Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sad Thoughts on the Virginia Tech Atrocity

I am feeling blue about the murder of 32 students and faculty at Virginia Tech yesterday. What possesses a young man to think that murdering strangers is the thing to do?

I can only imagine how parents and family are feeling today. My own son was a college student at UC Santa Cruz, and I know how precious he is to me, how innocent he was when he went off to school, how much I yearned to protect him from all of the dangers of chance while knowing that it was not possible.

That kids can be killed in an American university is truly appalling. How can you protect yourself against such wild machinations of fate? The truth is, you can't, anymore than you can protect yourself from earthquakes, tornadoes or lightening strikes. Life and circumstances are largely unpredictable.

My heart goes out to that community.

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