would be for reading and close-up viewing, my right eye for driving and distance viewing.
Right now, I am leaning towards making the left eye like the right, so I can see distance with added clarity. I will happily wear reading glasses for close-up viewing.
I don't have to decide right away. I will wait until my right eye is completely healed from the surgery, and see how it does with close-up viewing.
I had a checkup yesterday to see how my cataract surgery is healing. The doctor said it looks great, and my visual acuity is greater than expected - 20-15? The doctor said "Wow" when he measured it. Not bad for an eye that I previously considered to be nearly useless.
The surgery on my left eye is scheduled for April 28. Now I need to make a decision. Should the left eye be fitted with a lens that will leave it somewhat nearsighted? The doctor recommends this, as I will then be able to read without reading glasses. My left eye would be for reading and close-up viewing, my right eye for driving and distance viewing.
Right now, I am leaning towards making the left eye like the right, so I can see distance with added clarity. I will happily wear reading glasses for close-up viewing.
I don't have to decide right away. I will wait until my right eye is completely healed from the surgery, and see how it does with close-up viewing.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Famous Quotes About Islam #Islam #Muhammad
In the world of today, world leaders deny the tyranny of Islam. They rationalize it and are in deep denial about the murderous nature of this so-called religion. However, in times past, world leaders spoke out against it. Those opponents of Islam include John Quincy Adams, Voltaire, Winston Churchill, Benjamin Franklin, Sir William Muir, and many others.
Here are some examples:
Muslims are the first victims of Islam. Many times I have observed in my travels that fanaticism comes from a small number of dangerous men who maintain others in the practice of this religion by terror. To liberate the Muslim from his religion is the best service that one can render him.
– Joseph Ernest Renan
French expert of Middle East ancient languages and civilizations
In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar, the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent genius, with the preternatural energy of a fanatic, and the fraudulent spirit of an impostor, proclaimed himself as a messenger from Heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. Adopting from the sublime conception of the Mosaic law, the doctrine of one omnipotent God; he connected indissolubly with it, the audacious falsehood, that he was himself his prophet and apostle.
– John Quincy Adams
6th president of the United States
Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached. God is not pleased by blood – and not acting reasonably is contrary to God’s nature. Faith is born of the soul, not the body. Whoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats… To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, or any other means of threatening a person with death.
– Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos
Conversation between the Emperor and a Persian scholar, 1391.
Read these and many more quotes here.
Here are some examples:
Muslims are the first victims of Islam. Many times I have observed in my travels that fanaticism comes from a small number of dangerous men who maintain others in the practice of this religion by terror. To liberate the Muslim from his religion is the best service that one can render him.
– Joseph Ernest Renan
French expert of Middle East ancient languages and civilizations
In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar, the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent genius, with the preternatural energy of a fanatic, and the fraudulent spirit of an impostor, proclaimed himself as a messenger from Heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. Adopting from the sublime conception of the Mosaic law, the doctrine of one omnipotent God; he connected indissolubly with it, the audacious falsehood, that he was himself his prophet and apostle.
– John Quincy Adams
6th president of the United States
Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached. God is not pleased by blood – and not acting reasonably is contrary to God’s nature. Faith is born of the soul, not the body. Whoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats… To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, or any other means of threatening a person with death.
– Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos
Conversation between the Emperor and a Persian scholar, 1391.
Read these and many more quotes here.
Billy Crystal is Right: Stop Shoving Gay Scenes in My Face (like "Glee") #BillyCrystal #Glee
Somebody had to say it, and Billy Crystal, actor and comedian, finally did: There are way too many gay scenes on television. Some gay characters, now and again, are okay, because homosexuality is a part of humanity and a part of life. However, due to pressure from radical gay advocacy groups, every television show, every new movie, every Broadway play has to have at least one prominent gay character. Some have way more than that. The television series "Glee," is a case in point.
