Brett Kavanaugh, nominee for justice of the Supreme Court, is under an energetic attack by the Democratic Party. The Dems have relied on their go-to strategy, which is to accuse the Republican target of sexual aggression against women, and the more embarrassing the accusation, the better.
There have been two accusations against Kavanaugh that have served to delay a vote on his confirmation to the court. These accusations have been thoroughly vetted and analyzed on Twitter, and both are weak and dubious. Here's why:
Christine Blasey Ford, a leftwing activist and professor of psychology, claimed that Kavanaugh accosted her at a party in 1982, when he was 17 and she was 15. She said he pushed her onto a bed, groped her, and tried to remove her clothing. Ford could not provide any authenticating details to her tale, like the month, the location, how she got to the party and how she got home after it was over. There is a good reason why a liar would omit any such details: they could be used against her, to refute her story. Indeed, Kavanaugh demonstrated this by coming up with his 1982 social calendars, none of which document any party as described by Ford.

Ford's story has fallen apart this week, as four people that she listed as witnesses, denied that such a party happened, that they saw Kavanaugh there, or that they subsequently heard about the alleged attack through the grapevine. Ford claims that she told no one about the attack, not her parents, not the police, not school officials, not any of her friends. She only "remembered" the incident after going to a psychiatrist in 2012 where she learned that she had repressed the traumatic event. Kavanaugh's name was not mentioned nor recorded in the psychiatrist's notes.
Ford has refused to testify under oath that this attack actually occurred, and her attorneys have tried to impose absurd conditions on any such testimony. This appears to be because she is afraid of a perjury charge, a consciousness of her own falsity in the charges. She has tentatively agreed to testify this coming Thursday, but only if the conditions of her testimony are negotiated in her favor. My take: she will not testify and will withdraw at the last moment.
Summary: Why Ford is not believable:
1. All four people identified by Ford as witnesses have denied any knowledge of the alleged event;
2. Witnesses have described Kavanaugh as a very ethical person, and that such behavior would have been totally out of character for him.
3. Ford has provided no authenticating details that would corroborate her tale.
4. Ford is a far-left, pro-abortion activist whose political activities reveal an anti-Trump bias.
5. Ford has an animus against the Kavanaugh family because Kavanaugh's mother was the judge in the bankruptcy of Ford's parents, where the parents lost their house.
6. Ford has resisted or refused all opportunity to testify and be interviewed by the Justice Committee, an apparent consciousness of her own potential perjury.
Deborah Ramirez, Yale Student With Kavanaugh
After Christine Ford's accusation fell apart, the Democrats came up with a new woman willing to make apocryphal allegations against Kavanaugh. A woman named Deborah Ramirez came forward to announce that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her at a Yale party in Kav's freshman year. However, she admitted that she was very drunk and not sure that the culprit was actually Kavanaugh and it might have been someone else. However, after six days of coaching from her attorneys, she was able to clarify her "memory" (imagination?) and Voila! It was indeed Kavanaugh.
Ramirez reached out to her former Yale pals and classmates to corroborate her accusations. Howefver, they did not corroborate her, they refuted her. It didn't happen. No one witnessed such an event, nor did they hear anything about it afterwards. Her Yale pals even stated that if it had happened, they surely would have heard about it, and further, such behavior would be totally inconsistent with everything they knew about Kavanaugh. Some of them wrote the statement below, posted on Twitter, and it does not corroborate Ramirez at all.
Ramirez's story was turned down by the New York Times, and the Washington Post, because they saw the story as too weak and uncorroborated to publish. The Times interviewed several of Ramirez's Yale friends and were unable to find any willing to confirm Ramirez's claim. Only the execrable New Yorker ran with the story. As David Horowitz noted on Twitter, the New York Times has low standards, but the New Yorker has none at all.
Summary: Why Ramirez is not believable:
1. Ramirez has no corroborating testimony of witnesses; in fact, potential witnesses deny the incident even happened.
2. Former Yale students have described Kavanaugh as a very ethical person, and that such behavior would have been totally out of character for him.
3. Ramirez admits she was stinking drunk at the party, has gaps in her memory from it, and could be mistaken about the incident. (Her "I was drunk" story also serves to protect her from a perjury charge. If anything she said is disproved, it is not because she lied, it is because she "misremembered.")
4. Major liberal newspapers refused to run the story due to a lack of corroborating witnesses or other evidence.
Overall Conclusions: Liberal activists who have made accusations against Kavanaugh are lying and are not to be believed.