Adobe, in real life I don't think Obama even asked the question he asks in the cartoon -- how can we keep it from happening again. I really don't think he cares enough to ask. I hope those four dead Americans haunt his ass for the rest of his miserable life.
Even the WaPo's lead editorial yesterday criticized Obama over the Benghazi debacle. I find the WaPo's editorial quite the sea change for that Leftist rag.
Democrats Stand for Ukraine but Sit for America
Photo Credit:Congress in session.
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Trump’s first month in office has been like a wrecking ball for Democrats,
disastrous for the ent...
22 hours ago
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I think I saw that in the dictionary under "nobrainer"
Adobe, in real life I don't think Obama even asked the question he asks in the cartoon -- how can we keep it from happening again. I really don't think he cares enough to ask. I hope those four dead Americans haunt his ass for the rest of his miserable life.
Even the WaPo's lead editorial yesterday criticized Obama over the Benghazi debacle. I find the WaPo's editorial quite the sea change for that Leftist rag.
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