"Glee" is about a high school glee club, giving it a credible basis for lots of singing and music. the series is in its last season, having survived five previous years on the air. "Glee" is appealing in that it features some excellent singing talent and some interesting plots and characters, e.g. the evil and crazy cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (played by Jane Lynch), who has now taken over as principal of the school (and who hates the glee club). Various student club members, like the talented Lea Michele as Rachel Berry, provide excellent singing entertainment.
However, the fly in the soup is the gay component. It is overdone to the point of suffocation. Watching "Glee" one might get the impression that homosexuality is the natural and the norm, and heterosexuality the rare exception. There are two gay male students, and two gay female students, and the first two six-season episodes are exclusively devoted to the romantic intrigues and relationship storms of these four characters. To make matters even more odd, the high school football coach is a masculine-looking woman who announces that she will be getting sexual reassignment surgery to gain a penis and become a man. Except that she will then be a gay man, because she is still attracted to men. If one wishes to enjoy the positive aspects of "Glee," he or she must be prepared to wallow in gayness as a condition thereof.
The fact is, "Glee" is a gay love story and always has been. No doubt gay people love it, but as a non-gay man, I find its negatives now outweigh its positives. I find the over-emphasis on the gay lifestyle vaguely disturbing and distasteful. I'm glad that this is the last season for "Glee." I am all gayed-out.
"Glee" is about a high school glee club, giving it a credible basis for lots of singing and music. the series is in its last season, having survived five previous years on the air. "Glee" is appealing in that it features some excellent singing talent and some interesting plots and characters, e.g. the evil and crazy cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester (played by Jane Lynch), who has now taken over as principal of the school (and who hates the glee club). Various student club members, like the talented Lea Michele as Rachel Berry, provide excellent singing entertainment.
However, the fly in the soup is the gay component. It is overdone to the point of suffocation. Watching "Glee" one might get the impression that homosexuality is the natural and the norm, and heterosexuality the rare exception. There are two gay male students, and two gay female students, and the first two six-season episodes are exclusively devoted to the romantic intrigues and relationship storms of these four characters. To make matters even more odd, the high school football coach is a masculine-looking woman who announces that she will be getting sexual reassignment surgery to gain a penis and become a man. Except that she will then be a gay man, because she is still attracted to men. If one wishes to enjoy the positive aspects of "Glee," he or she must be prepared to wallow in gayness as a condition thereof.
The fact is, "Glee" is a gay love story and always has been. No doubt gay people love it, but as a non-gay man, I find its negatives now outweigh its positives. I find the over-emphasis on the gay lifestyle vaguely disturbing and distasteful. I'm glad that this is the last season for "Glee." I am all gayed-out.
Flaming Gays,
Gays In Media,
Glee Television Series
Friday, January 16, 2015
Erick Erickson Disappoints on Honest Discussion About Race #Redstate #ErickErickson
We all know that progressives and leftists have a hair-pin trigger regarding racial questions. Say the wrong word, express the wrong sentiment, and you face severe social ostracism and professional ruin. Any implication that black people are different from other races, other than in skin color, results in paroxysms of outrage and moral posturing. However, this knee-jerk reaction is not limited to left wing moonbats; many conservatives suffer from this neurological malady as well. In my opinion, Erick Erickson of is one of them.
Erickson still insists that the GOP made a mistake in not removing Steve Scalise from his committee position. This in spite of Scalise's total exoneration of false accusations of racism. To refresh your memory, Scalise spoke at a Civic Organization many years ago, along with other speakers, on such benign topics as neighborhood watch, how to give CPR and (for Scalise) a tax bill winding through the Louisiana legislature. Unknown to Scalise, the hotel meeting room where he spoke was used later that day by an alleged white supremacist group, thereby infecting Scalise with racism by osmosis. In truth, the dubious attempt to slander Scalise is a typical act of Democrat bad faith. It's called "guilt by association," an old and unethical strategy to smear one's opponents. Erickson, however, appears too obtuse to see through it.
Now Erickson has found a new soapbox on which to pose and posture, that of Dave Agema, a Republican congressman from Michigan. Dave Agema republished a post from American Renaissance, an online newsletter that I link to (see left sidebar), that has caused liberal Republicans and faux conservatives like Erickson to hyperventilate and do a convincing imitation of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The article was unflattering to criminal blacks. Hell, TRUTH is unflattering to criminal blacks.
