Sunday, October 14, 2012

Muslims Need to Know: We Will NEVER Stop Mocking the "Prophet" Who Ordered Our Deaths

Muhammad Meets His Maker
Reflecting Light blog has referenced an article on a huge Muslim protest going on in London.  The Muslims there are protesting and picketing Google's London headquarters, demanding that Google remove the YouTube video "The Innocence of Muslims."  That film, they say, mocks their glorious prophet, Muhammad.  Indeed it does, and indeed it must remain.  Western freedom of speech takes priority over any and all religions, and it is more important when it addresses Islam.

Approximately 1,450 years ago, Muhammad pledged war on all mankind, at the Pledge of Aquaba.  All humans on earth would convert to Islam, or be killed or enslaved if they did not convert.  Those who became Muslims would live under a brutal ideology with little empathy for human suffering, and absolutely no tolerance for individual liberty.

In early times, Muslims invaded and conquered many Christian countries, including Greece and Spain, and forced their populations to convert.  The Muslims have also been aggressive towards Hindus, killing millions of them as well.  This aggression has reawakened in recent years, and once again Muslims are attacking us "infidels."

911, the London and Spain bombings, the mass murders in Beslan, Mumbai and Fort Hood, are the worst of recent Muslim mass murder, but there are many other smaller attacks and failed attempts (See here and here).  And when Muslims aren't killing non-Muslims, they are busy killing each other, all in the name of their religion.

We see Islam as a death cult.  Its mission is mass murder.  Almost no one is safe in the west these days, and for that reason we cannot and will not stop mocking Muhammad and the religion that he created.  We simply cannot offer any respect, reverence or credibility to a religion whose goal is to kill us or conquer us.  We must constantly show our contempt for Islam because of the evil deeds it does daily, and to retard its growth, cause doubts in its believers and awaken westerners to the threat.  We must, because if we do not, then death or dhimmitude will be our lot, and we acquiesce in our own demise.

Make no mistake, we don't care what religion anyone practices, as long as it is peaceful and tolerant of differing views.  We do not attack Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto or Sikhism; we do not mock these religions or their prophets or equivalents.  We say "go in peace, and may God be with you."  The only reason why we attack Islam and its prophet is because they are a mortal threat to us, and to all followers of other faiths.

I don't see any way out of this conflict, except for Muslims and non-Muslims to live separately and apart, in separate societies.  Once the Islamic threat is lessened to a significant degree, the mocking of Islam will decline naturally.  In any case, we will never allow any laws to be passed that restrict our freedom of speech and our ongoing criticism of Islam and its prophet.  We will fight before we allow that to happen.  So protest and picket until you are blue in the face; it will be of no avail.