Friday, January 06, 2012

Los Angeles Times Deems Photoshop of Michelle Obama "Racist" (Yawn)

Big Journalism calls a biased, leftwing newspaper "the Incrediby Shrinking L.A. Times."  One of their knee-jerk lefty columnists, Christopher Knight, disliked a satirical Photoshop of Michelle Obama as Marie Antoinette and called it....(wait for it)..."RACIST."  Knight said that "the caricature of Obama as a profligate queen relies on the racist stereotype of an 'uppity Negro.' "

What a chicken-sh*t, cowardly argument.  With such an interpretation, no criticism of any black person, no matter how legitimate, is allowed, because they will always be "racist," even though race is not an element, either express or implied, in that criticism.

The dishonesty of Knight's self-serving slander is obvious:  to silence critics of Barack Obama and his wife by attaching a false stigma of bigotry to any criticism.  It is insulting to blacks, as it clearly demonstrates Knight's belief that blacks are inferior, social invalids who cannot be held responsible for their deeds.

"Racism" is the left's lazy, adolescent name-calling when they have no legitimate arguments to present (which is often).  The false charge has lost most of its stigma through over-use.  The only revulsion this epithet should engender in the reading public is disgust...for the one making the charge.