The article that Agema linked to was written by a public defender, a self-described liberal Democrat. The article is called Confessions of a Public Defender. The author describes the behavior and attitudes of blacks that he has represented at trial, as well as those of other racial groups he has served. His descriptions and conclusions are highly credible and believable, especially if one has read Colin Flaherty's recent book, White Girl Bleed a Lot.
Erickson is now advocating that Agema be removed from his committee post for republishing that article. His post "The Question on Dave Agema is Not Difficult," tells why. Ironically, the post is right above another Erickson post titled "New York Times Endorses Thought Crimes." Hypocritical much, Erick?
Honest discussions about race are likely to put blacks in a bad light (all those nasty crime statistics, mob violence, incarceration rates, knockout games and such). Therefore, anyone who wants to discuss black dysfunction will be slandered from here to Hoboken. Black people, after all, are only white people with dark skin -- a notion that I abandoned after the O.J. verdict in 1995.
To be sure, there are many black people who think and act civilly and intelligently, and are a credit to society. However, the black underclass is a major problem for society, and those problems should be discussed openly, not suppressed for partisan political reasons.
Erickson states:
Erickson still insists that the GOP made a mistake in not removing Steve Scalise from his committee position. This in spite of Scalise's total exoneration of false accusations of racism. To refresh your memory, Scalise spoke at a Civic Organization many years ago, along with other speakers, on such benign topics as neighborhood watch, how to give CPR and (for Scalise) a tax bill winding through the Louisiana legislature. Unknown to Scalise, the hotel meeting room where he spoke was used later that day by an alleged white supremacist group, thereby infecting Scalise with racism by osmosis. In truth, the dubious attempt to slander Scalise is a typical act of Democrat bad faith. It's called "guilt by association," an old and unethical strategy to smear one's opponents. Erickson, however, appears too obtuse to see through it.
Now Erickson has found a new soapbox on which to pose and posture, that of Dave Agema, a Republican congressman from Michigan. Dave Agema republished a post from American Renaissance, an online newsletter that I link to (see left sidebar), that has caused liberal Republicans and faux conservatives like Erickson to hyperventilate and do a convincing imitation of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The article was unflattering to criminal blacks. Hell, TRUTH is unflattering to criminal blacks.
The article that Agema linked to was written by a public defender, a self-described liberal Democrat. The article is called Confessions of a Public Defender. The author describes the behavior and attitudes of blacks that he has represented at trial, as well as those of other racial groups he has served. His descriptions and conclusions are highly credible and believable, especially if one has read Colin Flaherty's recent book, White Girl Bleed a Lot.
Erickson is now advocating that Agema be removed from his committee post for republishing that article. His post "The Question on Dave Agema is Not Difficult," tells why. Ironically, the post is right above another Erickson post titled "New York Times Endorses Thought Crimes." Hypocritical much, Erick?
Honest discussions about race are likely to put blacks in a bad light (all those nasty crime statistics, mob violence, incarceration rates, knockout games and such). Therefore, anyone who wants to discuss black dysfunction will be slandered from here to Hoboken. Black people, after all, are only white people with dark skin -- a notion that I abandoned after the O.J. verdict in 1995.
To be sure, there are many black people who think and act civilly and intelligently, and are a credit to society. However, the black underclass is a major problem for society, and those problems should be discussed openly, not suppressed for partisan political reasons.
Erickson states:
On his Facebook page Agema asserts the inferiority of blacks, that they cannot control their impulses, and that they cannot reason.Erickson is wrong. Agema did not assert "inferiority," and the comment on impulse control and reasoning ability is that of the public defender who is quoted, not Agema. The public defender wrote:
However, my experience has also taught me that blacks are different by almost any measure to all other people. They cannot reason as well. They cannot communicate as well. They cannot control their impulses as well. They are a threat to all who cross their paths, black and non-black alike.Possibly one of the dumbest things Erickson wrote in his hit piece is the assertion that
I do not know the solution to this problem. I do know that it is wrong to deceive the public. Whatever solutions we seek should be based on the truth rather than what we would prefer was the truth [Emphasis added for Erickson's benefit]. As for myself, I will continue do my duty to protect the rights of all who need me.
