I am a life member of Sons of Confederate Veterans. The organization has been around since 1896, originally organized to care for Confederate veterans of the Civil War and to safeguard their memory and history. It was known that the victors write the history books and that the South would be largely slandered and slimed by Northern historians. The Sons would be a counterbalance to their bias.
The Sons is not some kind of racist or extremist organization. Our main activities include memorials and memoriams, seminars and conventions. We spend a lot of time in cemeteries, repairing old graves and obtaining headstones for those unmarked and long-forgotten veterans. We often cooperate with the Sons of Union Veterans for mutual goals. (Say Crooks & Liars, are the Sons of Union Veterans "Neo-Yankees"? The Sons of the American Revolution "neo-colonists"? Just asking.)
The Sons is a non-profit organization that is exempt under IRC 501C(3). Membership is open to any male who is a lineal or collateral ancestor of a Confederate soldier, sailor or marine. The organization has members of many races and creeds, including white, hispanic, Jewish, black, Chinese, American Indian, Catholic, Protestant, liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican and Libertarian. When you insult the Sons, you insult a broad spectrum of humanity.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans has no political purpose or agenda and ousts any members connected with hate groups. Nitwit Neiwert stresses the fact that the Southern Povery Law Center thinks the Sons are "racist" and "Neo-Confederate" (whatever that means), but anyone in the know is well aware that the far-left SPLC is an egregious fraud. They call everybody racist and constantly exaggerate the number and size of "hate groups" in order to bring in dues from the gullible public -- and even Rush Limbaugh has said as much. They are the richest of all non-profit organizations, with funds that are in the millions of dollars. They have been denounced as a fraud by many people, including prominent liberals.
The American Civil War was not some simplistic fight between good and evil. It was a complex cultural event centered mainly around the issue of secession. The war was NOT fought to end slavery, but to force the South back into a union it no longer wanted. It was a war of conquest, more about the right to taxation and control of territory than it was anything else. Slavery was a side issue, falsely portrayed as a priority after the war to give moral justification for the North's invasion and the loss of 640,000 lives.
Oh yes, do I support secession? You bet your ass I do. Just like our Founding Fathers did.
Via: The Other McCain
Via: Crooks and Liars
Via: Memeorandum
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