The Party of Lincoln should abide no person who cites Klansmen and no person who asserts that black citizens are inferior.Such egregious moral posing and posturing is truly reprehensible. With Republicans like Erickson, who needs Democrats? However, let us see what Lincoln actually did say about blacks vs whites:
I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is physical difference between the two which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.And Lincoln also said this:
Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.Lincoln's comments were truly outrageous. We should strip him of his Party credentials as well. And give a big horse laugh to Erick Erickson, whose ignorance of history (and race) is appalling.
Black Dysfunction,
Erick Erickson,
Racial Solutions,
Red State
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Back from Cataract Surgery: I Can SEE!
On Tuesday, January 13, I had cataract surgery on my right eye. For the past couple of days following the surgery, I have been resting and recuperating. I opted to have the right eye done first, as it was my worst eye, almost useless for years. I could see out of the eye, but my vision was noticeably blurrier and darker than that of my left eye. I relied on my left eye to get around.
I have been preparing for the surgery for several weeks, putting prescribed drops in my eye, planning which motel to stay in the night before my 6:45 AM appointment at the vision clinic. When I found myself laying on a hospital bed that was being pushed through halls and rooms, the overhead lights whizzing by, I knew the time had finally arrived. Then I was pushed under a white machine and suddenly felt some anxiety. Preparation time is over, this is it! My eye, my vision, my sight are in the hands of strangers. Hope they know what the hell they're doing.
The doctor put drops in my eye, then put a gizmo into my eye that prevents me from blinking and closing the eye. Intense light is then beamed into the eye; tears slide from my eye, but I can't blink or escape the light. I see a ring of black dots as a laser is lowered onto my eye, and I hear the clack clack clack of it cutting through the cornea. "Looks great," the doc says and my bed moves again, to a different room and machine. Now I stare at a red dot with more clack clack clacking. The doctor is destroying my natural lens, sucking it out somehow. Next, he floats an artificial lens over my eyeball and somehow pokes it into place. He closes the cornea flap and tapes gauze and an eye patch over my eye. I'm done. It took ten minutes, didn't hurt much at all, and doesn't hurt hardly at all, now that it's over.
The next morning I visit the doctor in his office for a followup. The nurse takes the eye patch off. I wait until it is all stripped away before opening my eye. And there's the world! I can see. I check the difference between my right and left eyes by putting my palm over one, and then the other. It is obvious that my right eye is now far better than my untreated left. The right has sharper focus and white appears white, not white with a yellowish tinge, as with my left eye.
The doctor tells me the eye will get better over the next few days, as it heals. I am thrilled! I have no longer any need of glasses for the right eye, and I opt not to wear my glasses at all. I can see that well.
I am impatient to have the left eye repaired next. Due to the tax season starting, it will probably have to wait until after April 15.
I have been preparing for the surgery for several weeks, putting prescribed drops in my eye, planning which motel to stay in the night before my 6:45 AM appointment at the vision clinic. When I found myself laying on a hospital bed that was being pushed through halls and rooms, the overhead lights whizzing by, I knew the time had finally arrived. Then I was pushed under a white machine and suddenly felt some anxiety. Preparation time is over, this is it! My eye, my vision, my sight are in the hands of strangers. Hope they know what the hell they're doing.
The doctor put drops in my eye, then put a gizmo into my eye that prevents me from blinking and closing the eye. Intense light is then beamed into the eye; tears slide from my eye, but I can't blink or escape the light. I see a ring of black dots as a laser is lowered onto my eye, and I hear the clack clack clack of it cutting through the cornea. "Looks great," the doc says and my bed moves again, to a different room and machine. Now I stare at a red dot with more clack clack clacking. The doctor is destroying my natural lens, sucking it out somehow. Next, he floats an artificial lens over my eyeball and somehow pokes it into place. He closes the cornea flap and tapes gauze and an eye patch over my eye. I'm done. It took ten minutes, didn't hurt much at all, and doesn't hurt hardly at all, now that it's over.
The next morning I visit the doctor in his office for a followup. The nurse takes the eye patch off. I wait until it is all stripped away before opening my eye. And there's the world! I can see. I check the difference between my right and left eyes by putting my palm over one, and then the other. It is obvious that my right eye is now far better than my untreated left. The right has sharper focus and white appears white, not white with a yellowish tinge, as with my left eye.
The doctor tells me the eye will get better over the next few days, as it heals. I am thrilled! I have no longer any need of glasses for the right eye, and I opt not to wear my glasses at all. I can see that well.
I am impatient to have the left eye repaired next. Due to the tax season starting, it will probably have to wait until after April 15.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
In the suicidal mainstream media, any European political movement is "Far Right" if it opposes Islamic immigration and Islamization.
Why "Far" right? Is common sense and a desire for self-preservation "extreme" positions? Is it unreasonable or irrational to fear being beheaded, shot, stabbed or blown up by Muslim immigrants?
No. It's a no-brainer. Muslims kill people. All Muslims? No, just the devoted ones who follow their own scriptures and the example of their "prophet."
What is extreme is an immigration policy that will replace Western civilization with 7th Century barbarism, backwardness and tyranny. It is both rational and reasonable that Europeans are beginning to resist the national suicide imposed by their delusional rulers. The mass murder of 12 French journalists this week was the "fire bell in the night"needed to awaken the European masses. Meanwhile, Muslims throughout the Middle East celebrated the murders with hugs and sweets, once again demonstrating the vicious nature of Islamic culture and its anti-human values.
Some of the resistance movements include U.K.'s Britain First Party and the UK Independence Party (UKIP). France has the French National Front. Now Germany has an anti-Islamization movement growing in numbers. It is called PEGIDA, which stands for "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident," in German. Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, denounced PEGIDA saying that they "had hate in their hearts." If that be so, I am with them, for I too have hate in my heart: I hate Islam, just as I hate Communism and Fascism. All three ideologies have caused the murders of millions, and Islam outstrips the latter two by a large amount.
The true "extremists" are those who don't hate such evil, but instead invite it in, give it aid and comfort, rationalize it and defend it. They must be opposed and they must be stopped.
Why "Far" right? Is common sense and a desire for self-preservation "extreme" positions? Is it unreasonable or irrational to fear being beheaded, shot, stabbed or blown up by Muslim immigrants?
No. It's a no-brainer. Muslims kill people. All Muslims? No, just the devoted ones who follow their own scriptures and the example of their "prophet."
What is extreme is an immigration policy that will replace Western civilization with 7th Century barbarism, backwardness and tyranny. It is both rational and reasonable that Europeans are beginning to resist the national suicide imposed by their delusional rulers. The mass murder of 12 French journalists this week was the "fire bell in the night"needed to awaken the European masses. Meanwhile, Muslims throughout the Middle East celebrated the murders with hugs and sweets, once again demonstrating the vicious nature of Islamic culture and its anti-human values.
Some of the resistance movements include U.K.'s Britain First Party and the UK Independence Party (UKIP). France has the French National Front. Now Germany has an anti-Islamization movement growing in numbers. It is called PEGIDA, which stands for "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident," in German. Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, denounced PEGIDA saying that they "had hate in their hearts." If that be so, I am with them, for I too have hate in my heart: I hate Islam, just as I hate Communism and Fascism. All three ideologies have caused the murders of millions, and Islam outstrips the latter two by a large amount.
The true "extremists" are those who don't hate such evil, but instead invite it in, give it aid and comfort, rationalize it and defend it. They must be opposed and they must be stopped.
Friday, January 09, 2015
Why We MUST Blasphemy Islam: Russ Douthat of NY Times Tells Why #CharlieHedbo #jesuischarlie
Russ Douthat's essay in the New York Times, "The Blasphemy We Need," is a must-read article. It clarifies better than any other why "blasphemy" is sometimes a courageous act that serves a free society's greater good. He writes:
...some of the images (anti-Islamic and otherwise) Charlie Hebdo engaged in had deadly consequences, as everyone knew it could … and that kind of blasphemy is precisely the kind that needs to be defended, because it’s the kind that clearly serves a free society’s greater good. If a large enough group of someones is willing to kill you for saying something, then it’s something that almost certainly needs to be said, because otherwise the violent have veto power over liberal civilization, and when that scenario obtains it isn’t really a liberal civilization any more. Again, liberalism doesn’t depend on everyone offending everyone else all the time, and it’s okay to prefer a society where offense for its own sake is limited rather than pervasive. But when offenses are policed by murder, that’s when we need more of them, not less, because the murderers cannot be allowed for a single moment to think that their strategy can succeed.Read it all here.
Muslims Need to Know: We Will NEVER Stop Mocking the "Prophet" Who Ordered Our Deaths #CharlieHedbo
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Muhammad Meets His Maker |
Reflecting Light blog has referenced an article on a huge Muslim protest going on in London. The Muslims there are protesting and picketing Google's London headquarters, demanding that Google remove the YouTube video "The Innocence of Muslims." That film, they say, mocks their glorious prophet, Muhammad. Indeed it does, and indeed it must remain. Western freedom of speech takes priority over any and all religions, and it is more important when it addresses Islam.
Approximately 1,450 years ago, Muhammad pledged war on all mankind, at the Pledge of Aquaba. All humans on earth would convert to Islam, or be killed or enslaved if they did not convert. Those who became Muslims would live under a brutal ideology with little empathy for human suffering, and absolutely no tolerance for individual liberty.
In early times, Muslims invaded and conquered many Christian countries, including Greece and Spain, and forced their populations to convert. The Muslims have also been aggressive towards Hindus, killing millions of them as well. This aggression has reawakened in recent years, and once again Muslims are attacking us "infidels."
911, the London and Spain bombings, the mass murders in Beslan, Mumbai and Fort Hood, are the worst of recent Muslim mass murder, but there are many other smaller attacks and failed attempts (See here and here). And when Muslims aren't killing non-Muslims, they are busy killing each other, all in the name of their religion.
We see Islam as a death cult. Its mission is mass murder. Almost no one is safe in the west these days, and for that reason we cannot and will not stop mocking Muhammad and the religion that he created. We simply cannot offer any respect, reverence or credibility to a religion whose goal is to kill us or conquer us. We must constantly show our contempt for Islam because of the evil deeds it does daily, and to retard its growth, cause doubts in its believers and awaken westerners to the threat. We must, because if we do not, then death or dhimmitude will be our lot, and we acquiesce in our own demise.
Make no mistake, we don't care what religion anyone practices, as long as it is peaceful and tolerant of differing views. We do not attack Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto or Sikhism; we do not mock these religions or their prophets or equivalents. We say "go in peace, and may God be with you." The only reason why we attack Islam and its prophet is because they are a mortal threat to us, and to all followers of other faiths.
I don't see any way out of this conflict, except for Muslims and non-Muslims to live separately and apart, in separate societies. Once the Islamic threat is lessened to a significant degree, the mocking of Islam will decline naturally. In any case, we will never allow any laws to be passed that restrict our freedom of speech and our ongoing criticism of Islam and its prophet. We will fight before we allow that to happen. So protest and picket until you are blue in the face; it will be of no avail.
Two Good Muslim Terrorists: They're Dead
French authorities tracked the two Charlie Hedbo murderers to an abandoned warehouse, then killed them. Another scumbag, an associate of the first two, entered a kosher market to take hostages in support of his comrades, and was also killed. Unfortunately, four of the hostages were killed as well.
Europeans are beginning to learn the folly of their immigration laws, and the danger of admitting millions of Muslims into their country.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but many more support these terrorists in various ways, some by financial support, some by moral support, and others by refusing to condemn terrorism and jihad. The problem is not necessarily bad people, it is bad ideology. Islam teaches that killing infidels is mandatory, that armed aggression against non-Muslim communities is imperative. The danger is that many peaceful Muslims may later become more religious, and read their holy texts, then opt to follow their commandments for murder. And, if they do not, there is a high probability that some of their offspring will.
In one of the Haddiths, Muhammed was described as saying that jihad was the highest virtue. If a Muslim does not die in jihad, that is, making war on non-believers, his chances of going to Heaven were only one in one thousand. True believers, therefore, can be expected to murder people of other faiths -- and the history of Islam has proven this to be true, with millions murdered since Muhammad gave his commandments.
The lesson is clear: Islam is incompatible with western values, and should be largely excluded from our nations. No practicing Muslim should ever be allowed to immigrate into a western country.
Europeans are beginning to learn the folly of their immigration laws, and the danger of admitting millions of Muslims into their country.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but many more support these terrorists in various ways, some by financial support, some by moral support, and others by refusing to condemn terrorism and jihad. The problem is not necessarily bad people, it is bad ideology. Islam teaches that killing infidels is mandatory, that armed aggression against non-Muslim communities is imperative. The danger is that many peaceful Muslims may later become more religious, and read their holy texts, then opt to follow their commandments for murder. And, if they do not, there is a high probability that some of their offspring will.
In one of the Haddiths, Muhammed was described as saying that jihad was the highest virtue. If a Muslim does not die in jihad, that is, making war on non-believers, his chances of going to Heaven were only one in one thousand. True believers, therefore, can be expected to murder people of other faiths -- and the history of Islam has proven this to be true, with millions murdered since Muhammad gave his commandments.
The lesson is clear: Islam is incompatible with western values, and should be largely excluded from our nations. No practicing Muslim should ever be allowed to immigrate into a western country.
Wednesday, January 07, 2015
I Am Charlie Hedbo #JeSuisCharlie
The above caption is being exhibited throughout Paris and France today. It means "I Am Charlie." We infidels are all Charlie Hedbo. We are all the victims of 911, of London, Madrid, Beslan, Mumbai, Fort Hood, Boston, Benghazi, Nairobi and now Paris.
However, slogans and solidarity with victims and candlelight vigils are all well and good, but not nearly enough. To prevent Islamic mass murder, we must isolate ourselves from this despicable religion, by ending their immigration into the west, and by banning Islam for the violent and seditious force that it is.
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The Depiction of Muhammad That Resulted in Mass Murder by Muslims |
The leaders of western Europe have had their heads up their asses for years, allowing millions of these murderous barbarians to immigrate. The slow and steady erosion of western freedoms has been the result, along with the occasional terrorist attack and murder of the host country's citizens. Today's murder of twelve French citizens is just another one in a long line of atrocities.
Whatever idiocy led these leaders to adopt such immigration policies, it is way past time to call a halt. Islam in Europe must be banned, because ISLAM IS TERRORISM, ISLAM IS MASS MURDER. It brings much harm and little if any good to the nations it infests.
This week illustrates the idiocy of allowing Muslim immigration. The moronic leader of Germany, Angela Merkel, chastised a growing group of German citizens who have been marching and protesting the Islamization of their country. Resistance groups are also active in the U.K. and France, though heavily censored and harassed by the establishment. Incidents like this latest murder will cause such movements to grow. We need to welcome and support these resistance groups, both spiritually and financially. With regard to Islamization of YOUR country, I have one word of advice: RESIST.
Some observations and opinions:
- Every time Muslim immigrants murder citizens of western nations, the leaders of those nations are as guilty as the gunmen. This is especially true for traitors like Angela Merkel, David Cameron, and François Hollande, the leaders of Germany, the U.K. and France, respectively.
- Every time a Muslim atrocity occurs against the citizens of a western nation, one mosque should be bulldozed in return.
- Muslim perpetrators of these atrocities should be hanged, and their corpses incinerated. They should not be allowed any religious rites nor buried according to Islamic traditions.
The solution to this immigration insanity is what Dutch politician Geert Wilders had been advocating for some time: all Muslim immigration into the west must be stopped, and those Muslims already here encouraged to leave. Building of mosques should be prohibited. To that I would add, any and all tax advantages for being a "religion" should be ended at once.
Post the Hedbo depiction of the FALSE PROPHET (above) on your blog now to show solidarity with the murdered Hedbo staff and AGAINST Islam.
The time for rationalizing this deadly ideology is over. The time for liberal posing and posturing in defense of monstrous barbarians is finished. ISLAM MUST BE BANNED in the western nations. Let the deportations begin!
Sunday, January 04, 2015
The Islamization of Europe
A very disturbing disaster-in-the-making is the ongoing Islamization of Europe. By Islamization, I mean:
- Allowing millions of Muslims to immigrate into European countries;
- Providing public subsidies of Mosque building therein;
- Providing public support (welfare) for many of those Mulsim immigrants;
- Forcing majority acceptance of unsavory Muslim practices, such as polygamy, wife-beating, Sharia law, burquas and veils, Halal slaughter and Muslim enclaves (no-go zones);
- Appeasement of the Muslim immigrants by suppressing crosses, piggy banks, beer and wine, music stores, dogs and signs about bacon;
- Restrictions on free speech, where Brits, French citizens, Italian citizens, Swedes and Danish citizens are fined or imprisoned (or both) for critically speaking about, writing about, tweeting about, blogging about, or otherwise objecting to Islamic practices and immigrant behavior.
Note that in these countries, truth is not a defense in voicing criticisms or concerns. Some recent examples of European (and American) support for Islamization:
- French citizens are heavily fined for objecting to Islamization. See Moonbattery's listing of details.
- German Journalist Michael Stürzenberger Fined 1200 Euros for Criticizing Islam. See here for details.
- Danish Woman Guilty of Racism for Criticizing Islam -- See this link.
- Germany’s Silencing of Islam Critics -- See this link.
- Censorship, "Mental Illness" Overrun France -- See this link.
- And, even in America: MAINE FINES GROUP FOR CRITICIZING ISLAM -- See this link.
Western Civilization appears intent on committing cultural suicide. The mass importation of a barbaric, intolerant, hostile and unassimilable culture, while protecting it from criticism by Draconian means, is truly disturbing. The question is, how do we fight this Islamization? How do we reverse it?
Thursday, January 01, 2015
New Year Thoughts: Happy 2015!
Two-thousand fifteen has a nice ring to it. Many of us feel hopeful on the first day of the year. Maybe this year will be better than the last. Maybe not.
The political problems seem severe: the worst race relations in decades. Riots, the knock-out game, widespread wildings of young blacks, the hateful anti-police movement -- all worry me.
The good news includes falling gasoline prices, a shot in the arm to the economy, and the fact that a Republican majority will preside over both the Senate and the House. The odious Harry Reid will no longer be Senate Majority Leader.
For the past four weeks I have been applying for jobs with various tax preparation firms, and was offered a job by two different CPA firms just this week. The pay rate offered is reasonable and will pay some bills. My economic situation will be a big improvement over the past six years. I accepted a job with a firm in Campbell, California and look forward to the tax season.
Here is wishing all conservatives a happy and prosperous New Year!
The political problems seem severe: the worst race relations in decades. Riots, the knock-out game, widespread wildings of young blacks, the hateful anti-police movement -- all worry me.
The good news includes falling gasoline prices, a shot in the arm to the economy, and the fact that a Republican majority will preside over both the Senate and the House. The odious Harry Reid will no longer be Senate Majority Leader.
For the past four weeks I have been applying for jobs with various tax preparation firms, and was offered a job by two different CPA firms just this week. The pay rate offered is reasonable and will pay some bills. My economic situation will be a big improvement over the past six years. I accepted a job with a firm in Campbell, California and look forward to the tax season.
Here is wishing all conservatives a happy and prosperous New Year!
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